2011 Nations Grand Prix

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Ive made a choice that this race will not count and wont be rerun either.
Great, after everybody cried like hell it doesn´t count but if Tobias crash out due netkar problems or i can´t stay on server it counts of course :mad:. Sorry Bjorn, but the results are not right with or without Spa. I haven´t a clue how it´s in race cause i couldn´t make one due the game but if drivers get randomly problems with any kind of bugs every race it´s sinless to drive a league with it.
The best had been to stay with the Clio´s in Race 07, everything was prapared and ready. I still cant understand why skipped that. So i´m sorry for you Bjorn and all your effort you putting in this league, you can´t anything for that. It´s shame but my motivation moving to zero for it :rose-dead:.

da gebe ich dir vollkommen recht habe auch nciht mehr sonderlich laune. Also wenn es für dich ok ist lassen wirs hier sein.

Werde ab donnerstag bei Radiator Springs Racing die liga mitfahren. Da hatte ich noch nie so probleme wie bei all den Rennen hier. Läuft alles viel gesitteter ab. Und mir dann hier den Sonntag abend freizuhalten und zu fahren und dann noch nichtmal die punkte dafür zubekommen finde ich auch nciht ok. Wurde hier auch bei beiden Rennen am start abgeschossen. Bei RSR wird das hart bestraft und deswegen kommt sowas da nicht vor.

Wie schauts bei dir aus haste auch lust und zeit die Rennen mit zufahren. Die sind immer donnerstag nach den F1 Rennen, mit den gleichen Strecken. Falls du laune hast könnten wir ja in einem team zu zweit fahren.
Well this race not counting nothing is changing. the only diffirence is that its not a 7 round championship but a 6 race championship.
I do understand your frustations Andreas but we had to choose after a poor race ngp series to run it in another format/game.
Yes i do know that nk pro is buggy and that it has got terrible problems concerning the netcode.

All teams have had their bad luck this year but what ive seen in spa was severe in a way nobody can do anything about it..disconnections, lag,netcode just name them they were all there.
Trust me guys if it was up to me i would serve you the best possible game and league but sometimes it just doesnt go the right way.
We can all stop now or just continue and work together as 1 team to finish this season what we started

I am really proud of this league not because its a top league no not at all.. its because we build this league together all of us every single person.

We all learning lessons from this and basicly all im asking is to finsih the season and accept these circumstances as they are.

i love racing in the wet in spa its a big challenge...BUT...my fps was worse i ever had in qually and race...so looks like for me at the momment i can onlyu race in the dry....not that im a full time driver here,im just reserve but i try 110%
Bjorn no problem, wholeheartedly with you, and anyway I start I always end, the championship I do so until the end
seen passionate response to anything that touches the NGP, other drivers, I should not be the only one to have taken this decision

pas de probleme Bjorn ,de tout coeur avec toi ,et de toutes façon, ce que je commence je le termine toujours, ce championnat je le fairais jusqu'a sa fin
vu les reactions passionnées , pour tout ce qui touche le NGP, des autres pilotes, je ne doit pas etre le seul a avoir pris cette décision
Andreas I understand how you must feel, but in no way was I whining for the result to be changed. I was frustrated which I think anyone in my position would have felt the same, I even said just before Bjorn posted his decision to not count this round, that I would accept the results.

Please let's just all get along. I realize my mistakes posting just after a race and starting a useless fight after Suzuka.

After all this is a fun group of people that came together, lets not let the competition go to our heads.
I am the new guy and unfortunately I placed in second place (undeserved to be sure) in the race, which may taint my opinion on the matter, but rest assured my comment on this mess wouldn't change had I finished last (which I almost did) or had I been booted out.

Sad as it is, the results and the points should stand. I think at list one of the finishers would Have gained the same or similar points had the race gone well. It would be unjust to that person or anyone else in that position.
That's just a procedural comment: netcode or server crashes could be likened to "acts of Nature" in RL Random events that could have affected the race one way or another and someone sadly got the shaft, but randomly so.

In iRacing, where I do the bulk of my racing is very infrequent that many competitors are booted or crash, but it does happen and the points, being automatic, do always count. It's the only way to keep racing and keep the races fair. I seem to understand that in the past, in this league, there have been events of drivers in the points being booted by the server. The race was not "adjusted" after the fact. Shouldn't be adjusted now or should be corrected retroactively as well.

Another note: when I first joined, I crashed several times in practice and in Q. On the last crash I went to my "Task Manager" and terminated some unnecessary programs and I went into netkar and I lowered the quality consisderably (I always runt it at the max since Ihave one of the fastest, most powerful computers money can buy).

After that, I stopped crashing. I did crash eventually after crossing the finish line, but that could have been the server resetting.

Again, I really apologize for finishing in a position I did not deserve and if the points were mine alone, I would gladly forfeit them. I did not deserve to finish second. Heck, I did not deserve to finish considering the way I drove, but finish I did. That was my goal and I stuck with it driving like a nun for the last 10 laps.

Again sorry for all this mess. I am looking forward to better races in the future.

PS: Incidentally, many leagues have "drop weeks" where x number of lowest scores are dropped for everyone. That could be a good compromise that would not hurt many people retroactively.
Lust hätte ich schon, zeitlich siehts da eher schlecht aus, da donnerstags auch die STC statt findet. Geht auch die Woche los, deswegen wird das leider nix. Aber irgendwann will ich das game ja auch mal inner liga fahrn, vllt. gibts da ja später etwas was besser passt.
Hi Phil, my Sunday sessions are usually at 2:00pm PST, but that depends on if and when I am racing in the championship on sunday. But usually around that time. It has my name on it and always starts with "Star Mazda @ Trackname"

It's also probably the only Star Mazda hosted session since most of them are oval guys racing trucks at Talladega (never understood the fun in going around a superspeedway pedal to the metal. I'd rather watch TV.

Anyway, I am sure you'll be a class C soon and can race with us. Our guys get faster and faster. Sometimes is frustrating. Just when I got a great Q time, somone beat the record by 2 seconds.
That´s nice Bjorn :) cause at least three teams drove the whole race and finished it so with this procedure to skip the worsest result i think can every team live. It change nothing with the problems in the game but we will see if we can drive the last races too.
I agree with Paul that we shouldn't let our transient frustrations get in the way of having fun. This is a great group to race with. But I do think the decision to count the race but allow the lowest result to drop is a good one. I'd go along with whatever decision Bjorn makes, and I wasn't in the race, and so perhaps shouldn't even voice my opinion. But I think that everyone worked hard for this race, and it seemed to be a difficult race. Rain!!!!!! :) So, it's bad that some who worked hard wound up with no points. It's also hard if someone who worked hard finished, but that work didn't count. Sometimes things happen. Mechanical failures, just bad luck. Some races are that way. Spa will be infamous in this group from now on I imagine. :) This seems a wise and good compromise to me.

Now, on to Brands Hatch, where I get to play again!!!
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