2011 Nations Grand Prix

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I've had a little time to reflect and well here goes for one last time, promis ;)

I've decided this will be my first and last league race at RD with Netkar, I will finish out the league as promised, and I might jump into a club race sometime in the future but I'm not really sure yet. I've had a nice time learning the ropes here and met some nice people especially Laurent who have motivated me and helped me to get better, as I am VERY new to simracing, I only bought Netkar in october and had only really played RBR and tinkered around with rFactor before. So I've come a long way in a short time.

Ok so long story short, what has ultimately turned me off in this last race was not the points lost or the fact that I crashed to desktop, (and yes I was being slightly melodramatic about it.) But it's the politicking and lobbying to get what you want at all costs even when everyone knows you don't deserve it. I made my point early on that I would not dispute the results and I won't, but what I will not stand for is people that threaten to leave the league if they don't get their way. Bjorn's original decision to keep the scores was ok by me and I did not PM him or make any claims to have him change his mind, he decided to not count Spa on his own judgment as far as I'm concerned. It's the goings on after that really I have to say I'm disgusted by. It's quite obvious politics are going on here and when you have a history here and are ranked high, you apparently have some say at RD. And that's just wrong.

I wish you all a great time in future races and leagues here at RD Netkar.


I dont know whats going on here. I just wanted to have fun with your guys here. And know your giving me the feeling of beeing a very bad guy here. I also didnt Pm bjorn, i just told my point of view. I think i am alloewed to do so. I would also be happy with the points for the second place. I am sorry for you paul that your lost your position in the last lap.

But now after all this discusion and beeing called as the ( "Victoire" de Spa) by someone in an pm. i dont want to race here anymore. I think for my teammembers it is ok, if take our " undeserved" points away. So that team france can go on.

So guys sad to have such an ending.

Sry Bjorn, i have a bad feeling for you. it was a pleasure to race under your crown.

Spa is over!!!!!!!!!!!! Spa deep! it 'll be time to think as a result, the clock does not have a policy!!!!!!!

Spa est fini!!!!!!!!!!!! vive Spa !!! il serai temps de penser a la suite, le chrono ne fait pas de politique!!!!!!!
Seems like is not just the Racing Club who needs to be rethink, people also have to rethink its concept commitment, a commitment to they own and with others and not give up at the slightest contrariety.

It is always easier to quit than continue to fight!
Seems like is not just the Racing Club who needs to be rethink, people also have to rethink its concept commitment, a commitment to they own and with others and not give up at the slightest contrariety.

It is always easier to quit than continue to fight!

Maybe you misunderstood me Sergio but I'm not quitting the league I wouldn't do that to my team mate! If Oliver wants to quit, well then "tant pis" as we say.
I just said I will finish the NGP but that I won't participate in any future NKp leagues here at RD.

As for club races I have never had a DNS, for Fuji I was too tired that's all. Been in more than one of those 4 car races here at RD and not only on Netkar!
Epá, pensei que ele tivesse dito...
Ele disse que tem sentido tonturas a jogar simuladores e vai fazer exames ou fez e o médico aconselhou a parar com isto por uns tempos. Não sei ao certo quanto tempo, até passar ou então acho q ele disse que continuava na mesma, mas para já não. Mas penso q o Noel diga aqui qq coisa.
Entretanto se já tiveres treinado manda o setup e vou dar umas voltas também provavelmente só lá para Sábado...

NGP race 5 @ Brands hatch - Sunday April 10th 2011


Race 5 is gonna take
us to Brands hatch. We are just passed the halfway point of the championship and its still basicly open. This track offers the drivers another a new challenge

Practice: 30 minutes starts at 19:00 GMT
Qualification: 30 minutes starts at 19:30 GMT
Race: 28 laps starts at 20:00 GMT
Weather: Dry

Download Skinpack here
Paul Hamwa patch here

Download track here

Points Scoring:
P01 - 25 pts
P02 - 18
P03 - 15
P04 - 12
P05 - 10
P06 - 08
P07 - 06
P08 - 04
P09 - 02
p10 - 01
1 point for qualifying on Pole.

If you race this race for a team post it in this thread!

We will use 1.3 nk pro make sure you downloaded the 1.3 (b) patch here

Important note: if you Finish the race dont leave the server straight away because
you will be deleted from the standings list in nkpro.
Wait for the racedirector to write down the standings.

Nation & Drivers.
  1. Italy Claudio Gandolfi
  2. Netherlands Freddie Besems
  3. South Africa
  4. Great Britain Chris Butcher
  5. Portugal Sérgio Marques
  6. New Zeeland Martin oConnor
  7. Turkey
  8. Germany Tobias kluge
  9. Croatia Senad subasic
  10. Libya Abdulhaq Elhouderi
  11. Scandinavia Steffen lauge sorenson
  12. America Phil Hopkins
  13. France Paul Hamwa
  14. Greece

1 France 25
2 Italy 18
3 Portugal 15
4 Scandanavia 12
5 New zeeland 10
6 America 8
7 Croatia 6
8 Germany 4
9 Netherlands DNF
10 South Africa DNS
11 Great Britain DNS
12 Libya DNS
13 Turkey DNS
14 Greece DNS

France 1
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