2011 Nations Grand Prix

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SPA and iRacing

Hi Guys, despite by better judgment, I finished the SPA race a few minutes ago. Somehow, I ended up in 2nd place, but some guys were griping that they got booted out of the server at the last lap. They were talking about freezing the score at lap 17, where I was in 4th place, I think (or lower).

We'll see, but let me tell you: full rain is a nightmare.

In regard to iRacing, I have been there almost a year, and I usually race the Star Mazda. I have raced most of the other cars also or at least I put in several laps in practice.

For the road cars, the tire model is not so bad. Very similar to the way NKpro drives. If NKpro is a 9, then iRacing is an 8. On the oval side, I uderstand it's a lot worse. They will be the first to get the tire model. In my limited oval experience, it's basically a drifting competition.

But at least in regard to the Star Mazda, the car I drive the most, the tire model is fine and it's been getting better (some changes to the suspension really made the car behave better lately).

I can tell you that even though I am only in division 5 (it's my second season in the SM) I drive that car to the limit. At Road America, for instance, my lap time is somewhere in the mid 2:04.5. Richard Towler time is 2:03 and change, so I am a bit more than a second off the fastest times this season (there are faster times on record, but they are too old to be considered. No one will reach those times again after the latest changes). I think that qualifies for the "edge".

But besides the tire model, which is just fine on most cars, for me the great advantage of iRacing is that anytime, day or night, I can login and at least find a spirited practice if not a race. Most of the Star Mazda races go official with multiple splits.

In other words, I don;t have to plan my life around a given race and I can always find folks to practice with.
Plus, the competition is fierce but most of the other members (at least on the road side) are gentlemen and very fair. It's not unusual to have someone wreck you and then wait for you to restart to give you back the place.

Anyway, to each is own, but given that I ahve every Sim ever made, from GPL on, iRacing is the only place where I know I can have a good time racing anytime I want. That to me is worth every penny it costs and if one is smart, it's not even that expensive.

Just my $0.02 of course. My opinion. I don;t expect everyone to agree or rush to iRacing and enroll on my say so.

Good luck and I am curious to see if my second place finish will stand or not.
You were trying to pass a car one or more laps ahead of you in full rain, Cesar. Which sent us both to pits.

Yes, but i had to pass, i was quite faster than you, and i could pass cleanly without slowing you. It doesnt make sense trying to hold me back and with zig-zag moves, they are not allowed in races, as i am sure you probably know. The full rain doesn't bother me, but, one more reason not to Zig-zag. Even if you don't think i should pass, there is no need closing like that, i cant even react to brake fast enough when i'm already passing, and if my overtake was illegal a simple post in the forum would resolve things, using the rules, no need for dangerous moves.
Speaking about framerate problems, I experienced degrading framerate in the Osella club race we did as well as when doing offline laps at spa in the KS2 in full wet conditions. Seems like the framerate starts degrade over time. I read on another forum of people experiencing the same problem.

Sounds like a bad race for most due to netkar issues. As for on track accidents, perhaps it would be useful to exchange replays so you could see the replay from both drivers view. :)
ho letto che è stata una carneficina, mal comune mezzo gaudio
Non vorrei dire, ma visto il macello generale ci sarebbero gli estremi per ripetere la gara.
Non sono ovviamente in grado di capire se il casino possa averlo fatto la pista addon (magari non sufficientemente testata...?), il meteo, o il pur deletereo entra/esci del concorrente libico, ma credo che il risultato sia stato troppo falsato per esser considerato buono...
Yes, but i had to pass, i was quite faster than you, and i could pass cleanly without slowing you. It doesnt make sense trying to hold me back and with zig-zag moves, they are not allowed in races, as i am sure you probably know. The full rain doesn't bother me, but, one more reason not to Zig-zag. Even if you don't think i should pass, there is no need closing like that, i cant even react to brake fast enough when i'm already passing, and if my overtake was illegal a simple post in the forum would resolve things, using the rules, no need for dangerous moves.

As I said, I had several guys racing me from the pits 1 or more laps behind. Then I get another guy coming from behind who I didnt know who it was, that was you, more than he was 1 or more laps behind, I just instinctively defended and a little irritated already being raced by other guys unnecessarily. I did luckily get ahead those guys but not by getting let through but basically racing them and overtaking.

I'm sorry if it was not good behaviour.
Wie geil ist das denn
, Gratuliere Oli - rainmaster :pray:. Freu mich riesig
, praktisch ein Doppelsieg nach Vettel heute früh :).
As I said, I had several guys racing me from the pits 1 or more laps behind. Then I get another guy coming from behind who I didnt know who it was, that was you, more than he was 1 or more laps behind, I just instinctively defended and a little irritated already being raced by other guys unnecessarily. I did luckily get ahead those guys but not by getting let through but basically racing them and overtaking.

I'm sorry if it was not good behaviour.

Ok Tomas, no problem, you can overtake and race, but we always should remember the rules. If you were the faster one i would let you through of course, because of the blue flag. This race was also very strange with all the problems, i was irritated as well with my computer and netkar, for screwing me like this :p

I agree with repeating the race, but wathever the decision of the organization, it's good to me.
We must make sure we find out what exactly is the problem first, though...
While understanding the difficulties on this, in my opinion the race could be run again, as other leagues do for server problems.

Actually the final result is complety distorted...:bad:

I agree entirely with Claudio, has exceptional event, exceptional decision, especially when it comes to connection problems and crash servers on several drivers who have encountered the same problem
in an isolated case is different, the better will be to identify the number of pilot using the replays that have been victim of these incidents connection crash (easy, like the replays hangs on the pilot ) and to a general vote for the measures to be taken
it is indeed not normal to kill a championship results for these problems.
for race incidents of bad behavior and aggressive behavior or intentional, the organizers need only nominate 2 or 3 drivers and administrators to review incidents and determine the causes and culprits ( in F1 there is always a former pilot who serves as Marshall )
In order not to change the behavior of drivers in this league, which until now was exemplary, it is necessary to properly regulate the attitudes of drivers in the race and take early measures to the most punitive wrongdoers, if not this league has sadly look like others or is sadly anarchy in the behavior of some drivers, naturellemnt championships that I withdrew my participation and I never stopped going, do not run preferring instead to see ruined by an irresponsible driver hours and hours we put in preparing our race and our setup

for the rule of five turns I 'm not quite agree, first becaufe never followed or based circuits, impossible! on the league you're talking Kamran, I have personally played in the past a number of races to show she had never been enforced and that drivers who violated, the time has not suffered any penalities,
The organizers are responsible for the proper management and conduct of participants in a race, almost more than the drivers fault, and it is very easy, if it does not immediately respond harshly to " spoil " a championship and a reputation for serious League
RDP seems to me till now with IRON leagues or have met from the other drivers with decency and fair play remarkable, should not that change and new should come under threat of severe sanctions, match this rule, at least in my opinion is an opinion quite personal

je suis entierement d'accord avec Claudio, a évenements exceptionnels ,décisions exceptionnelles , surtout quand il s'agit de problemes de connection et de crash servers concernant plusieurs pilotes qui on rencontré un probleme identiques
dans un cas isolé c'est différents ,le mieux serai de recenser le nombre de pilote a l'aide du replays qui ont été victime de ces incidents de crash connection (facile,l'image du replays se bloque sur le pilote) et de faire un vote général pour les mesures a prendre
c'est en effet pas normal de massacrer les résultats d'un championnat pour ces problemes.
pour les incidents de course et les comportements de mauvaises conduite ou d'agressivité délibérée , les organisateurs n'ont qu'a désigner 2 ou 3 pilotes et un administrateurs chargé d'examiner les incidents et d'en déterminer les causes et fautifs (en F1 il y a toujours un ancien pilote qui sert de Marshall)
Afin de ne pas changer les comportements des pilotes sur cette ligue ,qui jusqu'a maintenant était exemplaire, il est nécessaire de bien réglementer l'attitudes des pilotes en course et de prendre au plus vite les mesures les plus punitives pour les fautifs, sinon ce championnat ressemblera tristement a d'autres ou c'est tristement l'anarchie dans le comportement de certains pilotes, championnat auxquel naturellemnt j'aie retiré ma participation et que je ne fréquenterai plus jamais, ne préférant pas courir plutot que de voir ruiné par un pilote irresponsable les heures et les heures que nous mettons à préparer nos course et nos setup
pour la regle des 5 virages je ne suis pas tout a fait d'accord, d'abord parcequ'elle n'est jamais suivit ou en fonction des circuits, impraticable! sur la ligue dont tu parles Kamran ,j'y ai personnellement pratiqué par le passé un certain nombre de courses pour voir qu'elle n'avais jamais été appliquée et que les pilotes qui y contrevenaient ,ne subissaient a l'époque aucune pénalitée,
Les organisateurs sont responsables de la bonne gestion et des comportements des participants a une course, presque plus que les pilotes fautifs ,et il est tres facile, si il ne réagissent pas immédiatement durement , de "pourrir" un championnat et une réputation de sérieux de la ligue
jusqu'a maintenant RDP me parait avec IRON les ligues ou l'ont rencontre de la part des autres pilotes une attitude de courtoisie et de Fair Play remarquable , il ne faudrait pas que cela change et les nouveaux venu devraient sous peine de sanctions graves, s'aligner sur cette regle, c'est du moins mon avis qui est un avis tout a fait personnel
I'm sorry to read that the race has been such a disaster - it prob. should be raced again :/
I agree with you Laurent that 2 -3 officials should look closer at the replays after the race to see if someone has broken the rules. And I also think that the race start should be be done a bit differently - perhaps the polesitter drives the first lap in front and when he passes the first lap then the race is on.
If someone continues behaving badly in race after race he should be banished from racing here. As you said Laurent - we put a lot of time in the preparation before the races.
je suis entierement d'accord avec Claudio, a évenements exceptionnels ,décisions exceptionnelles , surtout quand il s'agit de problemes de connection et de crash servers concernant plusieurs pilotes qui on rencontré un probleme identiques
dans un cas isolé c'est différents ,le mieux serai de recenser le nombre de pilote a l'aide du replays qui ont été victime de ces incidents de crash connection (facile,l'image du replays se bloque sur le pilote) et de faire un vote général pour les mesures a prendre
c'est en effet pas normal de massacrer les résultats d'un championnat pour ces problemes.
pour les incidents de course et les comportements de mauvaises conduite ou d'agressivité délibérée , les organisateurs n'ont qu'a désigner 2 ou 3 pilotes et un administrateurs chargé d'examiner les incidents et d'en déterminer les causes et fautifs (en F1 il y a toujours un ancien pilote qui sert de Marshall)
Afin de ne pas changer les comportements des pilotes sur cette ligue ,qui jusqu'a maintenant était exemplaire, il est nécessaire de bien réglementer l'attitudes des pilotes en course et de prendre au plus vite les mesures les plus punitives pour les fautifs, sinon ce championnat ressemblera tristement a d'autres ou c'est tristement l'anarchie dans le comportement de certains pilotes, championnat auxquel naturellemnt j'aie retiré ma participation et que je ne fréquenterai plus jamais, ne préférant pas courir plutot que de voir ruiné par un pilote irresponsable les heures et les heures que nous mettons à préparer nos course et nos setup
pour la regle des 5 virages je ne suis pas tout a fait d'accord, d'abord parcequ'elle n'est jamais suivit ou en fonction des circuits, impraticable! sur la ligue dont tu parles Oliver ,j'y ai personnellement pratiqué par le passé un certain nombre de courses pour voir qu'elle n'avais jamais été appliquée et que les pilotes qui y contrevenaient ,ne subissaient a l'époque aucune pénalitée,
Les organisateurs sont responsables de la bonne gestion et des comportements des participants a une course, presque plus que les pilotes fautifs ,et il est tres facile, si il ne réagissent pas immédiatement durement , de "pourrir" un championnat et une réputation de sérieux de la ligue
jusqu'a maintenant RDP me parait avec IRON les ligues ou l'ont rencontre de la part des autres pilotes une attitude de courtoisie et de Fair Play remarquable , il ne faudrait pas que cela change et les nouveaux venu devraient sous peine de sanctions graves, s'aligner sur cette regle, c'est du moins mon avis qui est un avis tout a fait personnel

Well done, Corrado! Just to finish is an achievement in the rain. That's a great result for the team either way!

I do like iRacing. I'm new to it, just a couple of months. I have to say I like the Mustang pretty well. The Skippy is great, but I'm very slow in it. I just got the SM and will be racing it in another league here at RD. I've just run it at the Glen so far, but it's fun. Love that track.

Congrats again and the great result today.
Dear Kamran,
everyone on the track has not your talent, your ethics and your natural elegance, for some, including me, I attach great importance to the preparation of races and spends a lot of time helping my teammates improve their performance , so I think it is totally abnormal and that these efforts this time is ruined by an excited that confuses some video games, a racing simulator and who want the closest possible to reality.
I do not really know if it makes you laugh the drivers concerned, every game has its rules, whatever they are, to be practicing this game you simply have to respect them. and everyone has fun and makes fun of it!!

Cher Kamran,
tous le monde en piste n'a pas ton talent , ton ethique et ton élégance naturelle:D, pour certains, dont moi, j'attache beaucoup d'importance a la préparation des courses et consacre énormément de temps a aider mes coequipiers a améliorer leur performances:coffee:, aussi j'estime qu'il est totalement anormale que ces efforts et ce temps passé soit ruiné par un excité:bang: qui confond certains jeux video , a un simulateur et à des courses qui se veulent le plus proches possibles de la realité.
Je ne sais pas vraiment si cela fait rire les pilotes concerné:mad:, chaque jeux quelqu'il soient a ses règles, pour bien pratiquer ce jeux il faut tout simplement les respecter. et tous le monde s'amuse et prend du plaisir!!!!:)
Thanks Phil. I really cannot take credit for it, but I'll take the points nevertheless. Someone else can have the glory :)

Phil, you should really come race the Star MAzda with us in the iRacing championship as well. We have a great community there, I think second only to the skippy. People sshare tip[s, setups, I host a weekly session on Sundays with next week's track and it's a great little gathering every week (so popular next week I'll password it and post the pass on the forum).

plus the Sm is really one of the most fun cars on iRacing. I am sure you have noticed that already. I love the mustang and especially the V8, but I can't race those. The V8 is a beast and it takes forever to learn.

The Mazda instead is easy to drive, hard to master. It's got power, aero but not too much of either.

Plus, most of the drivers are really nice guys. Just yesterday someone got wrecked and not only the wrecker gave his spot to the wrecked guy, but the leader slowed down after the wreck so the guy wouldn't get lapped. Even a bit too nice if you ask me :)

All in all, I think the SM is a real little gem in iRacing. Maybe I should come and race the RD races too though. A bit more p-ractice won;t hurt.

See you on the track.
Thanks Corrado, I'd like to do that. This is the league I was talking about:


I race with a group of guys at R2P Sunday nights with the Power & Glory mod of GTR2, but I'm going to race Sunday afternoons in this RD league that I linked to. Next race there is at the Glen, which I love. It'll be my first race with them. The season just started.

I think you must mean the iRacing forum and a league in it. I can't race the SM in iRacing regular leagues yet. I'm still Class D. I'm ready to be promoted to Class C, at the next promotion, or if I get 0.26 more safety points to be above 4.0. Then I can race the SM in the iRacing leagues.

It sounds like a great group. I'll check out the forum there, and would love to join your sessions, if possible. What time do you host them?

I love Netkar, but the MP problems are really a big pain. I was playing around with some guys last night at Prato in the F1600. It was an empty server, so we all jumped in (we were on TS together), and a couple of us have pretty much the same times wherever we race and always race close, door to door and bumper to bumper, but we just kept crashing each other last night because the netcode said we contacted when we didn't. That's pretty frustrating not to be able to race close.
oops sorry Kamran!! I misread the thing!:facepalm:

this rule does absolutely nothing and is inaplicable you imagine in Melbourne, Aosta, Aviano!! to name a few
I think the basic drivers that drive and old regularly races RaceDepartment were all aware and reaches a level of control not to try hegemonically overruns completely crazy, kind of wanting to double in red on water spa:bang:, or T1 Adelaide!:no:
Respect the rules does not mean they do more to silence her attacker behavior and not try some things! But we are all aware that there are things you can do and have no other!!!!! without putting himself in danger and especially openly without turning its direct competitor
We also all know that race is not won at the first corner, but often is completely lost on 1 turn
that is why the rule of the 5 turns is totally obsolete and disrespect:ghost:

cette regle ne veut strictement rien dire et est inaplicable, tu l'imagine sur Melbourne, Aosta, Aviano !!!! pour ne citer qu'eux
je pense que les pilotes de base et les anciens qui animent regulierement les courses sur RaceDepartment ont tous conscience et atteind un niveau de pilotage suffisant pour ne pas tenter des dépassements completement dingue, du genre vouloir doubler dans l'eau rouge sur Spa , ou dans T1 sur Adelaide!
Respecter les regles ne veut pas dire non plus qu'ils fasse faire taire son comportement d'attaquant et ne pas tenter certaines choses !! Mais nous sommes tous conscient qu'il y a des choses que l'ont peut faire et pas d'autres !!!!! sans se mettre ouvertement en danger et surtout sans virer son concurrent directe
nous savons egalement tous qu'une course ne se gagne pas au premier virage ,mais bien souvent se perd totalement au 1 er virage
c'est pour cela que la regle des 5 virages est totalement obsolete et irrespectable
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