2011 Nations Grand Prix

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don't worry m8.......netcode is a big problem in netkar and this things happens, saddly, every day on the servers...... i think that here we are all clean drivers with a lot of respect for everyone, so tonight it was just a little error of Bojan + big problems of netkar = netcrash....

imho atm i'm hating a bit racing online with netkar due that problems..... i have always terror when i'm driving behind someone and i can't have fun while driving in that way..
It was not mistake of Bojan, please. Is there any replay? I lost little speed in spoon, so he was closing on me just a little, but that doesen't mean that he can slam into me. And that about be kind is funny, I mean he could pass me, but he didn't want it:D

His only chance was when he saw that I lost little speed and he tried to pass me for every coast.

No hard feelings, but this is how I see it.
It was not mistake of Bojan, please. Is there any replay? I lost little speed in spoon, so he was closing on me just a little, but that doesen't mean that he can slam into me. And that about be kind is funny, I mean he could pass me, but he didn't want it:D

His only chance was when he saw that I lost little speed and he tried to pass me for every coast.

No hard feelings, but this is how I see it.

np m8, probably i'm wrong coz i didn't watch the replay, was only saying that things because usually 99 times on 100 the problems is the netcode (for the 80% of the gulty) + some little errors by the follower or the guy in front (20%)
Purtroppo il netcode e i danni sono la rovina di netkar e con la KS2 il tutto si amplifica :frown::frown:.
Bravo comunque :thumbup:, quarto non è male, ho visto che a Spa hai fatto un tempone (nel rank con la 1.2) se hai un setup da provare :tongue::wink:


purtroppo quel set non funziona più bene con la 1.3, cmq te lo passo volentieri..... l'ho modificato un pò, ma non è malvagio cmq!!! ;)

No I stay inside at the corner I assume you think I was blocking you. It's the esses man...people have different lines.
You were clearly slowing down and blocking because you had cold tyres. Among other things like blocking people on their qualy lap, for example.

Quit acting like you're a gentleman, you're fast but you play dirty.
Are we even sure all replays would look the same? Cause what is saved in ones replay should be what you saw and your game interpreted from a possible laggy situation.. right?

I know from other games in ones view someone smashes into you, and on the other persons screen they are cruising far away in another part of the track. Not to judge this situation, I have no idea.

I think if you search on youtube for lag accident comparison or something, there is videos I've seen of two screens, same accident but totally different things happen on both screens.
Efter at have set Replayet syntes jeg at du kørte et fint og godt løb. Det var ærgeligt at du havde det uheld i første sving - dine omgangstider lå i den gode ende hele tiden :)
Tack, Steffen! Synd bara att jag hamnade så långt ifrån täten, men får helt klart vara nöjd med 10 poäng efter den vurpan där =)

Säg till om du vill träna inför nästa lopp så kan ja ordna en server.
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