2011 Nations Grand Prix

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quarto alla fine..... ma se non venivo centrato al via magari riuscivo a fare almeno secondo o terzo..... in ogni caso sono riuscito in minima parte a limitare i danni....

il report è semplice, al via parto cauto cerco di non urtare nessuno e me ne sto tranquillo largo all'esterno ed un bolide mi centra in pieno......premo esc e parto dai box.... purtroppo questa cosa mi ha un pò deconcentrato ed ho perso i primi 3-4 giri per riprendere la concentrazione nei quali purtroppo ho commesso anche 2 ingenuità che mi sono costate parecchi secondi (che poi si sarebbero rilevati vitali alla fine :( ) in ogni caso dopo quei 3-4 giri per riprendermi mi metto a girare a passi tardi e lenti....piano piano tra ritiri e problemi altrui mi ritrovo 4 in recupero sia sul terzo che sul secondo, infatti termino a 10 secondi scarsi dal terzo e una ventina scarsa dal secondo...... peccato, poteva essere una gara più divertente, ma tra il terrore del netcode e la partenza dai box è stato invece una faticaccia, anche se cmq piacevole ed inoltre cmq mi è stato utile per riprendere confidenza con la macchina con la quale avevo girato poco ultimamente!!!
First of all, again sorry for my start.
I was frustrated after being blocked and messing up the qualy, below my capacity in practice. I think I had the best start of all, pretty clear of cars to the sides. Not sure if I was too close but didnt see, someone steered into me or net code. Anyway I couldnt use the throttle or wheel properly and my car rolls out on track just infront of some poor racer =(((
I'm not sure but I think this was netcode. Anyway I am very sorry again for those involved.
hmmm, Tobias that is not good - the warping. your account is how I saw it too but you were far ahead after I ran wide in t1 when you went off again in the last cnr. Anyhow, I was pretty much off the pace, and experiencing severe stutter at many cnrs - esses, 130 R, and last chicane-- more than in any race i have done here before. Also did the "hit K instead of L key" and lost all control for a few hundred feet lol. Stupid bloody key set up on netkar.:D
Ok, niet echt winnen maar wel podium. Ik liep te knoeien in qualy en had gelukkig de laatste minuten een 6e plek te pakken.
Na een rommelig begin werd het steeds beter en wat ongelukjes van anderen bracht ons toch een 3e plek aan het eind.
my race was really hard...... was hitted in T1, started from box and for the first 3-4 laps i wasn't concentrated and did some stupid errors that cost me like 20 (fatal) seconds......

after 4 laps i started again to lap on my pace, in the second half of the race i was able to catch Paul, but i was really scared about the netcode, so i was keeping my place safely behind him without forcing, but he did an error and so i was 4th, after that i was gaining some seconds to the guys in front of me, but probably they were only managening their gap and so i finished 4th at 10s to Patrick and 20 (fatal seconds) to Sergio.......Kamran tonight was just a rocket on the track so he was obviosly the winner tonight!!!

P.S. Kamran, now that the race is over did you ever thought to share your setup for let give a try also at us normal driver ????:D

This was a hard job, making pirate defending his country, just sound strange, I’m not use too this kind of responsibility, had to open a bottle of my best brandy to give the strength to this race.

Starting from 7th, choose the outside at the start to avoid troubles and it went very well, I think I was 4th at the end of first lap and a few laps after just sit on 3th, seeing America and Croatia very close and fast in the P1 and P2.

So, I just keep my pace, trying to avoid mistakes, with Patrick always about 4-5 secs, until Croatia leaves and I grab 2th place.

Thanks Bjorn for your hard work in this league and all who joined.
Not much to say here, qualified badly, started good, after that just crap until the end...

Does anyone else have really weak ffb in server races, I had practically none. Went offline right after, full strong ffb same settings????

Can someone please upload the replay, I always forget to push the button?
After my first race I must say that I'm not happy. I was second in qually, then my start was really good and I manage to pull lead. After 10 laps guy behind me just slam into me so it was really:(

I came here to do some serious racing, not to wary on every braking if someone going to kick my ass.

Bojan I was just cruising behind you not even attempting to pass you unless you went off because of the poor netcode, I was being so kind to you just sitting behind you. You were making mistakes and overdriving your car and putting wheels off the track. I finally got close to you going thru 130R and you choose the right side going into the chicane and then you moved to the left during the braking zone. This is a big no no in any online racing because of latency, but in netkar it's going to end in tears for sure and that's what happened...I didn't even touch you and netkar flinged you off. You should not have changed your line during a braking zone. I didn't want the race to go down like this. I felt bad that the race went down like that but there was little I could do.

I always race people cleanly and anyone who has raced with me can vouch for me. There's a lot of drivers out there who would not give you the courtesy I was giving you, but when you change your line there's little I can do.
Das war einmal nichts. :(
Einen Kontakt und 2 Dreher mit Crash, weil mein Vordermann nach dem Zufallsprinzip vor mir hin und her sprang. Nächstes Mal starte ich wieder von der Startbox aus, bringt ja nichts das Feld aufrollen zu wollen, dabei wegen der Netcodeprobleme nicht ohne Herzinfarkt überholen zu können und frustriert abzufliegen.
Bojan I was just cruising behind you not even attempting to pass you unless you went off because of the poor netcode, I was being so kind to you just sitting behind you. You were making mistakes and overdriving your car and putting wheels off the track. I finally got close to you going thru 130R and you choose the right side going into the chicane and then you moved to the left during the braking zone. This is a big no no in any online racing because of latency, but in netkar it's going to end in tears for sure and that's what happened...I didn't even touch you and netkar flinged you off. You should not have changed your line during a braking zone. I didn't want the race to go down like this. I felt bad that the race went down like that but there was little I could do.

I always race people cleanly and anyone who has raced with me can vouch for me. There's a lot of drivers out there who would not give you the courtesy I was giving you, but when you change your line there's little I can do.

don't worry m8.......netcode is a big problem in netkar and this things happens, saddly, every day on the servers...... i think that here we are all clean drivers with a lot of respect for everyone, so tonight it was just a little error of Bojan + big problems of netkar = netcrash....

imho atm i'm hating a bit racing online with netkar due that problems..... i have always terror when i'm driving behind someone and i can't have fun while driving in that way..
don't worry m8.......netcode is a big problem in netkar and this things happens, saddly, every day on the servers...... i think that here we are all clean drivers with a lot of respect for everyone, so tonight it was just a little error of Bojan + big problems of netkar = netcrash....

After watch the replay, in my opinion, I just say, don't blame the netcode!
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