2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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Enjoyable races, although it looked like my hands were melted into my steering wheel.

I did a nice qualify for 4th position. I knew it was hard to make a good start, so I lost a few places there. At curva 6, I got nudged from behind by Marco Ho, and that costed me a few positions. I recovered at 12th position behind William Yunck. I passed him after a lap or two, and was behind Jamie Wilson who was in a fight himsef with Robert Maytum in his Honda templatecar (!?)
It was a close battle with the 3 of us, and then Jamie went a bit wide at Kurva 1 and hit a bit of grind. I had a bit more speed, and could outbreak him. Then I was behind Robert who was pretty quick, but I saw him struggling and then at Kurva 8 (Long left corner) he went a bit wide, and I just managed to get on the inside, but unfortunately with a bit of a nudge, which caused Robert to loose a bit of his momentum. Sorry for that Robert, maybe too bit risky of me. I managed to get away steadily. Then I found Sergio Jorge and Chau Chou Lo in front of me battling. At the last corner before finish us 3 went breaking, but Sergio was on the outside line, and I breaked hard, and with just a minor nudge on his rear was just enough to put him into the gravel. Very sorry for that Sergio :-(
Went on to become 7th

2nd race I'm gonna try to make it short. Was 2nd on grid. Did not start well, and Jacco Cornelissen could pass. I felt I had a slight better pace, I managed to pass Jacco a few laps later. And then ...a long, sweaty, fair, coldblooded, hotblooded, intense, fierce, - uhhmm did I mention sweaty -, battle with Frederic Dubois in his Beemer. He drived it very well, and I could just barely keep up in the beginning but I found my pace somehow and managed to overtake him at lap 10 I think, but right after passing finish I screwed up the 1st corner, which gave back the 1st pos to Frederic. Nog long after that Frederic made a mistake at Kurva 12 and I passed him. Too bad Frederic.
I had a nice gap to 2nd pos, and took it carefully to the finishline.
Yeah first victory, woohoo. :cancan:
I could join in Istanbul at 22:35 or something. And some time later, Bram disconnected (I think) and reconnected too, so I was a bit shocked that I couldn't join now.

I've never experienced lag problems in quali caused by people joining
And what about people disconnecting during quali, and they can't reconnect and like in my case, I cannot just leave my work.

Ofcourse I understand that you want everyone to be there during practise, but sometimes this is impossible, and I really hope you open the server during quali for the reasons I mentioned above. I think we can make some kind of gentlemen agreement that everyone tries to be there during practise already.
At my local time it should have started at 1:00 a.m. (22:00 GMT) in about 45 minutes. I've miss-understood actually.

Stirb, I'm not sure I understand fully??
The scheduled Practice starts at 20:00 GMT. Did you just misunderstand the nominated start time and arrive too late, or did you get prevented from joining practice??
Practice should have finished at 20.30 GMT, but you can't join during Qualy, as pointed out by Sascha.

And yes, we have to sort out some issues with people joining for early practice before the event, and then leaving the session at Qualy or Race, thus preventing anyone else from joining.
I thought we had all servers available by the nominated practice time though.
Quali: not to good. Couldn’t find any speed and ended around 16. I think.

Race 1: got bumped some times in the back from at guy in the first lap, so decided just to let him by, as I was a little nervous for getting turned around. After that I managed to work up some places and ended in 8 place.

Race 2: that meant pole for race 2, and managed a good start compared to the FWD car behind me and got a good gap. Then it was just a matter of controlling the pace and tires and not make any stupid mistakes, while the guys behind was battling for the next places.

All in all a good night of racing. And glad that I finally managed to make a race. Hope to be lucky enough to make it for the next race.
  • MaxD

Hi guys
i'm happy i can race here it seems.
Unfortunally missed Valencia Qualify, Mathiue told about the champ on thurday when i was at work and when back home i saw server were closed, then cheked rules better and i discovered that deadline was on Thurday.

So i hope to be around you on next race and have fun and great actions all together.

I know i should be happy with my results "9th and 9th" according to prequali result, but im not.

Quali 15th, not good.

Race1: Lucky start from me in the mayhem and gained alot off places, not much to say from the rest of the race but i got angry on my self making a misstake on last lap, saw a car standing on the pitlane in turn1 and lost focus wich made me miss the apex and every chance for the 8th spot dissapeard.

Race2: Again a decent start and i worked my way up to 5th for a milli second but got a paintswap with a white Seat and suddenly i was 8th again, then i was trying to pass Erik in the worsest place on track at turn1, stupid me even trying that so then after a quick gravelvisit i was on 12th spot, started to work again but did one more paintsharing and again i was the unlucky one :( well cant remember everything now but i felt the poor Alfa was deserving a higher placing when she was behaving so well this funny and great evening.
Ohh one more thing, thx Atti for 1 point more to me, dont know what you did in last turn but not everyday i see a rpm painted chevy in the gravel ;) and feeling bad for Rami to, maybe time to buy a new graphicard?

Thanks for the fun, im allready looking forward to Zandvoort :D
Mr Freezer here:)
quali 4: 1:40,8xx best fwd car:)
Race 1 Start was ok but lost my plase to haba but i got it back after few lap,then I got good fight whit Samuel Libeert it was nice battele so i finish 3 place.........
Race 2: good start then t1 i got lucky missing those cars......lap 11 me,henrik and samuel bumber to bumber when my pc freeze again 1min,30sek so i finish 21??
so istanbul i lost 5 place or meiby better and now 4 or even 2,3 place thx:(
You say:
I then caught up with Jacco and we had a few close laps until i tried to outbrake him into the tight right hand hairpin. I hit him in the back slightly so he spun about 90 deg. Sorry about that... not sure if i was trying the impossible or if you didn't quite see me... probably a bit of both .

You where offcourse trying the impossible:lol: Have you seen the replay? But it's a hard track for overtaking and you where a little bit faster. So it's fine by me :) See you next time in Zandvoort :):)
  • Erik Åhlen

Hope it's good enough :)

edit: oh, noticed one of the files is named group 2, the morning cooperation with my brain isn't the best :)
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