2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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Qualification is closed, to avoid possible lag problems during it.

We will make some actions to avoid people making qualy and race sessions before official practise starts, to allow everybody to join the server when they want.

More news will follow on this.
Quali: Managed to get 7th with a 1.42.5 I think.

Race 1: Lost a place at the start to Neil but settled in for the long haul, racing in a pack, not much room to overtake safely, until Neil made a mistake and I got past. Following Jay Adgie, Raino Priha, Nils Wijk & Hugo Gomes in a pack with Simon Jorge Sanchez in tow, he got a bit deep into t2 knocking me sideways putting me back ~3-4 seconds, only one place lost so I'm not too bothered, because I enjoy the last laps catching and getting the place back.

Race 2: Started 3, out of turn 2 still 3rd. Nice driving by Jay behind me, all over my backend but not a tap :)
For a couple of laps the tyres felt cold, oversteer into t1 etc, then the car gripped and I was desperatly trying to get past Simon Jorge Sanchez for 2nd, all the while letting Peter in the lead get away, unfortunately my enemy the last corner decided it was time to make some sand castles, dropping to 8th. Over the coming laps people dropped off and I managed to claw my way back to 3rd. Excellend result for me, maybe g4 is where I belong. I was so alone at Istanbul in group 2.

Overall: Tied on points with Nils Wijk, who I was equal with in Pre-Qual :p
I did a quali on P7 i think it was.

Race 1
I had a good start and everything went wel but at lap 8 my tyres where almost gone. i ended on P6.
Race 2
I started on p3 :) and it all went well but again my tyres where almost gone in lap 7/8. But in lap 9 i think it was, someone hit me a little bit in the back and i lost control that cost me 3 places. But i say that's racing. It can happen :) So i ended on p7.

I had a good time and it was fun again in group 3.
I start to like this group :)
I am really not happy right now.

Quick racereport:

Qualifying - Worst one ever, I got 22/23. Usually qualifying is the way for me to get some extra points sneaky, and then fall back in the race.

Race 1 - Disaster, slowest on track I think.. managed to get to P17, but then my buddy Mikael Larsson was just quicker than me that he overtook me and I felt back very soon, to P19.

Race 2 - GOGO, what a start. Turn 1 I got from 22th to 13th!!!! I think this is my best start ever, rofl. I had Mathieu Prevot behind me and actually gained the 11th place! Wowowow, never expected this since Valencia is one of the worst circuits for me. I had the opportunity to overtook Attila and Christopher to gain 9th place, but I couldn't do it as I made a mistake :s (The way to overtook was just because Attila slided in T2 or something, not that I was faster than him rofl :p). I found my pace back, just so awkward as it was comparing with race 1. Then thé moment. T1 pushed off just as it was at Istanbul (but there it was my mistake too), even though I think this was not acceptable in here at Valencia. Pushed off, lost splitter, ended up 19th instead of a top 10 finish.

Allright, maybe it's because it is just after the race, I don't know, but I think people should look when people brake! The guy who rammed me off was behind me for 3 laps and could see when I braked, and should've noticed I am an early-braker. Why, why brake so late right behind me .. if it was a mistake, i really don't mind, but a sorry or something would be nice to say.

Maybe I am overreacting (again.. lol), but I haven't seen the replays back yet. If it was my fault, I take all my words back, but I really think it was not me but the other guy.

I think this is my worst race weekend ever in Race 07.
  • shenken

It should be always Closed Qualify for League events. But this requires that Admins must be present on the Event day to ensure that the Rooms stay in practise as long as the official event starts!

As for room 3 & 4 I have to apologize. I wasn´t aware of the situation as i´ve never hosted Race07 before. For the next time i´ll be aware of it and there should be no problem to avoid this dilemma about locked servers during qualify!

But also this is a REMINDER to all participants of course!

If you guys are practising long before the event starts, please LEAVE the server or vote to restart practise whenever the server is in Qualify or Race mode! This is and should be a Gentlemen Agreement to ensure that everyone has a chance to practise with friends until the official event starts.

Thank you!
Good Qualif for me 3 e (1.40.4 ) 3 tenth of Gregger and mathieu

Race 1 => nothing special part has a good fight with rami finish 4 e

Race 2 => very very good start p5 => p 2 finish 3 e

4 and 3 very very good first race for me
The Race was fun for sure, the results aren't.

Qualified 2nd place with a 1:41.56x

Started as 2nd, finished at 17th..
I had great fights with Thomas Jensen but in lap 10 or 11 I passed him and in the next conrner i got pushed and kissed the wal.. Tire broken needed to pit.

Started 17 and finished 5th place..
Was a great great untill i got tho the front 6.. Then it became really difficult.
Gained places again and ended behind Thomas Jensen again.
Comple of times i was next to him but i didn't gave me room.. It went oke but stil, i was faster, but could not pas yet.

The last 3 or 4 laps i made some litle mistakes because i did not wanted to hit anyone or atleast not the way that they loose places.

Was 4the never been 3th but ended 5th. Bo Sorensen pased me and did a special move on Jensen and gained a place.

I was behind Thomas again... I finaly pased him, but also made a little mistake and Thomas pased me again..

And so ended up on 5th place.

To everyone on the grid / tournament.
Please watch you mirrors and give a little bit of room when needed.. its a long race!
Thank you all!! :)

Maik Peters
Drive 4 Fun
I had a good night, it's was a intense and fun event :)

Qualified with a 1:42.9xx which I was pretty happy about as I did a 1:41.9xx in TA-mode. Started the race in P19

Race1: Good and clean racing through the entire race, was chasing Jacek Kozlowski for the entire race. Was really close to get by him at some points but as I didn't want to risk both his and my race I backed off. I hope you had as fun as I did Jacek :thumb: I think I finished in P17

Race 2: Got a excellent start and shot down the straight alongside the pit wall. I must have passed 5 or so cars before the braking point for T1. I and several others got through T1 without any contact, but as I was just about to apply the throttle I was hit from behind and spun. This resulted in a bit of a mess and some other cars hit me as I was spinning in the middle of the track. Rejoined dead last. The car was severely handicapped and was a bit of a handful for the rest of the race. Some rather good racing with Ingemar Persson and Jason Lai was the highlight of this race.

I will have to check the replay to see what happened in T1.

All in all, a good event with some good racing! To say that I was a bit sweaty afterwards is a understatement.
Kind regards,
Qual: 8th Happy to get inside top10 really with those names in there and the top times,a crazy flyer into T1 ploughed the road clear just ahead of me plus a good run down to T2 saw me gain some early places,could hold pace and close a bit on cars ahead and somehow clawed up to 4th,then i think there was some too close battling going on with the top3,and the next thing i knew i was gifted 3rd place,a hard charging Mtommi Tam kept me honest to the line for a very unexpected G2 podium,everyone i was racing with showed nice respect and always giving racing room,Kent Karlen in particular gave me nice space to make a slightly bold move,thank you sir!.
Race2 i got the worst start ever bogging badly and dipping clutch and all sorts,dropped from 6th to 9th by T1,got on with it and gave chase to whoever i had some pace on,then found myself being pushed from behind into that tightish downhill left turn(T6?),as i went wide due to being pushed,the guy then decides to squeeze alongside and push me a bit more wide and pass,he then proceeds to plough on into about 3 cars ahead at T8,i ended up driving past all the carnage into 6th,a quick look in my rear view showed some more horror stories going on,thank god i was out clear of that...,,i then found myself gaining nicely on a closely fighting pack ahead,then at T1 on lap 5,within the blink of an eye,i somehow ended up in the barrier at the end of the pitlane nose first,puncture and other big damage,went round a lap with the flat tyre,then pitted and came out last by many miles,i dont have a clue what happened there,replay needed.

Overall exceptional standards of racing by the majority,race one was superb for me,a shame about race2,a possible podium was starting to shape up for me there too,oh well,bring on the next round :thumb:.

Many Thanks RD staff for your time and efforts making it all possible for us to race!.
Race 1 -start 1 finish 1 good hard race.
Race 2 - start 8, on 2 corner was 5, somebody hit me and back to 10 place, lap 8 I made to 7 position and somebody hit me again and because of that finish 21.
Overall in 5 place.
Good fun but 2 race was not fair at all. C U next time
Pretty decent Qualifying for me with a 242.3something that put me in 14th.

RACE 1, kept my spot off the line and had a good race going. Jims Bong, Mark A. Warmington and I were having a nice tight race for 13th right up til lap 10 or so, when I took a hit form Jims that sent me spinning into 20th spot or something. Then I lost at least one more spot cause I couldn't get back into it. I may have braked a little early, and I know it was accidental, but I was really disappointed after the crash. That is how racing goes sometimes I suppose.

RACE 2, starting almost last I made a few spots at turn 1 cause someone spun Jims Bong and there was a little mayhem. I worked up to 12th at one point but in the end was 14th. A pretty fun race for me. See you all next round.
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