2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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Qual: 4th Finish: 1st

Nige sums up race one perfectly,very pleased with my first RD league win,really didnt see it coming :).
Race 2 from 8th as usual a bit more busy and close,i picked up some early suspension damage jinking to the left to avoid some trouble ahead,i didnt see the yellow and blue Honda that just recovered until it was too late and had a side swipe moment,all places i made were because of some ahead falling off,but Chris was all over me like the proverbial cheap suit,a few little rubs and scrapes in my back bumper kept my attention,but nothing untoward at all,just very hard and close pack racing,one contentious pass at T1 i felt,seeing the replay changes my opinion slightly on it though,Chris would have been entitled to keep that place but handed it back to me,personally in the exact same circumstance i would have done the same,i would not protest at all if Chris was given that place back by the stewards :thumb:.

Two highly enjoyable races tonight,well done winners and podiums
Many Thanks RD for providing the time and the place to race.

(Saw how you were taken out in race 2 Nige,horrible to watch,,very sinister and cynical,so avoidable its unbelieveable).....

Oh and fix that bloody typo on my name there ya b*st@rd....... :p
Qualified 16th
Race1 12th
Race2 9th

first race all went well but 2nd race t2 I was in the middle of an accident and t3 I was the accident sorry Thomas Lee but I lose control of the car, and at the end almost grab a point but Sidonio Moreira probably had better tires than me.
  • Erik Åhlen

Nice races :) Started from fifth in both races and finished in fourth in both races. Quite lonely both times, but at least some valueable points :)

The only thing that disturbed me was the constant chatting during qualifying. Pretty much ruined my fastest lap (which was a good one :roll:)
WhOOOOW whatta race mammamia :)

Quali:2 1:36,344

Race 1 good start...but after 8-10 laps my front tyres was too hot and hasty lift my gaspedal,lol haba was so close but no chance...this time,so second!my race lap 1:37,049

Race 2 ok start again then turn 2 big crash and few driver lost some places there ,second again behind Oliver Wickens i trye few times to pass but i lost my place to Patrick Duivelaar then he try to pass oliver but lost that second place to me ;) very close finish second again!I really like that new metallica song:The Day That Never Comes :Banane28:
Qualified 16th
Race1 12th
Race2 9th

first race all went well but 2nd race t2 I was in the middle of an accident and t3 I was the accident sorry Thomas Lee but I lose control of the car, and at the end almost grab a point but Sidonio Moreira probably had better tires than me.

At the time as was a bit miffed but looking at the replay you didn't really have much power over the situation. I call it an unfortunate racing incident and leave it at that.

Good battles with the Blue Flag drivers. Finished 9th in the 1st race. Finished 12th in 2nd race.

Sorry Mirlaud for causing spin in race 2 on last lap.

P.S. Anyone else's replays jerky? Edit: Restarting the game has cleared it up.
This was by far my best RDWTCC weekend!

I was struggling with my car in the beginning as I didn't have time to practice enough before the race. But, I hoped that my previous experiences from Anderstorp would come back to me ( both from previous Racing Club events and from driving this track in real life).

At the end of the practice I had it all sorted.

Despite the odd mishap I managed to perform a 1:38.737 and was placed in the first row (P2) along side Hansi, a fellow swede :)

Race 1:
I was super focused, all cells and fibers in my body were on red allert. As the green light came up I dropped the clutch in an instant and shot off:bolt:, managed to get slightly ahead of Hansi in T1. Hansi and I went side by side, but as far as I know there were no contact, just pure and clean racing ( I tried the best to keep my outside racing line). The BMW apparently had better grip so I came out of T1 with Hansi 0.2 seconds behind.

For the remainder of the race Hansi kept breathing down my neck, the gap was more or less a constant 0.3 seconds :tongue1: But despite his pressure, I managed to keep it all together and finished in first. I lead from start to finish!

Race 2:
Started in eighth place, again Hansi in front on my right side :) Once more I got a lightning start and gained some positions brushing the pit side wall and overtaking on the outside of T1, I came out of T1 in fourth :high5: with David Lemon 0.5 seconds ahead and Jerome Benard 0.5 seconds behind me. Nils, Fernando and David set off in a furious pace and I soon found myself in "no mans land" with a gap of about 1.5 seconds both to the front and to the rear.

About half way in to the race I could see how the cars ahead started to slide and under steer as their tires wore off. My tires on the other hand were perfectly fine. I were now up to the leaders and tried to apply some pressure on David.

After a few laps David locked his brakes and went off track allowing me to join up behind Nils and Fernando. This order held all the way to the finish. I went from eighth to third!

Overall Race Weekend:
Great racing, good camaraderie and a lovely car. What more could a man wish for! Thank you all, hope to see you at the next round!
Kind regards,

I'm sorry if I chatted during the qualification, as far as I remembered I only sent a "congratulation" to Hansi after the session had ended. Funny thing though that the people who complained were the first to open up the chat during the ongoing of Race 2... :cool:
  • Chris Noble

Well I was super pleased to make it into group 2 for the 1st time! steadily making progress from back of group 3 to win last event in group 3 to get into group 2 for this event!

Practice was good and got to P6. Qualifying was a nightmare and could not improve my time which ended up with me falling from P5 at the beginning of qualifying to P11 :(

Looking at the replay 2 cars stuck together was the cause of the big crash on the start finish straight which I benefited from a ton getting me from P11 to P6, This looks to be a game issue? how did it happen with 24 cars and 25 is supported?

Got up to P4 with a Leon chasing me down and then I went defensive into turn 6 but moved back a bit and so the car behind tboned me off the track, my own fault really for moving back across.

Further back coming along the main straight and Cheung Ting Pong wonders off onto the grass !??!! then comes back on rightr in front of me so I have to swerve and pass him. then into turn 2 Simon Trendall and me are side by side braking into the corner and he comes and ramms me up the back taking me 200 yards off the track! took ages to find the road again! P20 :(

Finished P18.

This was an excellent and fun race for me like the mini endurance race last night. Got a brilliant start compared to everyone else!
P18 to P11 by turn 1!

Thomas Jensen tapped Nigel in turn 5 once which slowed Nigel down and then Thomas tapped him again on the exit and kept on pushing turning Nigel round and out of contension. Thomas didnt lift at all during the time between the two taps and after it. Which makes me think it was delibrate.

Made up a few more places at turn 2 when several cars got together a yellow Honda came back ontrack right next to Gary Lennons car switch ended up sideswipping it. May be the honda shoujld have stayed a bit more left to avoid. The Map in GTR:EVO is great for making unsafe track re-entries a thing of the past.
Anyone else using it tonight?

Then spent pretty much the entire race in P5 glued to gary's rear bumper who was glued to the car in front and so on and so on to P1! extremely close between the top 5! do wonder if P1/P2 cant be sure was not as fast and holding the others up, but was doing a brilliant job of defending!

Then I noticed that for the entire time I was behind gary that he always ran wide on turn 1 and never took a tight line which is what I liked to do to get a good exit out of the corner.

I think lap 10 or so I was right on his bumper out of the final corner and stayed on the inside while gary moved to the left, which would reduce his speed compared to me also.

Went for a late braking move and kept right on the apex of the corner except this time, gary went in wide and tried to shut the down, but I was already half a car length alongside and so it tboned him a bit.

No crash however and just a bit wide but again right behind me. He said in chat, "give it back?", but I was pretty confident I had the place and he had not crashed, but I thought I better give it back as unfortunately Gary after the Edward Leake debacle a few weeks ago, I didnt want it with you.

I am going to ask the stewards to investigate the move as they can offer the fairest opinion.

Brilliant 2nd race though overall and thanks for the fight Gary :)
well first time in group 3 due to DSQs and absences so from looking at previous incident reports prepared to get a few knocks and bumps...

quali went better than expected, p2 after first lap, but then the big guns to to grips with their set ups and i tumbled down to 12th... still very pleased with that one! :becky:

race1. i think i had a target on my car on first lap getting a knock in t1, but held position, punted in t2 and lifted in the air in t4. the last kncok thankfully dislodged the target and went round for the rest of the race with damaged suspension. good scrap with silvain for a while. crossed in 16. much better than expected so done a wee dance. :)

race 2. not quite so good start but got caught in wrong place wrong timeas a big chain of events kicked off at t4 on lap 1 again (i think we should get that renamed KP corner). again a good scrap with silvain (he must be sick of seeing that cow on the leon bonnet in his rear view!) crossed an even better 11th due to some incidents up front. done another wee dance.

:bananapowerslide: <-- me dancing
I'm sorry if I chatted during the qualification, as far as I remembered I only sent a "congratulation" to Hansi after the session had ended. Funny thing though that the people who complained were the first to open up the chat during the ongoing of Race 2... :cool:
There were multiple occasions that people were chatting during quali and yes I chatted but I only started that at least 40seconds after finishing the race and know it was not funny :cool:
Nice races for me, had much fun and some great battles after going on P9 in qualy.

I have to apologise to Sylvian Mirlaud for that hit in race1 (@299secs) which pushed you of the track!
I wanted to avoid, just went behind you because I didn't want to try to outbrake you - better had done that cause I was totally surprised that you breaked that early. I'm really sorry mate!
Very bad weekend for me Race 1 dnf on t1 sorry guys. Race 2 first to say im sorry to Stirb i touch you under hard braking my bad :(. Sorry Andreas i push you but you was on spin i think. You have right, that was littlebit to aggressive. Like whole race. Sorry Ben I should have breaked earlier. Overall that was the worst ever weekend for me. Grats for the podium.
  • Jacek Kozlowski

Looking at the replay 2 cars stuck together was the cause of the big crash on the start finish straight which I benefited from a ton getting me from P11 to P6, This looks to be a game issue? how did it happen with 24 cars and 25 is supported?

Yeah it was my and Chau car.I was stuck and couldent do anything.I wish i know why this happend too,for sure next time im not joining race as last,with just few seconds to start....
  • Chris Noble

where did the good clean race spirit go?,had alot more fun in G2 last round...have to think real hard if i really gonna put an effort in to qualy next time...if this is the kind of racing it bring i might just do a few laps and hope to get G2 instead...chat,bump and overall a bad night
1 good thing though...the clean fights with Peter Eriksson was fun...thx mate that kind of saved the night

Lol I got into group 2 for the 1st time for this event and you didnt want to be in group 2 on the race 1! major pile up and a lot of broken cars!

Race 2 was cleaner though. steweards will have fun here i think!
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