2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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Had a lot of fun tonight:D

I found this track really hard to overtake on. I was stuck behind Gregory for 13 laps,and then I had to defend for my life on the last lap with Henrik Horvath very close behind me

Finished 13th and 9th my best ever performance.
was an ok-ish race
first lap felt more group 3....which is not good guys...
chatting was high in qualify (including myself)
and race 1 i was so tired that i almost fell asleep during the last laps.....if i didn't i would shurely had pole.....
got hit from behind from Frederico when i joined back on track....i.m.o. that should not happen as i have given him enough room when i joined back on track (or so i think..)
but the battle in race 2 was great....5-7 laps of battling Gregory...tnx mate...we always battle during the league lol :)

that is enough for me for now

Qualy was very closely, all in 1 sec. Me on P16 was OK :)

Race 1: After 6 lap about, i had a suspension problem and so the guys behind me was much faster. At the and big accident and P19. NP i´m OK.

Race2: Really good start to P10 but in lap 8-10 about, Marcin was really late on brak and touched me, spin and at the and P17. I think is revanche for brands Marcin, so we are quit. NP from my side but i think you was a littlebit too aggressive.

So a weekend to forget for me, was much more in the air for me, but ok.
Was success for me to be in G1 in Anderstorp, it´s not a lövely track of me.

Note: The races are very late, rece 2 starts 23:30 my time. I think there is the concentration not the best, so mistake comes and destroy much good fight. From me were good upcoming championchip will be start earlier. So 1h earlier will be good. What are you think about this fact ?
Quali P11
Race 1
Was not so good. In the first corner afther the start i got hit hard in the back and i was off track for a while so i could start my race from P25. I ended on P11.
Race 2
Again in the first corners afther the start a lot off accidents but i could manage P9 at the finish.
It was difficult in Anderstorp.
See Ya All in Monza :)
hey hey!what a race!a very little group but very nice to drive in it,

qualif:i was 3rd when my game crash,when i relaunch it i only have the time to do 3 laps,not good laps,i start the race at the 5h position.

race1:after 3 or 4 laps i was 2nd and the 1st ,maurice Hurkmans was far away from me so when i saw his car in a corner seems to have a problem i say to myself "whaou!! let's go it's your chance!"(sorry Maurice)and then i take the 1st place and finish first ,the first time for me !

race2:start 6th ,and after the first corner i was 3rd,then i try to take some risks to have a fight with Maurice and Gaynall but i've done some little errors,then i think,keep cool man drive safe and protect the 3rd place it's a good job...

1st and 3rd at final i was second of the round,two podiums in the same night!whaou,never see it,a big thanks to every one was on the track tonight for fair driving and see you next time!
Had a pretty crappy race outing. First the server did not want to recognize me and that made me a bit anxious but in the end it was ok. Qualyfied 3rd on the field and made a good start ended 3rd that race with not much to report.

2nd Race was starting 6th behind all fwd cars so it was going to be tricky to get around them on such a narrow front straight. I decided the outside into t1 would get me the most positioins and it did, however in t2 at the end of the straight I glanced over at my speedo when I was bumper to bumper with henrik and from my point of view I just touched him but under braking it was enough to cause two cars two go off track. I was a stupid thing to do I should have breaked earlier but I got distracted for a split second. Apologies to both drivers, I guess I await the stewarts decision on that incident.

Otherwise grats to podium and front runners, as well as everyone else.
OMG the ups and downs of racing :lol:

Qualifiying: started of ok was about 7th the started dropping down the order, so just put enough fuel in for an out lap and 1 banzi lap. and boy did i pull it of. 1:36.9 put me in second :thumb:

Race 1: Got a nice start held 2nd into T1, the exiting T2 the leader made a mistake giving me the lead, but i had Gary right behind me and next lap i did the same mistake as the leader and Gary got past.
I had a nice gap to 3rd place, and was more than happy to bring it home 2nd so just tried to keep gary honest. but he managed to pull a 2> sec gap.
But in the last few laps i think he was having tyre issues and i was closing. Finished just 1.7 behind. woop woop :rockon:

Race 2: i will complete this when i have cooled down, having got forced off track on lap 1 by Thomas Jenson :boxing:
  • Jacek Kozlowski

This was worst round ever for me
Quali -p13 i think

Race1- i joined last and something strange happend .My car was on the same spot as other car (i think it was I. Chau Chou) I could do anything wanted to do a false start and go on green and join when every one would get pass me but my car was stuck ,then tryed to press Esc. but that time race started and few cars that were behind me and Chau hit our backs.I dont know why that happend but i could do nothing,i think that Chau wanted to explain me why this happend (he said sorry dont know why beacouse i m not sure it was his fault or my,or someones internet connection) but he speaks english even worst than i do so couldnt understand.
I want to say sorry to all guyes who could get pass our cars i really couldnt do nothing and im not sure whose fault was that.(THOMAS JENSEN no need to call anyone "idiot" beacouse off that)

Race2- This time everything seem to work good.Had to start from the back,and during first two laps got 3 or 4 hits -so my suspension was wrecked and i just wanted to finish this time.Was 17 or 18 at the end.
not my best night

quali: only one sound lap put me in 19th of 22, most of the time I tested breakpoints with full tanks.

race1: not a bad start but came into t1 second to last and to my shock: no brakes (or very little). Dunno what went wrong, this lasted for 3 laps. I consequently pushed a beemer in t1, awfully sorry, and missed almost all breakpoints the first two laps. Starting lap4 everything was back to normal. I then realized that all the frenzied steering trying to correct the missing breaks had loosened the wheel, so I dilligently turned the screw fastening it to the table whenever I went down that long long straight. Last three laps I had a great battle with Sylvain Mirlaud for 18th position.

race2: this time everything worked fine and I climbed up to 12 by carefully inching my way through lap1. However, I had to hand back most of the gains over the next five laps. Doing this, I crashed with - of all people - my teammate Michael, must watch the replay to figure that one out. lap9 my daughter came into the room, complaining about the neighbours' noisy party going on in real life. Wasn't focussed for half a second, crashed, tire and suspension gone, hobbled back to pits, f.. up the new pit screen management and hobbled out with no work being done (nooby me :( ). Decided to call it a day.
Qualifying: Pole position

Race 1: Had a good start, and the first 6 laps I was under pressure from Rami, but after that the gap became bigger and I just tried to save my tires and not to make any big mistakes, and I finished 1st!
I was really happy with my first league win :)

Race 2: After turn 2, I was in 4th position. A few laps later I passed Frederico, and I started to come closer to Rami and Oliver, who were fighting for the 1st position. I was following them waiting for them to make a mistake. And that mistake came in lap 10 or 11. I passed Rami and was side to side by Oliver, but I could not pass him, and at the end of the lap I went a bit to wide, and Rami passed me again. This battle continued until we passed the finishing line, and I finished 3rd. This was one of the best races I ever had. It was so close racing and also very fair :thumb:

Grats to Oliver for winning the 2nd race and see you all next time!
Thanks guys, it was a pleasure to race tonight. bump off twice in Race 1, making the whole 2 races with broken suspension, it was a great fun to struggle with the car for 26 laps and see how my lead in the League is vanishing in the dust of Anderstorp.

Nice experience, now tonight virtual reality came very close to real life, in both you got slaps from time to time, just to realise that you are still alive.

Oh, I think i finished around P15 and P12, or stg similar.
quali: only one sound lap put me in 19th of 22, most of the time I tested breakpoints with full tanks.

race1: not a bad start but came into t1 second to last and to my shock: no brakes (or very little). Dunno what went wrong, this lasted for 3 laps. I consequently pushed a beemer in t1, awfully sorry, and missed almost all breakpoints the first two laps. Starting lap4 everything was back to normal. I then realized that all the frenzied steering trying to correct the missing breaks had loosened the wheel, so I dilligently turned the screw fastening it to the table whenever I went down that long long straight. Last three laps I had a great battle with Sylvain Mirlaud for 18th position.

race2: this time everything worked fine and I climbed up to 12 by carefully inching my way through lap1. However, I had to hand back most of the gains over the next five laps. Doing this, I crashed with - of all people - my teammate Michael, must watch the replay to figure that one out. lap9 my daughter came into the room, complaining about the neighbours' noisy party going on in real life. Wasn't focussed for half a second, crashed, tire and suspension gone, hobbled back to pits, f.. up the new pit screen management and hobbled out with no work being done (nooby me :( ). Decided to call it a day.

Think you are forgetting something in your report ;)
  • Jerome Benard

wahooooooooou very nice race:rockon:

I start 3 and manage to be behing Karl and Hansi but they'are to fast and i finished 3 rd :Banane09:

In second race i rest in the big first group ( 5 drivers in one second during 10 laps). I touch Karl a little (sorry), and finish 5° when my team mate Pascal pass me. :thumb:

Thanks all and RD :D
where did the good clean race spirit go?,had alot more fun in G2 last round...have to think real hard if i really gonna put an effort in to qualy next time...if this is the kind of racing it bring i might just do a few laps and hope to get G2 instead...chat,bump and overall a bad night
1 good thing though...the clean fights with Peter Eriksson was fun...thx mate that kind of saved the night
Not such a good night as Seb for me :rolleyes:

Struggled to find a balance in practice. I managed to pull together a reasonable lap in qualy though, although my fastest had a couple of errors. Planted myself 4th. Had one final stab at 3rd again but went off and that was the end of it.

Race 1: Made a reasonable start. Kept my place and got distaracted by cars going off in turn 2. Seb took this chance to pass me and I dropped to 3rd. I had a nice fight with Anthony for 3rd until he ran wide and gifted his place to a Lacetti. This i dreaded as I knew a Seat was an easy defence, the Lacetti would be a challenge and naturally he had a run on me down the straigh. All I could do was give him the inside and hope he backs off or i get a tow into the next corner. This didnt happen. However Maurice had problems in the lead and retired gifting me 3rd, where I stayed till he end.

Race 2: Another good start. Went from 4th to 2nd. Tragically I was shunted out into turn 2 by Ant. looking at the replay he was far too hot under braking. he was still in 4th gear as I was turning into a 2nd gear corner. Nothing either he nor I could do to avoid it. Effectively my race was over I thought. However I decided to carry on after what probably seemed like hours to Ant who waited for me to get back on track :thumb:

From there we had a great fight for 4th, absolutely loved it. My car was understeering like mad into corners and giving me oversteer out thanks to my busted suspension. Made it hard to keep up some pace to hold off Ant, but I managed it and had a lot of fun. Thanks Ant :p

So a 3rd and a 4th for me. My first RDWTCC podium, albeit an easy one with only 6 racers.
  • Jerome Martin

Very good races. I have done two big battles, one in race 1 and one in race 2. Thanks for the two guys with who i do the battles, it was very correct.
Thanks all and see you soon.
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