2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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one down one up

good race night

quali: hammered out a new pb in the second lap following super Seb, 0.5 better than previous pb, happy :)

race1: awful start, got passed by teammate Kris Leeten, so the three BlueFlaggers went into t1 t2 neck to neck. One way or the other, one of them was spun right in front of my nose. Oh it hurts to bang into a Blue Flag car :( I then f... up the McDonalds and dropped down to 12 of 12. Lap2 saw a little tiff in front of me, with a Single Driver Seat involved, thought I could pass him before heading into McDonalds, think again Ecki! Into the barriers, suspension twisted, tires gone after 7 laps, dropped out in lap13 11th of 11 :(

race2: held back at start to avoid trouble (ah, now that's a nice way of saying you are not exactly the best guy at the start :) ). Other guys' problems gave me pos.6 which I could defend till finish with only 10 cars still running. Nice, clean race.
First Race07 with Race Department League

Quali: Well im not very experienced making setups, so 11th place
First Race made it on place 6. Very Nice

Second Race: Could not keep up the pace. Made a lot of stupid mistakes.Next time better. Monza is one of my favourites.

Nice clean racing guys thanks .

well done Rolf, good to see a new face (so to speak) At Monza the record to break for stupid racing is all mine: Three consecutive stop n'go's for cutting in my first WTCC league race. You should have heard Bram's comments ...
well i have to say what a race

I came in practice and only practice a bit with my car setup for the race.

I wasn't really pushing (maybe a bit tired). but a 1:35 i found it just enough...it gave me 16th place on the starting grid. I could have pushed more, but i prefer to see where i can take my setup.

I must have had lucky written on my car, as I did one of my worst start in the league (surely long time no racing have played a role here :)), but during that start to T1 I was so lucky because a saw if not mistaken Chun being hit & spun in front of me, but i missed him completely.....and so by T3 i was back in 16th or better position.....made a couple of mistakes in the rest of lap 1, but kept on fighting to the front (and turned also a bit lonely)...
finished 11th
Race 2 was great......
I again did a bad start, but i kept a good pace.........i had loong battle with RPM teammate Peter and with Andreas...and btw Andreas......you were lagging badly almost full race 2....so i could not take any chances no more to pass....luckily Peter passed me and so you went wide that we both could have taken that position......
Finished 9th.....so a great result in the end for me

till next time ;)
Bad racenight. Was too focussed on pre-qualify, just to take it easy as it comes in Grp 1. Qualify was not very good, could have done a much better time, but I was a bit too carefull at 4th and 5th bend where my car was a bit twitchy. So qualified 1 position before last.

1st race was not so good. Start was not bad, and I could tell that everyone took caution at 1st corner, although there was some touching. Nothing exciting (apart from a laughing Redfaced Devil in my rearview mirror :evil:for quite some laps). I made a few errors and finished 19th.

2nd race was not so bad. Start was again, not so bad (compared to previous races). Some made mistakes, then I made mistakes. Then I had Pirro Chun in front of me, and at the 4th/5th corner he made a mistakes and I tried to come in alongside him. Unfortunately I touched his left rear, and he spun. Terribly sorry for that Pirro, I thought I had the speed to come alongside and pass you, but unfortunately it came to a spin for you. Again sorry.
Went on to finish 15th.

Thanks for the races all. Till next time
great race

Qualy: last round was best 1:34.7 but only 13th

Race 1: good start to catch some places, but then back to 12th, thats all - a littlebit boredom

Race 2: was great because had very nice fight with Christopher and Peter. I think i was more looking in the mirror then infont. I could keep the pusher behind me but in lap 10 i did a to much mistake and both passed me.

Summmary, i was driving carefully because th track is not so easy with the curbs in the chicane for example. Happy that had no spin like in brands. So i´m satisfied with the result P12 & P10.

@ Christopher - Dont know how hard was my lagging. Forget to take off my Antivir Guard, so this could be the problem. Nice that you dont push me off track or something else <- fair :thumb:
Congratulations to the winners and the podium guys. Great job!:thumb:

Race 1 - Mostly enjoyed the race, but it seemed that there was a lot of lag. Didn't check to see who it was, but I had a couple of people in front of me where the lag was so bad that it was really difficult to judge where they were on the track. Decided to play it safe and hung back a bit so as not to get caught up in any problems. But, unfortunately, it let the car behind me catch up and I got punted of off in the penultimate turn (the right-hand sweeper). Don't know if that was lag problem also, but it cost me 4 or 5 positions.

Race 2 - I had a really awful lag spike(sorry guys!!) on the start grid and it looked like everyone else was taking off, but my start lights were still red. I decided that Race had lost its mind and left anyway. This turned out to be a bone-headed wrong decision on my part because I ended up with a "stop and go" penalty. There was some sort of pile-up in T1, but I wasn't involved and managed to avoid most of it. Thought I could keep my position and take my stop-and-go like a man at the end of lap 1, but ended up getting punted off the track in T3 and was last before I could get back on the track. Don't know if that was a lag problem also or someone being over eager, but with the stop-and-go penalty it really didn't make much difference as far the race outcome was concerned. So, I soldiered on hoping to not get lapped before the race was over and complete my full 14 laps. Congratulations Steve - you got that done!:)

Tire wear and fuel were a concern at my "beloved" Oscher, but I made it through with tire warnings and low fuel. It was amazing in a way that there was any tire wear at all because it seemed like the track didn't have much grip today.:) Is it just me, or do the cars seem to be using more fuel since the last update?

Anyway, Oschersleben is in the books and we move on...
Only three more to go in the season and I look forward to seeing everyone at Anderstop!

Correction: I just watched the replay for Race 2 and it appears that my lag spike was likely the cause of a number of the problems at the start. It didn't appear to be that way in real-time, but it was pretty clear on the replay. I feel badly about this and apologize to any and all that I affected. Just to let you know: I replaced all my h/w several months ago and it seemed better, but I think my isp is the problem.
It was a wonderful evening for me, but with a shadowing accident in race2 :(

Qualy: P7 with Atti in my front, 2nd frontie, 1st Leon rider, dream =)

Race1: It was quite good, a start-finish 7th place, and a wonderful and fair and goood race with the two full throttle guys round me, thx Atti&Rami! :)

Race2: Horrible start from P2, in the straight P1, but I messed it with a very bad braking distance , so P5-6-7 or stg. Then somehow reached P3 with the spin of a bimmer. After it I lost a little concentration, and got Bastien in my back. He was a bit laggy, and in finish line he tossed my back, and while I was trying to get back on track, he cut it and got in front of me. In next turn I saw him very far afore, but he lagged into my hood, and I couldn't break down in time. ( crash :( )
Bastien, you were obviously faster than me, I was planning to let you go. Didn't want to mess up your race, but i think you also could be more considerate and less aggressive. BTW in this case, it's me who have to say sorry.

It was much my best race and result in this league, so I'm very happy at all. Can't wait to next event! =))
  • Lu Chan

Tonight is bad luck in my life.:lol:
Qualify 1.35"072 P3 Start

Race 1
all M8 wait me. because i go to toilet.......sorry for that!
good strat! but some contact in first corner.Suspension had problem.i keep in P4.
finsh 4 laps, i made a big mistake in the quick corner.:frusty:
many M8 can't fend.i want to said" is my wrong!very very big sorry for that"
finally my vehicle breakdown on track. can't finish this race:yield:

Race 2
P23 strat
Good strat again! i quickly pass two vehicle but seconds later.....
I just see a vehicle stop in my Front.
After my vehicle turned over in sky.:plane:
strat few seconds i was engine problem. bad news for me:doh:
finally P11 finish.
I had very happy tonight.i enjoy that.
many thanks m8 fair to race.:grouphug:
just to be out of luck.
congrats the winner:thumb:
see u everyone in next round.

Remind: I working busy on this month.:frusty: Can't made movie for this race, Sorry Group2 M8!:sorry:
  • Lu Chan

Usual below par qual for 6th,ended up tapping Lu in the back bumper at T1 so busy looking everywhere at cars all around me,so so very relieved it didnt kick off one of those Oschers T1 chain reaction things,sorry for it all it the same,despite that it all went smooth from there on and i was hounding Mikael for 5th i think?,i felt i had the early better pace but no way past properly,not too far into the race at the monster double left fast turns Lu looses it up ahead,he ends up coming to halt sideways across the road,ofcourse he was a passenger at that point and no intention of any kind,pure bad luck racing incident.
Race 2 from miles down the grid i expected very little,as indeed i felt the same about the whole Oschers meeting :p,it all got a bit mental pinball at the start,i mean on the straight,all a bit of a blur really,i think caused by a slow starter somewhere ahead,then the bottleneck of doom was created?...,i did enjoy some good racing in this race though,then tyres go,and i go,cant say i missed driving the Seat in the break either really :).
Grats winners and podiums and Thank You RD
Don't care m8. I nevermind.:hug:
A request. Can some see who hit me please, race 1 at around 147/8?

In my replay i get hit, but the hitting car is invisible so i can't report who it is. I'm sure from memory that the car was a SEAT and that whoever it was left the game seconds after.

Further comfirmation would be appreciated.

On my replay, it was Mathieu Folgalvez. I was following him at the time.
My race Report.
Due to my horrible record in these League races, I opted to start last to avoid the inevitable accidents, and just aimed to finish. So I did one extremely slow Qualy lap and sat out the remainder.

Race 1. Took a very slow and steady first lap or two, avoided all the spins and crashes, and kept moving steadily forwards. I also got to see some "interesting" methods of taking turn 1, with one driver going through the sand and ducking behind the fence wall to appear in front of me again. He did this twice that I saw.
Finished in P9.

Race 2. Pulled over at the start to let the charging mob through, with the plan to avoid trouble again. Managed to avoid the usual carnage and some very dodgy track re-entries, and moved up to P11 by lap 3. Unfortunately, it all came to grief on lap 4. Approaching McDonalds I saw Jerome, two cars ahead, spin off and bounce off the inside wall. As he was sliding back onto the track in front of me, I decided to head for the grass on the inside to miss him. However, he suddenly stopped still (or even seemed to slide backwards again, maybe lag ???) and I then had no chance to miss him (no grip on the grass) and hit him hard. I now had suspension damage and a punctured tyre, so struggled back to the pits for repairs. This eventually resulted in me going a lap down, so I just plodded to the finish for P15.

I can't say yet that these League races are enjoyable. I find it impossible to get a clean race. :frown:
ok this was my first racing league race. i struggle all pre-qualif to get the car working well but didn't manage to get it work so i was 50th with all the absence.

qualif : manage to get the car working a little better and made 9th place

race 1 : had a good start but choose the wrong side of the track to go and got stuck behind another car and lost a few places before t1 but some guys had a spin and after t3 i was back in 10th. i was able to keep up but in lap 2 in the fast corners 5 and 6 the 2 guys in front came sideway and i tried to overtake the car infront of me on the outside but couldn't make it and lost some times. i made a few mistake after that and by lap 9 the tyres were all gone so i finished 18th.

race 2 : again a good start but someone lagged and that caused a big accident in which i was involve. then for a couple of laps i was chased by samco sam and at the end of the start/finish straight he missed his breaking for t1 and hit me causing me to spin. after that i just tried to stay on the track and finished the race and manage to finished 14th.

in overall it was an horrible race, i so hate that track mainly cause i can find a good car balance. hoping to do better next race :rolleyes:
  • Mark Apat

well, good gor, group 1 for the first time...
i got the last spot in the prequaly. so anything better than last place was ok :)

in qualy i had some errors in the timing thing, as it showed my time .1 sec faster than it is shown here in the screenshots. didn't know the cause, but ok.. p15 was good.

r1: start was good and i keept it going for the whole race pushing quite hard, so my tires went worn in 13lap. so almost lost some places. finished 13th.

r2: had a great start with christoper a. falling asleep and could make some places going for p8 in t3, with some mistakes, and a bit of touching (sry Bastien, wasn't intentional, as you were batteling in t1, and went wide, i sliped inside, you trying to go in again& i cant just disapear,.. but you had to give it back next turn?)
then made a huge mistake in the triple left wich caused to drop places,... in the lap7, i was behind Pirro, and you were laging m8, a lot.. then last turn breaked, and you just spinned of... 2bad..
finished 16th i think.. so a quite good result after all, and that in G1 :D

good racing guys, and hope to see you next round again :D
First time in group 1,this race,I have more mistake,too bad,

In my country is on the night am:04:30 qualify,very sleep,and before the time is finish the work,check out on night 23:59,very tired

Qualify:pos 19 to start,

race 1:
Sor to Paul Bordeau,i think me have 2 mistake for you,I remember is on lap 2 ,first mistake is on first corner,second mistake is on {replay 271 sec},i left the track,and me uncareful in the track,so,let your car crash my tail,sor again,

race 2:
more mistake in this race 2
I in race 2 very tired,can not ok in the track,I remember me see the clock is am:05:30,my hand and my eyes no more power,dam,lose my body power,so,can not no mistake in the track,and me sometime want to breakfast,crazy,what are me doing,is on the track race,how can think hungry,crazy,i am very crazy,i think is my body limit,so,can not ok my Concentrate on the track,sor to all group 1 gentlemen,i can not beautiful race on this race:(

See all next track in Anderstorp:)
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