2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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Official servers will start at 18 GMT / 20 CET with the following setup

Practise 1: 120 min
Practise 2: 30 min
Qualy (closed): 30 min
Races: 2*14 laps

So for the english guys practise 1 starts at 7 and finishes at 9.
Practise 2 starts at 9 and finishes 9:30
is this right
While we are at it, where are the racing club posted setups? it disappeared from my eyes :-( I just realized my own setup is no faster and im doing wrong, so i at least need to compare someone elses ideas to tune it up for upcoming race...
Help! I've just set my new computer up and I can't install race 07 in time for practice!
Can a exception be made to let me into quali as this is beyond my control?
I had no idea this would happen.
I can get in within 5 minutes if you can please let me.
  • Darren Gardner

Well after MAJOR wheel problems tonite, i was in the room with the wheel going left and right on its own plus my brake aint working done everything in my power to sort it out but no joy.

Just treid to get into the room to let them all know but cant get in very sorry about my wheel errors and i couldnt rejoin.
Im ****ing gutted, I spent the whole ****ing week practicjng and now I cant race.
Obviously i'm not blaming RD but why is quali closed anyway? What it is the purpose of having closed quali? Not saying its crap I just don't understand it.
qualy* what a blast Sébastien, Keith and me are battle for the pole position :)
i braked my pb with a 1.35.9 and set the pole :) in front of my team mate Keith

race1* got a pretty good start i think keith had a great start too cuz i could see him
in the mirror
first turn i maybe forced keith to run wide sorry for that so he got place 2
from then i was pushing like i will die if i make just a small error
suddenly the car behind me i think it was Sébastien vanished
i maybe lost connection to the server but wired thing was the server would not boot me
after the race there was no times from others just me with a lead of 6 laps o.O
sorry if i coused any trubble
and damn my to my ISP burne in hell that could be my first Racedepartment WTCC League Race win ever :/ *sadest Panda you can imagin*
  • Jerome Benard

Very bad races for me. It not open for me with a long time.

I just want to says sorry fot my crash in second race, i lost my car on the chicane.:pout:

crash and stop& go in first race and crash in second, very bad night.

See you next race :wink:
Thanks Peter to destroy my race...

I'm 2 seconds faster than you by lap... Why do you do this ??

No problem in race 1 with a great victory like at Brands Hatch, but race 2 is always a disaster for me in this league...

Damned reverse grid:rant:
Usual below par qual for 6th,ended up tapping Lu in the back bumper at T1 so busy looking everywhere at cars all around me,so so very relieved it didnt kick off one of those Oschers T1 chain reaction things,sorry for it all it the same,despite that it all went smooth from there on and i was hounding Mikael for 5th i think?,i felt i had the early better pace but no way past properly,not too far into the race at the monster double left fast turns Lu looses it up ahead,he ends up coming to halt sideways across the road,ofcourse he was a passenger at that point and no intention of any kind,pure bad luck racing incident.
Race 2 from miles down the grid i expected very little,as indeed i felt the same about the whole Oschers meeting :p,it all got a bit mental pinball at the start,i mean on the straight,all a bit of a blur really,i think caused by a slow starter somewhere ahead,then the bottleneck of doom was created?...,i did enjoy some good racing in this race though,then tyres go,and i go,cant say i missed driving the Seat in the break either really :).
Grats winners and podiums and Thank You RD
qualif:i made the 8th time,not good 1sec more than in practise
race 1:start at the 8th place and after few laps i was 4th but an errore and....losing 4 place let's go back to race in 8th position and finsh like that
race 2:start in first position,a good opportunity ,but like a stupid stupid stupid boy i forget to brake in red light and make a bad start,after 1st lap i pit for my stop and go,go back to race in last position,but after 13 constants laps i hit the 8th position

well...not a great round for me ,i hope the next will be better,gratz to sebastien poidevin who wins the 2 races,and thanks to all for this good time.

I had some really good races.
4 th in first race and 13th in 2nd race due to hitting the barrier twice on that really fast flip flap.

There was a lot of talking in the race that was distracting.

I wish i was driving the chevy
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