2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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I did my worst race-evening yesterday i crashed out in both races

Under practice I had 4:th place, so I thought what I should be in the frontpack in the races.

Qual: 13th 1,36,4
Race 1:
Bad start droped back to 20th place, but at the end of lap1 I was back up to 15th .
In lap 3 I lost contol in the chican, I went of to the grass and back into track infront of Oliver Amos.

I couldnt aviod to hit him and he went to the gravel I´m real sorry Oliver. I droped back 4-5 places in the incedent. At lap 6 I was of track of my own and again I lost place that I had taken earlier.Last lap I crashed out 18 place

Race 2:
In T1 I pushed P Madsen little, but I let him pass me again. When we entring T3 Rosario is standing in the middle of the track. I can pass him at the inside, but just when I´m going for that Rosario turned over to the line and I hit him hard and sent him to the gravel. My car didnt felt well after the hit, It was hard to steer.
At lap 7 I crashed out , lost 5 places , 17 place

It can´t go worst next time

cu Kent
Fairly happy with how my night went.

Qualy: I suck with set-ups when it comes to finding a balance, so all I expected here was to be somewhere towards the back.

Race 1: Made a good start from 12th and got up into 9th out of turn one. Had a nice little battle with Seb Bortoli. There was a little scuffle before the McDonalds turns, which led me to lock my brakes and run wide as I approached it. As I rejoined Eck tried to have a look on my outside as we approached McDonalds. I tried to be fair and give him a little space, but not the place and ended up with him going off. Finished off the race cruising around in 9th with a decent enough lead not to risk anything. Not that any points were at stake, little scrap with Trotin was enjoyable while it lasted.

Race 2: Another good start. Made up a couple of places, but got boxed in at turn one and ended up losing out. Made the most of other peoples mistakes to get up as high as 6th at one point, until mistakes of my own and a scrape with Mirlaud early on knocked me back. I was able to close on and stay close to Eckhart and unfortunately shunted him through turn 3 after he caught me by suprise being slow out of the turn. I decided not to take advantage and stay behind him as he got back up to speed. I was able to maintain a reasonable pace beind him, just not enough to mount much more of a challange. While coasting in to 7th place, I thought to myself just keep it clean and bring it home for some points. Sods law I made a mistake and this let Bortoli back on my tail once again. Again I enjoyed this little battle we had for a couple of laps, until he made a move into turn one and outbraked himself, giving me breathing space to secure 7th and my first points in my first weekend of WTCC.
Qualify: Set out a 1.38.2 I believe and that gave me 12th pos.

1st. I escaped from a (Blue Flag) pile-up in the first corner though everything looked nice & calm on entrance. Then a bit later I was spinning in the long left hander and S. Mirlaud had no chance in avoiding me (my apologies). When trying to re-enter the track very carefully, another Seat flashes before my eyes into the grid - checked the replays and it doesn't look like I had anything to do with this incident. The hit from Sylvain wrecked my suspension & I tried to drive it as steady as possible to the finish, while I was gaining some positions from spinned drivers. I had Mirlaud in my mirrors for around 5 laps at 1 sec constant untill I made a small slip at the exit of T2. Lost another place to Bouw, but managed to keep him in seight. The last lap was a 3 men battle for the 6th position (Bouw, Me & Bortoli) As all three made a small mistake in this lap so we kept positions and ended respectively.

2nd. Starting from frontrow, exciting! As Bortollli had an even (slow) start as I had, I kept 2nd position after 1 lap. Bortolli had to pit due to false start and I was actually in first position for a while! What a glorious moment
Couldn't hold of Sébastian P. (Who won 1 st race also) & had Michael in my mirrors. All the laps afterwards I was around 3-5 seconds behind Séb. Around 12th lap he got out & I hooked up, but got off track myself a lap later. Finished 2nd, first podium in my sim league history!

- Opened a nice can of fine belgian beer to celebrate -
  • Geo Vanderleij

so here is a little report from me

race 1 o so bad started as 14, got in accident within 6 corners, had to pit and gone was race 1
race 2 had a good start stayed out of trouble and worked myself up to about the 6st place had some luck that 2 cars infront of me dropt out and finished as 4th.
enjoyed another racingnight a lot.

geo vanderleij
Congrats ona podium. I think that seat in race 1 was me. I was distracted enough by what was going on in front and the cars following behind that I got off line and cocked up the braking. Safest bet was just to go straight on.
I was able to close on and stay close to Eckhart and unfortunately shunted him through turn 3 after he caught me by suprise being slow out of the turn. I decided not to take advantage and stay behind him as he got back up to speed. I was able to maintain a reasonable pace beind him, just not enough to mount much more of a challange.

yeah, nice race we had oursleves, really liked it, hope to see more of this at Monza!
Race 1

All I am going to say is absolutely shock driving throughout. I would of thought he would of learnt his lesson after being disqualified for bad driving at Estoril. Just watch the replay from Foxs Yiu's perspective. Horrendous driving from him throughout.

Race 2

I think people learnt their lessons and this race was much cleaner. I was in 4th most of the way up until the last lap where I had no grip and the car went sideways in a particularly fast corner. I was holding the slide but unfortunately Peter Madsen tapped my car. It was completely my fault and we both lost two places each. I tried to let Peter Madsen pass over the line but he was having none of it :thumb: Thanks mate for the great racing near the end.
[Pics] WTCC Rounds 7 @ Oschersleben Group 4

Here some pics from group 4 presenting, ... well mainly myself :D
1. Start - me getting sandwiched
2. Blue Flaggers entering first corner...
3. Me getting my suspension corrected... (my fault)
4. Smoke & dust caused by BFR
5. Last lap - battle for 6th position


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& Here's Race 2:
1.The false start from Bortoli
2. Me driving in first position! (With Séb pushing)
3. Me hooking up with Séb after he went off track
4. Me allmost screwing up 2nd pos.


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In short for me, I was amazed that I gained few positions in start carnage. Taking t1 turn on the outside paid off for me, twice there was a car spinning on the bumper and holding off drivers on my left. So i took advantage.

I spent two days trying to improve my setup. I was not satisfied at all and i knew the job was not done. But i had to use it as overall this setup was the fastest I had on 14 laps pace.

In race 1 I got in lap 3 into a slide in the series of turns 4-6 (the fast left turns that go into slow right, sector 2) where I got hit by a car and spun off. i think this time my slide was keeping me out of the way and I would have had it under control if there wasn't this hit so I feel kinda harmed in this situation. It really got me out of my concentration. (and I know who this was but Im not gonna report) . So i lost couple of places, racing 12 atm. In the second to last turn of lap 6 or 7, I spun off and ended on the inside of the last turn on the grass. Lost about 15 seconds before I could turn back again and reenter safely. I went 18 at that time and slowly regained few places, finished 12 i guess...

Race 2, lost couple of places due to slow start, but regained most in t1, t2 thanks to people spinning around. Kept my pace without major mistakes, close to the end of the race got onto grass few times, but uner control. Finihed 9th, knowing that the first 8 are faster, and the latter were slower. I could slow down the last two laps as my yres were getting angry on me and I was able to avoid any nervous finishes thanks to this. So 9th place is a great victory for me.

I'd say the race was quite enjoyable on my part, despite some maneuvres that afected people around me. I saw the nice accident between Warren and Jerome, actually Jerome was ahead when he went to barriers, so i overpass him. THen, I saw on the straight all the people behind me disappearing in a horrendous crash. I knew my immediate chasers are eliminated or crippled and thought my 9th is the wors i can end. I checked the vid too, and I think there is noone to blame. Jerome didnt go back on tarmac and Warren chose wrong side to pass only...
Qualified 9th just a few hundreds of my pre-quali time.

Race 1 race started well made a few potitions, lap 2 i got a tank slapper through the fast lefts manged to get it under control only to get punted into the gravel. manged to get back upto 4th only to get put into the gravel by the same driver. finshed 5th.
after watching the replay that has got to be some of the worst driving i have ever seen in a championship race.

Race 2 started 3rd, got a fantasic start, got along side the leader into T1, and got the lead, which felt great untill 3 quarters of the way round lap 1 my pc froze. i could do nothing, pressing esc did nothing. sorry if anyone crashed because of this.
Qualy in 5th for me which was better than expected.

Race 1 and the summer break seemed to have affected everyone it seems, as I too found that people were just a bit too aggressive with making their way through the field. It seems people forget that there are such things as blind spots in this game and still try to take someone on the inside into the turn, knowing full well the guy hasn't seen you and then a hit occurs as the guy then tries to take the "racing line" - instant closure and a couple of pissed off people ( I too made this error a few times, sorry ).

In race 1 I had a hit with Petr Kantor (thanks for posting, I wasn't sure who it was at the time) in the triple left turn. He completely lost control and ended up in a slide. Apologies for the hit but there was nothing I could do about the incident. Everyone knows that these turns are the hardest on the track and any slight deviation results in an off track experience and possibly the end of your race. There was nowhere for me to go due to your mistake but I tried to make the tap as small as I could so it didn't finish both our races. I suffered suspension problems after the tap and was certainly slower for the rest of the race. Final result was a 6th place for me.

Race 2 and I was 3rd on the grid. Got a good start but a beemer behind me had an even better one and decided to rocket straight through the field and stopping me making up a place ( damn those beemers are quick off the line :p ). By turn 3 I think I was down into double figures ( it seems race 2 is always a time for more aggressive driving and people trying to prove a point ). After we all got into a rhythm and the race settled in it was a case of trying to make up places by the mistakes of others. I ended up with a 5th place by the time the chequered flag was out.

All in all, I wasn't expecting results like this, as I raced with my Valencia setup due to a lack of time to prepare for these races.

This was my last race in this championship, as I can't make the final races due to other commitments. I want to say a big thanks to the organisers and to my fellow racers who made this an enjoyable experience. There have been some great memories and great fights on track. Thank you all :D
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