2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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This were again 2 amazing races!
I qualified in 4th position.
Race 1: I was very close behind Marcin for the first 5 laps, then he made a little mistake and I passed him. I came closer to Cristian, but not close enough. Finished in 4th.
Race 2: Was in P6 after turn 1. Then I saw Paul spinning in the grass, so I was in P5. Then Bastien passed me, but not much later he had an accident with Peter, and I was again back in P5. After a few laps I passed Attila and later also Peter. I finished 3rd.

4th and 3rd were the best results for me this season, so I am really happy :)
Grats to Bastien and Cristian for winning the races :thumb:
I did quali on P10


Then the race started it was a difficult race for me and my tires where burned out in lap 11 so i had to struggle to the finish and managed a P8 at the end :)

Race 2

I started on P1. lol
But afther the first corner they hit me to p3 :)
The race went well ,there where only some small race incidents .
And my tires where again burned out in p11 but i got my seat on P5 at the finish.

Overall P5
Again it was a lot off fun . See you guys in Anderstorp :becky:
Had a great race, until my PC crashed on the 3rd lap of the second race... :hurt:

Qualified myself for the 4th position on the grid.

Race 1
Had a wonderful start of the line and were really close to take a position going in to T1, but I had to back off not to cause an incident. I was hit broadside by some steaming fellow and dropped two places. But the same driver who bumped me were soon off the track so I regained my position without any drama :)

Had some good racing with Chris Noble, Chau Chou Io and Peter Madsen. I were half a second or so behind Peter in fourth place, when Chris all of a sudden fell out of the group ( I guess some contact had been made up front... ) Peter slipped by both Chris and Chau and left me chasing Chau for the remainder of the race. I felt and noticed that I was a fair bit faster than Chau in the latter part of the circuit and I bided my time as I were waiting for a opportunity to arise.

Somewhere around 2/3 in to the race Peter made a mistake and both Chau and I went by him. I was now in second place :becky: Chau started to slide more and more as his tires wore off whereas my tires still had plenty of grip. With four laps to go I started to apply the pressure hoping that Chau would stress out and make a mistake. He didn't.

I took the checkered flag as P2, my best RDWTCC finish so far :whoo:

Race 2

In this race I started in 7th position. Again my trusty old Beemer flew of the line as the green light lit up. I tried to gain a few positions going on the inside up to T1, but man did it get crowed in the braking zone... I had to drive on the grass to avoid collision. After T2 most of us had positioned our selves in a line. I were still in P7, but as the first lap completed I were up two positions. I had a great feeling about this race, the car felt wonderful and I felt confident. Then on lap 3, with me in fourth place, all of a sudden my screen turns completely black and the sound starts to loop... over and out, sayonara, auf widerseen... DISASTER!:rant:

I hope I'll get as good as a race at the next round, but without the PC crash :amen:

Until then, take care and stay safe!
Kind regards,
2nd in qualifying. Had a great start and after first corner I was leading. Alex was very close for many laps. One point of the race he dropped little futher away but in the end of the race he was catcing me in alarming rate but luckily I won the race.

In 2nd race had a good start but I backed off little when coming to 1st corner. In that 1st corner I got hit multiple times which resultet to a "There is a problem with you suspension" warning. Just a bad luck because most of hits was caused by lag. After that I just focused to keep my wounded Chevy on track. Finished in 3rd place.

2nd in qualifying. Had a great start and after first corner I was leading. Alex was very close for many laps. One point of the race he dropped little futher away but in the end of the race he was catcing me in alarming rate but luckily I won the race.

In 2nd race had a good start but I backed off little when coming to 1st corner. In that 1st corner I got hit multiple times which resultet to a "There is a problem with you suspension" warning. Just a bad luck because most of hits was caused by lag. After that I just focused to keep my wounded Chevy on track. Finished in 3rd place.


Nice m8 teammate! :tea:
  • Rodolphe Morin

The Race is not too bad for me in G1. I believed the worst with this very difficult circuit. I only qualify myself 18th has 2 seconds of 1st. Good departure, I find myself quickly make 13 or 14th but a small error and I finished 18th. Tires died for the 1st race. For 2nd, I leave 18 and in end group puts to me to look at the damage of the 1st turns and to benefit from the errors of the other drivers. I make a beautiful brawl with Gregory who does not leave me open doors. Just at the last turn, I arrive has to double it (or it lets me pass), and I finish 13th.
Nice race .Good track .Congrats to podium .
Well, i can not say i am completely happy with the tonight races, however the final result is not too bad, but i expected more from these races tonight... 6th and 6th, overall still first, but...

Qualy: could not find really my rythm, 1 hour before qualy i run a 1:34.2, in the qualy i could do just 1:34.5 for a long time, then just in the laaaaast second i could imporve 0.1 sec to get one place higher on the grid, really, i passed finish line and then next session... lucky 6th with this time

Race 1: not too much action, overall quite clean racing, 5 bimmer in front battling it out, arrived to 6th with Peter Böszörményi and Rami behind

Race 2: well, i dunno, either i was just too cautious, or drivers around me was over-enthusiastic, but somehow from all things happened around me the end result was that i backed off and at the end lost place and time, saved my car (and others too), to not ruin my championship chances... Paul Patrick, m8, that overtake, what to say... surely you could have found another spot where you can get ahead of me safely, also maybe on the tarmac as well, and then i do not need to save both my and your car by taking care for us instead of you... ehm... the one who i would like to give my respect is Patrick Duivelaar, he was really fair and patient, maybe the only one around me in race 2... at the end 6th, but easily could have been couple of times DNF...

So, lets be happy i finished both races in more or less acceptable position...
Hey hey hey...there are more then 1 Peter :boink:

Im happy with this evening, droved like crap most of the time, big thanks to Erik Åhlen in race1 not trying to overtake me when i was going sideways on the track, very fair and safe driving from you :pray2:

Gratz again to the podium, respect :hail:
Qual: enjoyed that! at one point top three were separated by just 0.058 (0.005 between 2-3) then michael did his stormer. an all FEAR front row - first for the league.

Race1: got a great start and thought could go around michael into first turn but thought valour was the better part here and let him take the lead, slotted in behind. somewhere seb buzzed thru. (cannot remember where) when the three of us got into clear air we pulled away, i guess about 2-3sec between M and S with me slowly falling off the back to around 8 seconds. People behind me were falling back around the same pace so decided to pace to the finish and score points (unlike in race1 outing at brands). Michael dropped out allowing me to step up to 2nd, my first RD podium.

Race2: absolutley nailed this start... gonna check replay and come back!!! (7th to 4th). made a wee error at shell esses on lap one. Sylvain hit the brakes a little earlier than i expected so as i jumped on mine i move right so as not to ram him up the rear and locked inside right front. went at a weird angle then and with the slighest tap spun him around (big apologies). i rejoined at the back of the field after going deep into the gravel. drove my socks off and got back to 9 where had a door bang incident with rich. this turned rich into the line for the corer and put me out. (i think physics had it in for me!) still held position and set about catching up. finally got ahead to 6th (this was all in the first 5 laps) and spent 8 laps closing down a 9 second gap to Sylvain. Michael Sharpe dropped handing me 5th. Last lap and i'm on Sylvains tail again at esses took a little more caution here but despite braking early missed my turn in point. still far enough to hold position though.

2nd overall and a nice points haul for the league!
Bad race for me, especially the first round.

Qualifying: 21th, with a time far of my best time, more than 1 seconde. (I sleep?!)

Round 1: Good start, but after few laps, i haven't supported the Mtommi Tam pressure and I went to make sand castle. Finished last :peep:

Round 2: Better than the 1st. I lost places by avoiding an accident, but nevertheless I managed to raise myself in 17th. More lucky race :p

I have to find a solution to be better woken the next time :attention:
  • Jacek Kozlowski

I was quite suprised with results that i had in this round:becky:.
Qualify ended on p.8
Race1-on start even before T1 i had suspencion problems beacouse of the crowd(i got few hits).For first few laps the worst thing was lags,but when i mange to overtake few cars it was gone.End up on p.6-good result for me.
Race2 -started on p.6.Did a lot of trannig of starts(with clutch) and that helped a lot.Was first after t1 and that stayed till the end

So first win for me in RD league:whoo:,i think i learned something since 6months ago started my simracing adventure.
Thanks all Guyes and RD for good racing tonight.See You in Anderstrop
First Race07 with Race Department League

Quali: Well im not very experienced making setups, so 11th place
First Race made it on place 6. Very Nice

Second Race: Could not keep up the pace. Made a lot of stupid mistakes.Next time better. Monza is one of my favourites.

Nice clean racing guys thanks .
A request. Can some see who hit me please, race 1 at around 147/8?

In my replay i get hit, but the hitting car is invisible so i can't report who it is. I'm sure from memory that the car was a SEAT and that whoever it was left the game seconds after.

If no-one else can see who was, i'll have look at the entry list to see if jogs the memory.

EDIT: Looking at the entry list i'm fairly certain who it was based on the capitalisation of his name and car used. Further comfirmation would be appreciated.
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