2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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Quali: Tried too much the whole day to improve but times get slower the nearer the quali came so i qualied last - but that was ok for me.

R1: Start was quite good, after t1 I had pos 17/20 but in t2 I was surprised how early cars in front did brake - sorry Laurance Lemon for hitting you! Not my only mistake but i was lucky to end the race as 15th.

R2: Again start was ok, but again i spin exit t3 so last one again. After some other cars accidents gained p14 and then did some nice rounds with Wido Rossen, but unfortunately in round 5 I got t1 as good as never while Wido does his worst (I think) so I ran onto his back and pushed him from the track - I'm very sorry about that!!
While waiting for him and searching the quick-chat-'Sorry' I missed t2 so we both had to finish the race without splitters. After that a few more mistakes for me so I finished both races p15 without splitter.

After all I'm glad to finish both races but I didn't stay out of any trouble so I say sorry again to everyone who was involved!
  • Pirro Chun

Nice race with Gregory again.:tea:

This is not the first time to race with Gregory.
Very clean driving, gentleman Driver. :thumb:

Very enjoy racing with the Red Devil Skind SEAT.:bounce:
how bloody annoyed,no scratch that


i had been looking forward all week to this race,i had done enough in pre-qually to get me group 3, and on the night i took it easy at first in practice,then my computer crashed, so i changed back to my previous gfx driver, re-joined and halfway through practice it crashed again.:mmph:

so i turned down the overclock on my gfx card to near standard, re-joined practice2 but with 7 minutes to qually it crashed again, i frantically re-booted pc,turned the gfx overclock all the way to standard setting,re-joined with about 2 secs to spare.

qually was pretty good, my pc seemed stable with an average of 80-90 fps, then,you guessed it, with about 9 or 10 minutes left,it crashed again.:censored:

have no idea what is causing it,and it isn't giving me a mini dump so it's obviously hardware related.:help:

it has been fine all week,i had even joined a few public servers with 10 lap races to get practice for the race,with no problems at all.

hope the rest of you had fun.:thumb:

  • Stirb Iuliu

I've sent my absence after I got disconnected in qualifications (lost connection bug).
Hopefuly I'm ok now, and won't be disqualified for the next round.
  • Chris Noble

It was a dam shame Dave as you were giving my Honda some good competition in practice and qualifying! Especially with it being virtually nothing between the top 3 minus yourself.

I hope you manage to get your problem fixed, got some time before the next race due to the summer break now.

Yes it was my badly damaged car you were racing against Andreas, I was having a lot of handling problem and so just kept falling backwards down the order!
have no idea what is causing it,and it isn't giving me a mini dump so it's obviously hardware related.:help:

If you've OC'ed your PC, make sure your voltage is adequate for the CPU and the Northbridge. Also, check your RAM timings and voltage. A sudden crash like you explained is more than often related to these settings.

I OC'ed my new PC not long ago, I found out that Race07 is particularly sensitive about memory timings and voltage...
Kind regards,
Qual as usual i'm awful....20th(whoot)

Nice start and a good run to T1 and find a nice safe gap in tight,then the back end whack ruins that,run up to druids,i get round there ok,but then on the exit of Graham Hill i kicked off the track and recover last by miles(nice),as others fight and fall off etc. i am given places to finish 15th?.
Race2 i get away good again and this time no assualts at T1,infact i was left only to get lap one under my belt this time,and made good of it,mainly with others having problems ahead of me,at druis Sols car seemed to a slight elastic band lag thing as i was following close,the resulting touch turned him,sorry but i dont know how to avoid this,not much action for a few laps then some pressure from behind,Gregory Degreef eventually finds a way past cleanly,i am happy enough to finish in 7th.
Grats to Bastien and all race 1 podiums,,,,slightly Bigger GRATSO!!! to my lad Ollie for his maiden RD win(be warned,there will be more).

Many Thanks RD guys for making this all possible.
I think we all need a little summer break now and calm down a bit for the final runs of this series :thumb:.
Ok, here my group 4 experience:

Qualified in last qualify lap to 12th pos. with a low 1.37.

Started with a near miss of Michael who was right in front of me and didn't move as the lights went down...

Kept it real cool through the first lap and won some positions thanks to drivers who didn't kep their cool.
But in lap 3 I got nervous by all the cars around me... hit the brakes because of sliding cars in front of me and unfortunately I was braking just when I hit the curbs/grass and ended up with my nose in the wrong direction at the exit of T4 befor the long straight... Solo race from there on (everybody behind me was allready out) and crashed the car in the last lap...punctured tire - suspension.
13th Position - Only 12 out of 17 survived.

Race 2:
Definitely more consistent then race 1. Again not to fast in the first corners and then gaining some spots because of offroading/fighting drivers in the first laps.
At that moment I was chasing Michael in 6th pos. As Michael stated I wasn't able to keep Nils behind me. Some other drivers slipped past me as well when I made some small mistake.
Trying to push the car as hard as I could (mid 1.36) I wrecked the tyres completely by lap 12 (Warning on display) .Some slips & bumps later I finished 10th.

Gratz to all!
  • Jacek Kozlowski

I knew it can happend.All day we had heavy storms in Warsaw.....after race1 i lost internet connection:scared: :pray::mmph::mad:....
Anyway i would like to thank everyone for race1,it was big improvment since Estorill-very nice, clean race(at least for me).

I ended quali on p6,i think.
On the start of race1 i was very carefull that cost me going to p8 but after 1lap i started to drive fast and without any mistakes,i even manage to get pass this horrible accident -flying and roling car (i think it was Fellipe)-REPLAY WILL BE AWSOME.I manage to get pass one driver and on lap 11or12 Jamie Wilson in front of me did mistake and went into the grass,so i had one lap to go and was on p4.IT ended that way.So P4 in group3 is a very good result for me .Too bad i couldnt start in race2 due to connection lost.
One more time thanks for all You Guyes,thanks for organisers and congratulations for James Yates for winning two races!:thumb:
  • Gilbert Estorninho

Its ok! racing incident, i won't blame no one. But we could have much more fun if i could be with you guys infront.
Don't worry i know you didn't mean to hit me. No hard feeling. I was in a Wrong place and wrong timing .hahahahaha
Decided to run a conservative race and let attrition take its course. It doesn't take much of a mistake to go off course here at Brands Hatch and damage the car...

Race 1
Qualified 14th and was in 12'th place until T3 L1. Not sure exactly what happened here with Cheung Ting Pong as it's hard to tell from the replay -- he either had his nose in a bit too far or I cut down on him and it spun me out --- it was close. Either way it looked like a "racing situation" to me. Anyway, I recovered and had a great battle with Danny for quite a while. He was tough, but fair all the way and had me sweating. Really enjoyed that dice!:) On lap 11 Alessandro went off in front of me and I hit him when he was coming back on the track which allowed Danny and some others to pass me. Tried to avoid the hit, but was committed to the turn and just couldn't slow down enough to avoid contact. Was trying to keep to the inside, but my momentum carried me to the outside. Ended up 15th.

Race 2
Started 15th and another problem in T3 L1. Thought I had gotten around Gilberto in T2, but it turned out that the nose of his bmw was about at my left rear wheel when I started my turn in for T3 and got spun. Didn't seem to cause Gilberto any problems, but had to work my way back from 19th. Made it to P14 until on lap 10 I drove myself off the track trying to stay away from Clive and Julien. My fault. Ended up in P13 with William dogging me to the end. Was glad to see it end as I don't know that I could have held out much longer.

Thanks everyone and enjoy the break! See you at the next race.:D
  • Gilbert Estorninho

First of all i should Apologies for those who didn't have the oportunity to race with me. Because you will never know what its the true meaning of the race "FAIR+AGGRESSIVE".
Jacco Cornelissen It was my pleasure for what we share over & over lap after lap pushing & hitting, fair & aggressive racing moments. Unfortunatly i make several dump mistake, maybe because of the pressure and the poor condition of my car after all.
Anyway i hope to challenge you again on the next race and this time for the podium.
Finally I am Sorry for Julien , Esteve and Rodolpho "I didn't mean to push you guys out, maybe i was too nervous SORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRY Brothers!
  • Michael Sharpe

first points

Brands was my first group race and first points of the championship :)

I was a bit late joining the server so I had no practice, did an average quali lap for P11. I had a bad start to race1 tho, my PC decided to have some lag for this race, so I crawled off the line down to last. At the end of lap1 I was back with the pack but everyone was jumping around on my screen so I stopped on the side of track to shutdown some background programs, then carried on miles back (17th and last). I was rather bored all on my own at the back, although I could catch BFR teamm8 Kris Leeten later who then spun in front of me, so I passed him and finished 12th somehow, not lapped
disappointed as I am sure I could have been top8 without my problems.

Race2 was great
PC was much better now, so I could race properly this time. My start was careful, there was some contact in front at t2 which moved me up some places, then another driver spun and took someone with him and I was incredibly 4th after lap1! After this I was passed by Mehmet Arikan, and Kris was behind. I hoped he could hold everyone back for me but Nils Wijk got through sometime and caught me, then I went wide which let him pass, down to 6th. Next he caught Anibal Moreira and passed so I caught Anibal and followed him around, next Nils spun and dropped behind me, then later Mehmet also did so I was now 4th fighting for 3rd. Anibal made some small mistakes but nothing enough to get thru, then on lap13 my tires died and I made a small mistake which allowed Nils and Robert Maytum to go past me, then last lap I got a little lag and shot tires so I went off and let Mehmet pass, so I got 7th at the end at a place on the champ tables :)
Had great fun last night, race 1 i gained only one place on the opening lap. I think i could of possibly challenged Attila and the alfa in front of him but a few mistakes put pay to that.

Finishing 8th in the previous race gave me pole for the second. I really pushed in the opening laps to try and build a small gap to the rest knowing some of the BMWs were as much as one and a half seconds a lap quicker. By around lap 3 or 4 i could see a bmw creeping closer and closer and not much later found Haba parked up my rear. I watched behind as much as possible to see where he was able to pass me which was mostly at T2, T4, T8 and T9 lol. Nearly lost the lead after a small lock up at T2 but was able to hold on. Last lap i was abit anxious of a late lunge but luckily for me Haba made a small mistake giving me a stress free finish.

As Gary said, big thanks and congratulations to the admins - it really is a very professional format you have running here.

I hope to continue in this championship after the break, but if all goes well my own racing commitments may make that difficult.
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