2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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great defending in race 1 Jari :)
good qualy for me...pole until 30 sec to go so 2nd
1st race forgot to put gear 1 in place at start so kind of blew it...when i caught up with Jari i couldnt pass so not much to do
2nd race got a decent start just loosing the revs for a while...spent the most of the race chasing and putting pressure on Terry Harmer and finally i got past him.
Caught up with David Lemon 3-4 laps to go,he made a mistake and i got up alongside of him,i was on the outside so there was no way i would pass him into the lefthander (turn 3)but,well....lets just say i ended up almost spinning from going into the grass....abit irritated at the moment but it'll wear off
Qualifying was not too good, I couldn't put a good lap together.
Race 1
Got hit a few times and couldn't concentrate, ended up 18th I think.
Race 2
I started way back and ran a good race ending - I think 15th or 14th, I am not sure. I drove much better and had fun. Good time chasing Steve Emmons around the last few laps.

I am sorry to Gilberto Estorninho for the bump on turn 4 later in the race, I was inside you and carrying more speed and you cut in a little, I should have given you a bit more room, but you looked like you were going wide and I thought I could pass safely. Very Sorry.
Erf very bad day for me!

Qualifying: i haven't done a time under 1'34''xxx

Race 1: Good start but after 6 laps i have lost control in the 3rd left curve and i have exploded my rear tyre. Sorry for guys who crash into me.

Race 2: Start in the last position. During the race i have got some place but in the 2 last laps, i have done 2 errors that cost me to go down at the 18th place.

I hope i'll be better for the next event, good night all.
Qualify :
last 5 min,Best lap 1:34'0xx on pos 1 start
Race 1
Pos 1
Race 2
Can said is No1,but, is tail No'1,on race 2 start,my foot have problem,can not keep clutch,so,stop/go.......,that time,i very sad,very no luck for me,all race 2 no feel running,because very sad........my foot :(

All race.....is finish,nevermind,See all on next track:thumb:

My chinese report:
my english no good,so chinese report again :)
Quali P18 :)
Race 1
I had a good start and afther the second corner with the help off a others(a lot accidents) i was on P13.
I drove my race and without accidents a finished P11

Race 2
Again i had a good start and afther a couple off rounds i was on P11.
I had some great fights with Gilberto Estorninho. It was fun.
And then in lap 13 i get hit in the back by Jay Adgie and i spun around, there was no real damage to my little seat so i continuet the race. When i was almost at the finish i saw Jay standing there waiting for me :)
I want to say : Jay Adgie you are a real gentlemen.:nod:
I finished on P11
It was fun again and i hope to see you all in Oschersleben.
Quali 3 1:33,3xx
Race 1 Good start i kept my 3place and I drove really carefully,then lastlap haba meid **** and I get second place! nice fo me.
Race 2 Again good start after few coners i was 7? behind me it was Bastien Bartsch Q1 race 1 winner.......
I now he is lot faster so he hit me once ok np but next lap again and my car hit henriks car then i lost that place....then few laps later some mistake by Bastien and i just tok my car to inside coner and passing Bastien there, then T1 Bastien lost control and newer so him again.then it was turtle atti3,henrik4 and me lol I finish 5 place.....
Good night:)
  • Jerome Benard

Thanks all very nice races .

I make a good second race, all laps in P1 and i make a stupid error :amen: in the last lap and i finish P2. :rolleyes:

Grats all and have a good Holydays :thumb:
wow, this was an intense weekend again!

Qualy: disappointing only 8th with 1:33.4, couple of thousands faster and could have been also 3rd, but could not pull that lap together sadly

Race 1: not too much happening, pretty much spent the whole race behind Peter, i felt i am a little faster, could slowly close the gap, but then 3-4 laps from the end made a slight mistake at T1, dropped back to more then 1 sec again, could not close it until the finish. At the end P6

Race 2: wooohhooooo, that was some quality racing!!!! i was sweating blood for the whole rac, i dunno if i looked more the road ahead or the mirror... lol the whole race distance Henrik and Rami was on my tale, for 14 laps we were running 3 of us within 1 sec i believe, Henrik was all over my back, attacking here, and then there, very nice racing, i enjoyed it a lot! I could stay in front until the end, but it was hell of a job for me this time... :) Very nice driving guys, clean, fair, close, intense, whatever you want there it was! P3 at the end.

Well, next time i think i have to make some actions to be less tired a bit... ehm... :)

Very nice races, thanks guys!
  • Chris Noble

Great races! much more enjoyable then Estoril was in group 3 last time out!

Spent some time practicing with the Honda and trying to get it setup right which eventually enabled me to qualify 3rd! The gap between 1st and 3rd was virtually nothing! But very pleased with this.

Race 1

Got bogged down with wheel spin, James off like a rocket and luckly didnt lose a place to Fanando as he went defensive against cars behind him. tried to keep up with james, but then locked brakes into Paddock Hill bend and into the grass dropping me back :(

Had a good old dice with Fanando, Jamie and Helder with Helder eventually rolling his car and narrowly missing mine! Jame put a wheel on the grass at the same point and couldnt save it giving me another place! which put me in 3rd place to the line!

Race 2

Got a much better start, but James with his BMW sneaked his way through! Got back into 3rd place and so was quite pleased! James was able to do some crazy lines and hold them! nearly had a moment when james passed me up the inside and was just hopping we wouldnt touch as I was right on the edge of the track!

Then disaster! tried to shift down to 3rd in this same part (2nd fast right hander) and the wheel didnt do it :( went wide onto the grass and trying to get the front end to pull it back onto the grass, but just power understeered into a barrier sending my car into the air losing its splitter and spinning across the track narrowly missing nigel and unfortunately Christanio Depreas ran into my out of control car. Nothing was terminal howerver for either of us and he finished ahead of me so hopefully that is ok!

Then had a good fight with the chevy and when he finally passed me he went off at the next corner! came back and past me again, but a few laps later put a wheel on the grass and went off backwards into the barrier but survived! I went on the finish 10th so still some points!
Quali: Well... what can i say? timed it perfect on the two stints i decided to set and got a nice clear track everytime. 3 laps for first stint, warm up, banker, and push it. got me 1:36.6xx then second out, warmup, push it and WOW! broke into the high 1:35's for first time... decided that was enough for me, not gonna hit apexs like that again!!!

Race1: Good start, a couple of tangles then on the start of lap 10 didn't scrub off enough speed for turn in while off line due to fantastic pressure from Frumaniak. drifted wide, collected barrier and lost splitter, struggled to get out of sand then was decided to be told front left puncture. I think this leaves me with 0 points on the distance rule... not sure was on lap 10 but never completed it. was lap 10 the magic number directors? if so... bummer!!!

Race2: From back of grid for this, another good start, knew i could make up a few places again. a few small errors kicked in near the end as i tried to rain in a 10 second gap in 3 laps to Leeton and get into the top 10. got it to 6 and missed a turn in at sheene. ran wide lost a couple of places then. hey ho! thats life i guess. no one died. :D

Only disappointment was that only 17 of the 24 named drivers turned up, still... more points for me!!!

Anyway congrats to the two winners and lets see if i can quali again at next round. this is fun!!!!
Didn't feel to sure about the race, cause Brands is a bit tight, which could cause some carnage. Qualified 5th and made an average start, overtaken by the usual beemers at the start. At the Paddock Hill bend I prayed it goes well, but I was hit from behind causing me to spin in the barriers. Recovered on the very last position I had to fight back, and soon I caught up the back of the field, in this case it was Steve Emmons in his Honda. He and I had a nice long and fair battle, and we went on passing others when they made mistakes, so eventually got 16th or so. Then in my mirror Oliver Amos showed up very quickly in his nicely skinned Beemer. Steve made a mistake and I won a position but Oliver was closing in very very fast, and I had to defend heavily. He drove very fair, and gave me the room when needed not pushing. Thanks Oliver, I had fun.
Eventually got 13th on S/F, so minor damage I guess.

2nd race started 13th obviously and had a reasonable start again, and managed to get through, even passing Oliver Amos again at 4th corner. I was 8th then if I remember well. Long battle again with Oliver, and after a few laps he passed through when I just didn't have the speed coming out of the corner. I was cruising on 10th when suddenly more people made mistakes and I was 7th. Then also had a battle with Alan Chan I eventually won with 1 or 2 laps to go. 6th place was all I could manage.

Thanks for the fun guys. Btw. I just cannot understand why everytime I do a race, there is never the full 25 drivers present on server? This time 21 again :suspicious:

Summerbreak now... finally I can get some decent sleep
Well, this race was kinda of a mixed experience... both good and bad...

Managed to squeeze out a 1:35.015 that put me in the middle of the pack. I was pretty pleased with it.

Race 1:
Not a good race. I took it easy on the first few laps as I didn't want to cause any accidents. Unfortunately it seamed liked I was the only one thinking like this. In T1 on the first lap I got bumped around, then several more hits and knocks as the race progressed. A few drivers seamed not to care about their fellow race drivers as they rather drove through a car than around it...

Race 2:
As race 1 was a disaster I started in P14. Again I watched some "spirited" driving in front of me...

Had a better race this time around (or shall I say, better luck as I didn't get pushed off). Had some nice racing with some kind and talented drivers. But I felt quite uninspired to make any actual threat to them.
I finished in P6.

In general:
I'd like to send a apology to Paolo Mazzilli for tapping his rear on the last lap. Paolo, don't know what happened as I let you by and you then seamed to drop all your speed on the finishing straight which lead me to overtake you right on the finishing line. Did you ran out of gas or was it my hit that broke your car?

Any way, as this was the last race for the summer I'd like to send you all a huge thank you for some very entertaining races! I hope that you all get some good rest (and a nice tan:becky:) so you'll be back for the next race with some new found strength and a positive mindset:thumb:
Kind regards,
Quallied in 13th with a time of 1.35.115. Pretty happy with that.

Race1: Got a desent start. maybe getting a place or two, not sure though. Recieving a few bumps on the first laps, quite hard ones, but nothing that made me lose places or anything. Made mistakes aswell like going of track a few times so I really didn't make any progress but also I didn't lose much either. Finished 11th. had a really scary moment in mid-race when my teamate David Cuthill went wide in the second of the three fast corners, touching the barriers and starting to barrel roll! And if that was not enough there was a car standing on the inside of the track aswell so I kept my breath and went for that little hole that got smaller and smaller (live flashing passt my eyes)... I made it through that though without wetting my pants :)

Race 2: Got a better start but going into T2 I made a little contact to the rear end of Folgalves (sp?) which made the car behind me touch me and I touched him again sending him to the gravel. In my opinion it was the second touch that made you spin but I am truely sorry for the first one. Got ran off track by Paolo Mazilli in the last turn on lap 2 I think it was, loosing som positions... Then it was a usuall race for some time, tyers getting really bad really fast (as allways in my case). Then I cought Chris Noble that had some problem obviously and I put pressure on him like crazy, showing me in basicly every corner. Ran into the rear of him once which I am sorry for but I did back of to let you go again. Manage to get passt him in the Dingle Dell corner... but I ran to fast into the one after so no gain for me as I had to re-enter the track and re-take the pursiuts (sp?) of Chris. Cought him again and passt but a lap or two after I crashed in the Dingle Dell cornre, losing my splitter and just tryed to drive safe after that. Finished 11th again.

All in all a fun day but I must say that the driving sometimes was a little to hard or even way to hard. It is a narrow track and one push or mistake can lead to alot of damage for others. If you arn't sure to pass or of there arn't space then back of and try again later.

Cya all next time!

/Andreas :)

Edit: Forgot to say grats to James for an aweseom double victory :thumb:
I was focused.....i was fast...I was....again in the grass as usual with my races at Brands lol
this track don't like me
but i was able to perform on what i wanted and predicted.....finishing in the top 15

qualified p11 with only 3 sec left before changing to race session... damn that was lucky :)
race 1 went ok....but i visited the grass area way to much.....damn....i was in final lap 15th when accident happened in front of me and i almost had 10th....but finished 11th...

race 2 went a whole lot better....hell i was even going for a top 10 finish, but oh no mister Brands Hatch doesn't want that.....sssOOOo....with 2 laps to go i spun the car in paddock.....and bring it back limping to 12th


Qualid 5th, alsohad some better laps but like everybody else i ****ed up, still good spot for the Alfa.

Race1: Drived way under the pase, but i now Henrik, Rami, and the front guys was faster then me so i took the safe way, but when i saw that even Atti had a hard time to follow me then i now i was home safe without pushing to hard, but in the middle of the race the car started to behave strange letting the rear end go.
Then Atti started to closing in again but as he said he did a misstake and i could cruse till finish.

Race2: 1 word....... AARRRGGHHHHHHHHHH... once again contact racing punishing me hard and i was dead last once more after turn1...luckely everyone missed me again, made my way up to 12th and seein 8th spot and then again when trying to stress Pirro the car totally lost grip and i was down the list once again.

Weekend to be forgot quickly for me...... special gratz to Oliver to be another number1 finisher... well done.
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