2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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Quali:10, Alfa was good, driver was bad, could gone alot faster.

Race1: Tried to overtake as fast as possible not to loose sight of the front guys but in order to this foolish try, i ruined Oliver Wickens race (must send a big big biiiig sorry to Oliver Wickens) i knew the Alfa was fast on this track so i would love to close in some points on Attila in the overall standings.
After that horrible incident a managed to climb in the field all the way to 4th but foolish as i was again i tried to take some hight before the startfinishingstraight to gain some extra speed for trying to pass the guy in front and i dident noticed that Attila was so close, so there i go again, ruin many folks good evening, sry to all that get involved there.
then finally a clean run til the checkerflag as 14th.

Race2: Made a second stupid thing and knocked off Danny Pattiwael on a straight before 2nd turn (Sorry) then managed to go up to 10th place following Maik but this time i choosed the safe way and stayed behind, but in the last laps i got Mathieu Prevot on my tail and blocked a whole lot but nothing unfair i think, but on last lap i went wide, giving me bad exitspeed and think to my self that Mathieu was worth to pass so i let him take the innerline before a turn but then we had a contact, but now (for once) i dont think it was my fault, i was holding my line as far to the right i could but still we touched, dunno why or how, but there i ended yet anotherones race this evning.

Conclusion: Better to drive safe then trying to pass, but as said earlier i felt fast and for once i wanted to make some moves but just ended up ruining the evening for some.

Bad weekend for BellaItalia, but hopefully the RDs will allow me to race at Brands in 2 weeks.Still i had a good time, especially that the Alfa worked great here at Estoril.
Well that was a butt clenching 2 races :)

@ Steve, no probs mate, you should have gone for it but thanks for giving me space. Unfortunately drifting seems to be part of Chevy racing this season for me. I just can't judge a setting to make my tyres last longer, although in the second race I changed to another setup of mine which was slower (lap times) but safer with the tyres it seems.

Race 1 was a bummer. After a qualy positon of 14th I made my way up to 8th with a little help of other peoples mistakes and the shock of seeing Jacco on fire. I held this until 2 laps to go where I then got too attracted to the car in front and missed my braking point and ended up in the gravel - down to 14th again after that I think it was. I made up one position more and ended the race in 13th. Just one point, I want to say sorry to Cheung Ting Pong who I think I spun off. From my view it was one of those times where you have no space and can't do a thing about it. Unfortunately you came across into my line when there was no space for you (guess I was in a blind spot) and the result was a spin off for you which I think was over amplified by the crap physics of this game :(

Race 2 (with another setup) went slightly better although I made quite a few mistakes. The tyres where holding up much better this time although far from perfect. Can't remember too much of the race but I ended up finishing in 10th.

Well all in all it was a fun event but my biggest plus point would have to see my blackrebels racing team mate David Cuthill finishing 2 races with no disconnect. It seems to have been a while since this happened and I'm dead chuffed for him - great stuff DC :D Gonna be keeping my fingers crossed that all is well from now on.
Race2: Made a second stupid thing and knocked off Danny Pattiwael on a straight before 2nd turn (Sorry) then managed to go up to 10th place

No problem Peter :thumb:, I knew it was difficult to keep our cool when driving in a pack like that at the start.

Qualify : Wow, couldn't get a good lap, nowhere near my pre-qual time. Last on the grid.

Race 1 : Reasonable start, won 1 place, only passing Rodolphe Morin, then there was abit of a chaos, and suddenly was behind Stirb Iuliu. Pretty close with Andreas Löffler behind me. He nudged me at the chicane and he was gentle and fair enough to give back my position :thumb: Then I had one of my nicest battle with Stirb Iuliu, only to pass him at the very last lap, at the last bend, and trying to keep him off my drag till the finishline. :D Think I ended up 12th

Race 2 : Bit of a chaos at the start and also spun of the track, then I had about a whole race chasing Jackson Fung, and wow he had some lag. I spend almost the whole race evading his non-existent car which was lagging all over the place. I knew this could go wrong eventually, and it did. His car was blinking on and off screen, and at the chicane I nudged him, which I'm very sorry for, but wasn't possible to avoid this in my view. Sorry again Jackson.

It was very fun to drive with u all. My 1st time in grp 1. Felt good, cheers to all !
Qualify 5 1:46,358

Race 1 good start i was third in t1 then hard battle with Rami for few laps,i was slower i cant win this fight got place 4 and finish. It`s ok Rami you was little too hard with that tap, but in close figths that things happen i was even harder on next corner - sorry for that was bad i saw the replay. Anyway good race for me. Congrats Matthieu, Cristian and Rami

Race 2 another good start in t1 with Atti breaked out and Cristian with little touch pass me i was second for another few laps. Then i made errors one by one ( begginer faults lol ) i lost position to 3 than 4 and finally 13. Congrats Cristian, Hellen and Atti

Im very happy for p4 in race 1 in my short carrier it is big succes. Thanks for good racing guys congratulation to the winners podium and all drivers.
Race 1:

Had a good start and gained some positions going in to T1, I took care not to hit any one but got hit myself - spun around and dropped to one of the last positions in the field :(

My car felt great and I felt confident about regaining my lost positions, unfortunately my momentum was disrupted as I was hit from behind and spun once again. The driver was kind enough to let me pass him once I was back on the track :thumb: Had some great racing with both Warren Dawes and Jamie Wilson, I worked hard to squeeze past Jamie and as soon as I managed to pass him I went ballistic and drove straight out in to the gravel pit :sign0161: lost two positions and rejoined behind Warren. After some chasing I ram straight in to a car who's coming on to the track out of nowhere, fortunately we both survive and finish the race.

Race 2:
I start about midfield, get a bit excited and jump the start. Black flag and a 10 sec stop 'n go :chair:

As I race to get to the pit, I drop off the curb exiting T4 my rear tires hit the grass and I spin out of control. I hit Jacek broadside and send him off to the barriers I then spin back on to the track right in front of some one else who has no were to go but into my door. My car is now standing straight across the track. I'm extremely lucky that no one hits me, all I can do is to stay put and let everyone pass. :o

I'm so sorry Jacek that I ended your race :sign0013: I hope that you understand what happened and that you'll be able to forgive me for this incident...

I hope to see you all at the next race!
Kind regards,
Well even though the 2nd race finish doesn't reflect it, I am pretty happy with this weekends race.
It all started with practice:
I didn't want to test my fastest quali setup in practice, but rather just drive around with my race setup...it felt quite good.

by qualifying then i went with my pre-qualifying setup.......damn I'm really happy and proud of myselft with the P4 qualifying spot...I pushed a bit (not to much...but could have done a bit better) like i did the whole week....don't know why but this track really goes with me and my seat :)......even better.....never expected that beating Atti :D

great race for race 1.....
i had to bang and and paint (the same color) to actually my teammates for my position...i had an awesome start....almost a bmw start with the leon....i stayed in 4th....then Rami was behind me and i thought, he is faster so i will let him go.....
then made some mistakes (as my heart was around 20000 RPM....hey it's been so long since i last been in top 5)...Atti caught me....I stayed there in 6th, actually I lost my position to gio, but a bad shifting took himself out....funny to you in a spicy (fire) RPM sandwich :)...
last lap battled Atti, so took back 5th place...such a great feeling

but race 2....oh man i must be a magnet target or something........bad luck overall written :(
Gregory sleep start in front of me, Mathieu spinning in front of me in t2 and i had no where to go, got spun by Rami in T3 & in T4 saw you going off Rami, but when you were coming back, Jackson fung took a big diving risk and collide with you, causing a big pile up...luckily i avoided that mess
after that i was also battling with Oliver and Maik....but everytime i try to put my nose in a opening, Oliver closes that and so i touch him and seeing him wiggle that car.....
then by beginning lap 7 with Peter and Maik in front of me Peter was trying to go pass Maik by taking the alternative racing line, so i thought finally i can brake a bit later (some strange reason i have a shorter braking distance in T1 than everyone else....Atti experienced it first hand in race1...hey i can't help it that you rear end looks so delicious :D)...
but while braking Peter changed lane back and in front of me....only thing i could try to do to avoid catastrophe was by going in grass and pray everything comes ok....wrong spun and lost 5 position
in the end finished 15th :(...damn a top 10...hell even a top 5 was sure in hands for race 2.....oh well.....**** happens so it's no problem....hell i'm still happy with p5 race 1 lol
now i can go and practice in the summer break :)
Well these certainly were eventfull races. I was feeling really confident for a podium finish after qualifying into 4th, as I knew I was quite gentle on the tyres. Unfortunately some people must have confused this game with Destruction Derby and that kind of ruined my chances...

Race 1:
I somehow survived the mayhem of T1 but unfortunately was kind of distracted by several small contacts, forgot about the cold tyres and went straight into the gravel at the first hairpin!
Rejoined 7th or 8th (I think), and drove as fast as I could overtaking a few cars in the process. By lap 8 I was running 3rd and closing in on 2nd.
On lap 10 I accidentally hit the back of the second-place car during a braking so I let him pass and retake his position. In turn 1 of the last lap, I outbraked him round the outside and left enough room from him to make the turn. But he hit me and sent me off track. I rejoined in 7th place and that's where I ended up, very annoyed and disappointed to have lost that 2nd place finish.

Race 2:
I was starting 2nd on the grid. Bram overtook me thanks to his BMW's superior traction and I was therefore 3rd. But I got hit at the hairpin in lap 2 and rejoined 8th. In the process, I had lost all my front-end grip, probably due to overheated tyres. I therefore lost another couple of positions and was thinking about a pit stop, but then my tyres were good again. I was then 10th.
I had an exciting fight with Christophe Berton from lap 4 to 6 but managed to pass him eventually. Then in lap 9 I passed another car and was up to 7th place.
Running 6th was my good friend who had pushed me out in the final lap of race 1. He made another victim when he took out Lu Chan who was then 5th. We both passed Lu while he was trying to get back on the track. In lap 10 I managed to go 5th when the guy made a mistake, but then he hit me hard at the chicane and I went off track for a second. From then on, I knew he was not going to let me through so I just followed him to the finish line.

7th and 6th, when I believe I could have done much better without a few encounters... More importantly, the fun was kind of spoiled.
Some good points though: A few good battles, and I managed to overtake lots of cars (I lost count) so I was quite pleased with that.
Good race tonight,but me very slow,can not fast

Qualify on p10

Race 1: this track,i can not fast and my tire very hot,always lose on sector 3,lap 5,my tire very hot,but,fun and fair good friend for me,i know some car fast then me,simple, Gary Lennon,Frederico Teixeira,Clive Siggs,Jari Vinnari,they fast then me,and me no power block them,so,pls pass me,and after,i want follow,but,i lose my sector 3,only see the car very very small,:prace 1 is good feel,good race

Race 2:
i on pos 9 start,also,can not fast and not stable,but,finish the race is very well,thx for all bro,

See all on next race,Brand Hatch,
Not too enjoyable for me unfortunately. Estoril proved to be as risky and dangerous as I anticipated. For those of us in the middle of the pack, it turned into a bit of a lottery.

Qualified poorly at P13. I was sitting early in P8 ish, so decided to just refuel and wait for the start. Looked ok until about 5 guys jumped past me in the last 2 mins of Qualy. :o

Race 1. :(
Got a reasonable start for once, took it very carefully around the first two turns, and then approaching turn 3, the cars in front had a shocking pile up sending Jacek into me throwing my chevy into the inside barrier. There I sat, stalled, watching the whole field dissappear ahead. So now I am in my usual League position, hopelessly last and miles behind. :mad: I managed to get up to P16, but was tapped under brakes entering turn 1, spinning me into Martijn, and sending us both off track (sorry Martijn). I worked up to P14 again, but was knocked off track again entering turn 3, where I sat forever again with a stalled car. :(
Finished P20 and not a happy chappy.

Race 2. (couldn't be worse I hoped).
I somehow avoided the carnage at turn 3, and then even avoided Karl's BMW sideways across the track again later, and completed lap 1 unscathed, things were improving as I settled into P16. On lap 3, I came around turn 2 to find Oliver's BMW sliding across track into my path, but as I swerved to avoid him, I jackknifed off the track into the sand against the fence. I then had some nice laps behind Martijn who was having a hard time trying to get past Jims Bong, and at the hairpin, he had to brake early catching me by surprise, and I tapped him off balance, (very sorry Martijn :o), I slowed to wait, but then I repeated the same thing tapping him into turn 3 as I was trying to take an inside line and slid very slightly (sorry again mate :o). As I waited for him to pass again, Terry slipped past both of us. I was later caught by Terry braking earlier than I expected into the hairpin, and tapped him (sorry yet again :o), so I stopped to wait again. This put me into a grippng battle with Jamie for a bit with some side by side action. I finally worked up to P14 and some clean air (at last :)) and over the last two laps I quickly caught my RPM Junior teammate Christophe, so I planned an RPM Team form finish just behind him, for a nice screenshot memory, but he unluckily slid off track with just a few turns left :rolleyes:, so I went on to finish P13.

Congratulations to Bram who scorched away for two wins. :thumb:

Thanks to all who raced, even if it was very messy and difficult. I just don't think I am cut out for League Racing. :homer:
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