2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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  • Lu Chan

My fast lap time 1'47.2 in offline practice.
Tonight 1'47.1 in qual. I'm Content with qual. P2 start.

Had a poor start! I contact Daniel in T1.I just keep inside line.I hope that you understand I am no malice.
Sorry to Daniel Juncadella! Give me a break.
After 2nd lap Someone hit my vehicle in the slow S turn. From 2nd to 5th.
Finally Front of me player has crash in the match. Lucky P2 finsh.

I very careful. Start fine in race2.
But I'm not happy. Someone when I pursue him near. He always turn on and off light in braking point.
Causes me to be bad feeling in the match. Anyway I only get away from him.
Also on straight last. I followed Someone few laps. I know him brake early with me. I don't want hit to him. I choose keep other side line.
When braking he suddenly block my line. I Emergency brake and Lock tries but my brakes fail. I still hit to him.
I did't know why made this behavior. But don't fool me time and time again,Please.
Finally I had battle with Laszlo Miskolczi. I was then 5th. Once again someone hit me out of the track. P8 Finsh.
I can't take it anymore! Maybe that's my problem. Judgment by Race Department.

Perfect night! Congratulations to Bram.
Thankful Marc, Laszlo & Luc is good challenger in this race :thumb:
Sorry my English no good.

Lu Chan
HKSAR Racing
mark i exactly know how you feel latly most of my races end in lap 1 or short after
but to day i got such a blast at the wttc event cant even tell know
plz rethink about drop out of the league, there are bad days and good days and even if the good days are rare its still worth

Can understand you mate, so sory for my bump forgive me and lets looking forward. I know you as fair & fast and funny driver. Think about and dont leave the WTTC league.

Thanks for the comments. I don't blame anyone or anything [racing is racing :)] - I think I just spend too much time in pre-quali chasing tenth after tenth :). I will probably just limit myself to a maximum of 15-20 laps for future events. If I qualify, great if not :rolleyes:.

that was an interesting 1st run with this league.

Race 1

The start, well done to Frederic Dubois for avoiding my crap start, i didn't see the lights go green,sorry :-(

was down to 5th by T3 but was back to 3rd when Jerome and Domink touched and both ran onto gravel at T6, then i just managed to grab 2nd when Helder Assuncao ran wide at T3 lap 2.

On lap 3 i totally messed up T6 and ran onto gravel,but,keeping momentum i rejoined in a gap but only after losing another 3 places,so i was back to 5th again.

i trailed Wido Rossen,Helder Felipe and Frederic Dubois for 4 laps then managed to get alongside Wido on the exit of T6 which mean't i had the inside line for T7 so long as Wido realised and never turned in too sharply, but i hoped he knew i was just in front and would leave room,he did :)

lap 9 Helder Felipe ran too deep into T7 and i was into 3rd,then on lap 11 Maurice Hurkmans' tyres were gone and i was gifted 2nd place just after the chicane, i hoped Frederic was suffering the same as Maurice so i kept pushing,but alas,no such luck,so i finished 2nd

very happy with that as it was my 1st time with you guys.

i thought i would be clever and tweak my set up a bit to see if i could make it bit faster towards end of race BIG MISTAKE!!!

Race 2

7th on the grid due to reverse grid,hoping to start better than race 1,not bad,bit too much wheel spin than i can usually do,which mean't Frederic stormed past me and Wido, at T1 i felt like a pinball as Julien Dufresness came hot on the inside,totally on the grass which mean't he couldn't stop, and he pushed me into Esa Kuusisto,sorry for that.

there was a bit of argey-bargey on the exit of T3 between Dominik Furmaniak and Helder Felipe, i had a hope of getting past Frederic at the chicane but he had a better run out of it and closed the door.

after my set up tweaking i found i couldn't brake as late for T1 and Esa Kuusisto made a daring late brake inside and got a superb run on me and Dominik who had run a bit wide, i also managed to get past him too.

i thought i would have a go at Esa into T3 and it paid off,just as we got half way round the corner we touched,which put me into 6th

lap 4 i ran wide into T6,again,and Esa got alongside but i had just enough traction to hold position for T7,so i thought,but he late braked and i had tno choice but let him take the line,great stuff.

then,lap 5 T3,again, Esa made the same mistake as lap 2 and i got inside,cleanly this time, but the BMW had better traction on exit and he pulled in front,but ran a bit widein T4 and i was through,NOT,bloody BMW traction is a *****.

Esa then made a slight mistake at the esses which gave me the chance to go through,yeah,5th

buggeration,on lap 7, T6 AGAIN, i ran onto the gravel and Esa and Jerome got past me

lap 9, Christian Deparis made a hasty move inside Jerome ands ran him off line, it wasn't intetional as i think he locked his front wheels and had nowhere to go,
but this put in 6th, i was tempted to let Jerome through as i felt bad about him losing a place like that,but the adrenalin got the better of me and i carried on,i didn't have to worry though as he somehow got alongside at T5 and even though he was on the outside at T6,Esa had overpowered and was on the grass on the inside,my side,so i backed off the power in case he bounced off the armco but in doing so let Jerome past.

Christian Deparis outbraked himself into T1 on lap 10 which left Jerome and myself 4th and 5th repectively,but i got a bit of tow down the straight to,you guessed it, T6 and when he braked i did too,but i didn't slow enough and pushed the back of Jerome's alfa round the wrong way, so sorry, i did say sorry at the time and waited to let him back past,but in doing so it let Helder Assuncao through too,and Christian too. so now, thanks to the bloody T6 i was down into 7th.

Jerome ran wide into T7 and i got alongside but couldn't hold him off into the chicane and Mathieu Folgavez got through too,by now my tyres were gone big time.

on lap 11,it seems as if T6 wasn't only causingtrouble for me,but Mathieu and Jerome both ran onto the gravel after Mathieu tagged Jerome,this put me back to 6th,with Jerome now on a charge,he was catching,if we had to do 13 and not 12 i think he would have got past as my tyres were like jelly.

in short

Race 1,


Race 2

not so good

@Lu Chan:
i think is about the orange car:eek:,and i think him can not ok on race rules,
on before the Zandvoort,Group 2 - Race 2,he big crash E90,but,i can not believe,why racedepartment not gave him warming,why?:confused:
So,he driver style continue to next,too bad,not fair,:(
and our Group 2 every man very luck,because him not in group 2,
i like racing,but,i don't like some people use bad driver style on racing,:(
i hope Judgment by RaceDepartment,:alla:
Mtommi, if you have something to complain then do it the proper way: send an incident report by e-mail!

It has no use to critisize in the forum if you dont take action yourself first!
  • yungchick

(Evy sweety check your race2 replay please,its all very well telling me after race you never hit me,but this stuff is all recorded:p)[/quote]

i know luv ;) what i whas trying to say is that it wasnt me who bumped you of when i passed you , it whas Mark Apat i think who outbraked me but ran into you.
but in that chicane it whas me who gave u a bump after a lock up, i backed of to let u stay in front then :o very very sorry for that hun, i hope i can make up for it ! :)
You made up for it right there on the spot Evy,like you said,you waited and didnt keep the place,so that incident is over as far as im concerned,i wont be reporting it either,you actually waited too much you silly kitten and lost places!:(,the race stewards here have enough work without obvious racing incidents like this.
I dont think any 2 drivers in that race took that corner the same,we all seemed to have different braking points and lines there,making it very difficult,i almost had moments of going into people there too,overall enjoyed racing action with you :thumb:.
Mtommi, I filed an incident report where this "orange car" is mentionned several times. I certainly hope action will be taken because he ruined several people's races. You can still add your voice to the argument with your own incident report, it will make the case stronger.
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