2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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Qualy: 3rd on the grid with a 1:47:0xx

Race 1: Straight into the lead because of the BMW's RWD giving me a brilliant start. This also gave me a gap back to 2nd so i was quick to try and pull a decent lead out, however, i only managed to get about a second ahead with Mikael chasing me hard for a few laps. I made a small mistake on lap 5 causing the car to go very sideways, i caught it, but not without Mikael overtaking me and pulling decent lead out. For the next 4 laps i was trying to catch Mikael, but this proved unsuccessful and by lap 9 the front tyres decided they would lock up the second i touched the brakes. This made me run wide and then on the next corner i outbraked myself and ended up in the gravel. Got back onto the track in 6th, and stayed there until the end of the race - tried to get past Gary a few times, but he closed the door each time.

Race 2: Started in 3rd again and got straight into the lead for the same reason. Pulled about a second lead over Frederico and held it there for about 6 laps. However, by this time the back tyres were losing grip and the car was sliding about, and then into the first corner the brakes locked up and i ran wide. Got straight back on the track, and i was in 3rd place. Jari started to pull out a lead, and I managed to pass Frederico. For the last few laps i chased Jari, but i couldn't catch up as whenever i tried harder, the grip wasn't there to allow me to go fast and after a few sideways moments, i backed off a bit on the 11th lap to ensure i held 2nd place.

Good races, very close and fair but people need to cut down on chatting in the race - i doubt its only me, but whatever message appears there, its pretty distracting.
  • Lu Chan

I am not happy.Sorry to Daniel in Race1 start. Anyone can Post the replay.I report late.
Quali P11
Race 1
Blow up my engine in round 5 :mad:
Race 2
Starting on P22 and afther a couple off rounds i was on P18 then something went wrong :) When i was trying to overtake someone i get hit in the back real hard. And i started on P22 again .lol.
Not so good night for me this time i hope i can do better on Brands Hatch.
And i hope i don't lag so much there :)
It's OK Simon, it isn't your fault. I just can't seem to finish a race without being invovled in an accident, so I to am disappointed - that is racing though.
I am very sorry to Jacco in race 2, he had a little bump trying to turn inside Simon James I think which slowed him down. I entered the turn cleanly and was carrying a lot more speed - much to my surprise I came up on Jacco's car very quickly and ruined both our races. I hate that I was the cause of someone elses bad race.:(
Congrats to all that did well and I will see you at Brands, but probably not in group 2.
  • Jacek Kozlowski


finished quali on p12

RACE1- wow guyes i just want to say that i was very disappointed,on straigt after T3 (first lap) 2or3 cars went into the gras when i was passing that point suddenly bmw wich was outside the track went back on the road leaving me no time to reackt.after that my car was really like a mess.I manage to finish on p9 but during rest of laps i was hit atleast3 times- many people didnt play fair.

RACE2- was hopping for better race but no way,again first lap Karl in front of me spun went into the gras and couldnt control his car hit my so hard that i had puncture tyre nad couldnt drive any more.That was race2 for me:(.

All together i had worst round since i joined RD.Many people do not pay atention and dont care about others.I know its a league and its about points but i think that it was too much.
wow BRAM ,grats for winning 2 races.
It's OK Simon, it isn't your fault. I just can't seem to finish a race without being invovled in an accident, so I to am disappointed - that is racing though.
I am very sorry to Jacco in race 2, he had a little bump trying to turn inside Simon James I think which slowed him down. I entered the turn cleanly and was carrying a lot more speed - much to my surprise I came up on Jacco's car very quickly and ruined both our races. I hate that I was the cause of someone elses bad race.:(
Congrats to all that did well and I will see you at Brands, but probably not in group 2.

NP William it's all in the game :) better luck next time.
mark i exactly know how you feel latly most of my races end in lap 1 or short after
but to day i got such a blast at the wttc event cant even tell know
plz rethink about drop out of the league, there are bad days and good days and even if the good days are rare its still worth

race report will folow later i sweated like a pic and need a shower and dry clothes ;)
just want to thank maurice for the awsome first 4 laps of race two never through i could follow him
but his beemer seems verry tail happy so it was verry enjoyable to watch him fighting his car
First of all, sorry that i didnt drove with my skin :( But had lots of troubles with it before entering the race. Thanks Warren for accepting me in the group!


Just got in the server during the end of the practice. I wasnt satisfied with the setup during prequaly at all. So i had exactly 30 minutes to get one. First 20 minutes were only setuplaps with almost no result. In the final lap of the qualy the car felt good to go and resulted in top 4 time. Seeing all the FWD in front of me i know i could catch them at the start.

Race 1:

Something happened what normally others have: a good start. Got P1 after T1 and never let go. Could easily run away from the number 2 and finished with a 15 second gap on the first position (long time i won :D)

Race 2:

Woot: again a great start. From 8th to 2nd in T1. Having a close look at Alessandro Maresta for six laps to see where i was faster then him. Focussed on that for laps staying behind him forcing to make a mistake. Despite the pressure Alex resisted with great racing.
I planned my move carefully and succeeded in overtaking him. From that point i hoped to easily run away with the mighty beemer, but that was false hope. Alex was sticking on my butt for laps resulting in some great driving. Try to get him out of my slipstream on the straight but he wanted the win just like me.
In lap 10 i could get a little gap and that resulted in my 2nd victory of the day.

Really happy and enjoyed tonights races. Good to be back after such a long time away (actually only did Istanbul :))

If i now find the time to get my hotlap skills on the same level as the racing skills i am ready to re-enter group 1 if time allows me some practice!!
The race weekend overall did not look good for me, I had a total of about 30 laps practice on this track and my setup was made rather quickly. From prequally the usual suspects looked like they had the weekend locked down very well. I was surprised at the pace of the fwd cars they were pretty much right there withe the BMWs, or atleast closer then before I think.

Qually: In the practice leading up I noticed that my setup pretty much shredded my rear tires the temperatures after 4 or 5 laps on the rear were 84 83 77 (thats inner to outer) and after trying a couple of setup changes I decide to just leave it. I did my best in the first minutes and then at the end it seemed like I had finally figured out the setup and the car felt faster, i dunno how dont ask me. I ended up with 1:45.97 which was a little disappointing since I had lost 2 tenths in the third sector. That put me on target for 2nd, probably would have been third had Samuel raced as well as some of the other aliens Nils and Daniel. Also Rami was very fast in his Chevy all day long he looked like he was on 45 pace all the time.

Race 1: Me and Mathieu got a great start and immediately opened up a gap to 3rd and so on, I had gotten in front of Mathieu by the first corner and after everything was settled I drove a nice couple of laps to my surprise given that I had no practice with full fuel load. Mathieu passed me on lap 6 or 7 i think in turn 1 and then sailed away as expected. Then came the tense moments for me, that I always have during races, they usually come in the last third of the race and its always regarding tire wear and sometimes lack of concentration. I struggled with the car for one or two laps which allowed Rami to close up on me as much as 1.7 sec behind me, but in the later laps I noticed he had troubles with the car (tires) just as much as I was having and was able to raise the gap to a healthier 2.5 and finally 3 sec. I finished the race 2nd and was very happy. It was a result I should have gotten in Zand and was robbed by my inattention and frustration in the end (back in the Greger days). Grats Mathieu on the win, and grats to Rami for 3rd and fastest lap I believe.

Race 2: Started 7th, I made sure to check the field in front of me to know what cars were ahead. The only BMW was Marcin's so chances looked good for improving position by turn 1. Again got a good start, not as good as in race 1 because I had a bit too much wheel spin. Coming up to turn 1 Atti and Marcin were ahead and they both out braked each other which left the door wide open for me. I have to say sorry a little to Marcin, I think i touched your doors a little on the exit I didnt meant it to be honest I was trying my best to go around you but cold tires and 32kg or fuel wouldn't let me :p. That was pretty much the most exciting part right there, and apart from a couple of scary moments in the beginning the car was fine and easy to drive. Easier to drive but slower for some reason. Finished P1 marking my first win of the season. Grats to Hellen and Atti for 2nd and 3rd.

Also want to say grats to my team mate Stirb Iuliu who had a difficult race in mid pack where it seems like there will be a lot of incident reports judging from the quick exit of some ppl and the many apologies that were ushered after the races. Grats man, this is a good day for Hamann Motorsport, now if only I didnt miss that Brno race...
  • Mark Apat

Qualy went quite good, finished p7 which was not expected.

Race 1:
started p7 and after few turnes came to p6. was fighting real hard got bumped once or twice in the process but kind of managed to come to p5 till lap11, entering lap12 there was some fighting going on in front, and one came wide, took the in line with a chevy and managed to overtake him also till the mid of sector2, so very excited about p3 in the finish :D

Race 2: started quite good, had some fights and was constantly gaining on two seats. came to p5 and breaked too late i guess and took Gary out with me. so sorry m8 for that. positioned myself behind him on p11 and worked my way up till p5 again.

a very good result, again sorry to Gary for pushing him out
gratz to podium
Quali 3 place 1:46,095
Race1 Bad start then big fight Marcin,sorry to Marcin it was close fight....so i end 3 place.

Race2 even worse start....then T3 i just hit my teammate Christopher sorry :( then next corner i went too wide and spin my car pla pla and hit dont member who but it was beemer and after that big chaos :( damn sorry to all.....i was hm.. 10 place and i see than Christopher tried to pass Oliver but then 3 driver went wide and i take 7 place it was clean pass Oliver i did not hit you there was too rpm cars...after that the passings were clean i finish 4 place....but im not happy fo my driving I could have avoided those crashes.....Grats to podium and especially Haba good job...

Well the races where “different” then the last ones I did at RD.
I want to say sorry to all drives for my NOOB action in Race2 turn one some off you will have been shitting your pant seeing me flying off the track.. Luckily no big accident happened.
A very big SORRY to Jacek Kozlowiski for the tap he got during this great action of mine…
Also a very GOOD LUCK to the race directors when they are going to few these races.
Fast, but also fast wearing tires

just want to thank maurice for the awsome first 4 laps of race two never through i could follow him
but his beemer seems verry tail happy so it was verry enjoyable to watch him fighting his car

No problem, Michael :thumb: Had a great race and really needed to push quite hard in the beginning of race 2 to keep in front. Sadly you lost time after someone collided with you, so i saw you sadly disappear into the graveltrap...

Lets get back to the beginning:

Quali went quite well: was on my PB with a 1:48.2, did mess up a lap when i was -0.3 down in the 2nd sector. P4 in the end for me.

Race 1: Start was great! Came away very well, and managed to pass the 3 in front and kept Helder (who also had a good start) behind me. First 10 laps went great. I quick builded a lead of 4 seconds, which i kept until 3 laps before the end...... Then the handling of the car suddenly went very bad, so lost control of the car more then once and even spun the car around after the hairpin. Ended on P6.

Race 2: Actually same story :) Again good start! went to P1 again before T1. Kept the lead for 6 -7 laps. Then Fred passed me with his BMW. He really tamed his BMW better then i did. I saw him drive away quite steadly. So i was quite steady on P5 (Helder was 5 secs behind), until i messed up again :eek: Locked my rear under braking and kisses on the inside of T6. Only lost some seconds, but my front suspensions was quite damaged. My steering well was about 5 to 10 degrees off center, so handling went from bad to worse :o

Anyway, this time i managed it on the podium though.

So in the end, im quite happy with the progression i made controlling the BMW this season. But there are still some things to work on!

Thank you all guys for the race and see you again very soon :thumb:
First time in Group 2 --- thanks for a couple of great races.

@Clive - apologies about that last lap tap in race 1. It looked like your tires were going off and you were a bit sideways and were going to go wide on the last turn. My tires felt pretty good and I thought I could go up the inside and pull you on the straight. Due to some nice driving on your part you kept it together and I was "in the way". I slowed down so as not to take advantage and you could keep your position. Sorry again...

@Hansi - apologies about the hit in T1 in race 2. Don't know if you braked a little early or I missed my braking point. I was very surprised that I came up on you so quickly as I thought I hit my mark. Either way it's the responsibility of the car behind... So, I slowed down so that you could stay in front. Sorry again....
wow, these were close races!

Qualy: only 6th, not really a bad lap after all, 1:46.3, but still was enough for just this

Race 1: for a long while seemed to me only RPM cars were on the track... lol (ye, the BMW-s i did not see at the front because my view was covered with the ass of the cars from Rami and Chris loooool) all the way it was very cloes, almost nothing between the drivers, except Chris for braking into T1.... : ) :) :) no problem m8, it was basically my fault, you could not except i am going back to ideal line again, and i did not except that you will catch my back there... Sorry again to team m8 Peter, i tried to keep the car as tight as possible, even braked instead of accelerating, still clipped your rear side... at the end an exciting 6th place finish with battle til last second with Chris, well done m8!

Race 2: starting from P3 made a very nice start finally, arrived to T1 side by side with Marcin for P1, i started to push out a little too early, run wide on exit, which opened the door for the wolfpack behind :) settled to P4, run like that for the half of the race, not trying to risk too much to overtake Mikael ahead. Later I got up to 3rd as Marcin made a mistake ahead of me, and thats where i finished.

Overall again a very nice race evening, thanks for all. :)
Ok a short report from me, a first time G3 racer:

Qual: during one of my flying laps I lost the rear entering the chicane and that one ended up in being a cut on the left hand part. I wanted to stay close to the car infront to get a draft for the next lap and I ended up setting a 1:48.0 this was bad because of the cut. Next laps no draft available but I managed to get a clean 1:47.9 which wath 14th best.

I then changed my camber tyre pressures etc for the race.

Race 1:

I had good start as I passed all the mayhem during the 1st couple of corners. Ended up being 4 or 5th car felt really good until I got a message at the end of L2 stating I was low on fuel... ....explained why the car felt so good. I was a bit distracted but knowing I had to pit I tried to be carefull but I was to carefull. Braked to hard for T1 and I hit someone. Thought I let him pass but that was actually someone else. I had to make 2 stops and ended up in 23rd position lol :S

Race 2
I fuelled up the car and I was going for a strategy which consisted on saving tires. I didn´t want to make a fast start trying to avoid getting caught in the demelision derby which was a true fest during the first couple of turns. Somehow the cars infront of me were so slow after the lights turned green I adjusted my strategy and overtook some FWD cars. Comming from the back of the pack I had to avoid a lot of cars and I well you I was going very slow and still it was difficult. Back to my startegy and I was following some FWD cars. I never needed to push so my tires were ok until lap 10. I got from 23rd at the start to 14 or 16th at L1 to 11th at the finish. Just by taking it easy. The 2nd race was kinda fun but I never haad to really overtake someone.
After spending days going through prep-qual to barely make the race - I am feeling a little disenchanted with WTCC at the moment [no-one's fault]. All my races recently seem to end on lap 1.

The more time I spend with rFactor, ARCA & GTL the less I like the way the Race07 WTCC cars feel. At this rate I am not sure if I will put myself through the pain of pre-qualifying for the next round. I may need to rediscover my love for WTCC.

Can understand you mate, so sory for my bump forgive me and lets looking forward. I know you as fair & fast and funny driver. Think about and dont leave the WTTC league.
Next time i promise you will put enough distance between us ;)

Quali went quite well: was on my PB with a 1:42.2, did mess up a lap when i was -0.3 down in the 2nd sector. P4 in the end for me.
wow rocket time Maurice :D
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