2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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Just made it again into Group 4. Glad to be racing for real again, but im still struggling to get some speed into the BMW. I just hope for a nice race without big incidents. But i fear the first corner. Really a hard one to get right.
After the season's opener at Istanbul i didnt have any time for online racing left. But i have tried to do some laps this week and re-enter on a track i am totally unfamiliair with :S

I hope everything will work out tomorrow and that i can keep focus and pace to slide the beemer around the track. My expectations are not that high to be honest.
:angel:: "There is something about this track that i very dislike, but i cannot get my hand on it"
:circuitzolder:: "yes you can damnit, you hate that stupid chicane, just tell them"

See you all tomorrow and hopefully we have a nice and clean night of racing ahead!
3rd race in group 3 for me (unless 6 people above me file an absence report :D) and as always, it's the closest group in terms of pre-qualy times. 0.45s between 1st and 25th! It's going to be interesting...
  • Lam Kam San

I have inform that i will be absent in last race!!!! but i didnt use my cpu to inform, because my cpu have a problem, i use my friend cpu (Lam Kam San) i have said to bram that i will be absence, because of my cpi can not conect to the steam! But now u come to said that i havent inform to the RD, that i will absence???? AND NOW ALL OFF U SAID THAT I HAVE TO STARD IN THE RND OF THR GRIP"
Have you said to me that you are absent? Pretty strange since i am not a race director this year.
Everybody should know by now that you report absenses by sending an email. We have announced it several times the last months (and we keep continueing).

So one more: no emails = no absense
  • Sol Leung

seems like gary got lucky again! :D

congrat mate! :thumb:

c u all at the track tom~ :drunk:
Not yet he isn't.

Re-reading Samuel's post, I can't tell if this is supposed to be an absence report, or maybe just a comment on the previous post.

Samuel, please lodge an email to Race Direction if you are going to be absent.
I hope our championship leader Attila can make it. He called me today that his internet was down. He was unable to attend in the Roaring Pipes Maniacs team training night. I pray to God that this year he wont have the same stuff as last season in RACE 06.
Then he and Sander Hogendoorn (where is he!?) were close untill have way the season when terrorists bugged Atti's connection to the server all the time.
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