2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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I see in the video that the timing at the top says your fast lap time of 1:45.279 but the current lap time showing at the end of the lap is 1:45.6xx - I'm just confused as to how the timings work I guess for the replays :)
the video is poorly made since made the lap after the 1.45.279 is well 1.45.6xx

the video does not stop it on the line but after the line

that is why
First laps went better than expected for me this afternoon,it took deleting the setup i made over the first 30 mins and loading in the default that done the trick,but still my main problem is slowing this bloody Seat down and getting the nose in,and i also know about FWD tyre problems at Estoril from recent experience...
Sorry Guys,
I didn't read any announcements due to me having a weekend also. :o I just jumped into the server last night and then did my post. I'm an idiot.
Sorry again and thankyou for everything.

You are right to do so :)
If the announcement is made on the forum, any lap will count. Timings will be done right away or a few hours later normally :)
Nothing is wasted, every prequal resultfile will be used.
Atti, just to add my 2 pence, sometimes it is very hard to judge whether you are cutting or not from within the car, and you only realise when watching the replay. Also (speaking for myself here) not all of us are aliens with outstanding car control, which means that we can sometimes go a bit closer to the grass than we were trying to, and as I said you only know for certain from the replay.

yeah, i know i know... all what we are trying to do here as Race Direction is to provide the most fair environment on the net to race at, thats our only aim, and sometimes it is not easy... well, i think at the end we can only succeed, if the racers with us, you, are the most fair from all, which is certainly very close to the reality i think :) :) :)

I am sure Samuel also did not made that cutty thingy to get unfair advantage in the pre-qualy, we did not race too much but i already got him in my head in the clean friendly fast alien category. :) Also simply he do not need any this kind of action to get into group 1 :)

The line is very thin where we as Race Direction needs to balance to get everybody satisfied, i hope we are somewhat close to that. :D
  • Chris Noble

Getting the hang of driving the honda and settled for that car after driving the rest, it feels the best of the lot for me :)

I managed a 1:47.4 so far, anyone got an idea what the cut will be for group 4? would be nice to make it in to one of the points playing races :)
  • Jacek Kozlowski

Estoril is one of my favourite traks....to bad its not going along with my lap time....1.47.69 hope this will be enough for group 4
Maybe still can improve by 0.1 or 0.2sec. tommorow.....
IMHO opinion when I first viewed the lap by samuel it was perfectly fine because I saw two wheels on the track even though he might have had the other two on the grass. In the rules the use of the word "AND" is necessary in order to eliminate any confusion on this matter thus linking the two criteria. I was under the impression that as long as there are two wheels on the track there are no problems with the validity of your lap, and at some tracks that is the case but not here at Estoril I guess.

Also when you're in the heat of trying to push every last tenth out of the car it is often quite hard to see the lines in respect to where the car is positioned, and as a racer I find it hard to hold back at certain turns just because of that rule. As a racer the only thing I can and will do is admit where I have gone wrong and/or notify the race direction if I feel one of my lap times is not legal.
IMHO opinion when I first viewed the lap by samuel it was perfectly fine because I saw two wheels on the track even though he might have had the other two on the grass. In the rules the use of the word "AND" is necessary in order to eliminate any confusion on this matter thus linking the two criteria. I was under the impression that as long as there are two wheels on the track there are no problems with the validity of your lap, and at some tracks that is the case but not here at Estoril I guess.

I don't think this is a reasonable misunderstanding Cristian. The posted Rule included screenshots, which clearly show that two wheels on the grass is a cut.
The rule was very clearly stated.
However in all those shots two wheels were still on track, at least in some of them which made it very confusing to me. My misunderstanding has quite a lot of base mind you, thus my underlining of the word AND which would make the second consequence (tires on grass) part of the rule. That was something that was not included in the first post or was unknowingly omitted. All of which is not a problem as we are all here to help each other improve.

Something along the lines of "two wheels must always be withing the two white/yellow lines AND no wheels must touch the grass regardless of the two tires on track"

If I misunderstood then others might be doing the same, all of this should be taken constructively really im not here to point fingers I'm just a student raising a question you could say.
Cristian, maybe there is confusion but :

Rules 48 to 51 in the League regulations:

Rule 51 says:
Drivers are not allowed to use the grass or sand and gravel traps as a part of their racing lines, not even with two wheels that do not necessarily have to stay on the track

The specific Estoril cutting rule posted:

Look at the last picture.

Spells this out very clearly in my opinion.

The rules are the following:
- always remain with at least 2 wheels on the track
- do not touch the grass
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