2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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Estoril Pre-Qualy Incident Investigation

Reported incident of cutting at Estoril by Samuel Libeert, during Per-Qualy.

After carefully looking at the replay, we have concluded that Samuel's fastest lap does not comply with the rules as spelled out in the League Forum. He cut the exit of the final chicane, beyond what was stated as legal.
However, we do not consider that he did it intentionally, and we appreciate that he advised us. We accept that it was accidental, but we still can't allow it.

Therefore, as a penalty, all of Samuel's Pre-Qualy lap times so far will be removed.
He may then enter the server, and commence pre-qualifying again. Any further evidence of cutting by Samuel will result in a time penalty.

(On behalf of the Race Direction).
Draft during prequal?

Yesterday I was doing some laps and when I clicked race I ended up being behind Mathieu Prevot. On the main straight I noticed I reached my topspeed a lot sooner then normal. This must have been because of the draft, but I was always thinking there was none during prequal???
Yes indeed that is what I thought but normally i max out at my braking point now it was at least 50m earlier it caught me completely of guard :S

I will try and find the replay later today...

Funny you mentioned this, cause I was also behind a car on a straight, and then I heard my revs reached their top, and not looking at my speedometer, I instinctively geared up, and then saw I was allready was in 6th gear. So to me, it also looked like I got a drag.
Very good question, I was wondering myself. Are the cars considered as "ghosts" in pre-qual, or do they just appear transparent due to collisions being de-activated?
If it's the later then draft may occur.
Yesterday i had a Draft thing to... I was only once and I tried to reproduce it but I could not find anyone in front of me..

my top speed was 340 and normally 330.. so and i missed my braking point.
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