2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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Sorry Guys,
I didn't read any announcements due to me having a weekend also. :o I just jumped into the server last night and then did my post. I'm an idiot.
Sorry again and thankyou for everything.

Before i say anything, you must know i respect you in all the way as a driver, you have unbelievable talent for simracing etc etc etc..


I dont know what else to do to make people aware of the rules then what we did already.

First of all the League rules, which says 2 wheels on the track, do not touch thigns behind the curb with your wheel (grass, sand, etc...)

Then i made specifically for this round a re-freshment post about cutting rules, fearing the worst, specifially pointing out even with pictures the most critical parts of the tracks, including the chicane:

Also in the track guide video if you listen carefully we specifically asked everybody to take care not to cut:

After all these warnings may i ask you what you expect from the race direction to do now with you and your pre-qualy time? Even if there would not be anything else then just the rules it should be enough to avoid especially what you did at the chicane.
Most sadly as you say maybe you did not even win too much time there, so why oh why you must have done it????

Previous cases the standard procedure was, add time penalty for the pre-qualy time (amount depending of the seriousness and times of the cuts, from 0.5 to 3 sec), and freeze the player, not to allow any further laps to make.

Since you posted your lap very openly, not wanting to hide away with it, I will also put this question very open to you: What would you do if you would been Race Director in this case?
I would like to return to a point that is the cutting of this shift

seeing slow motion and video, I see that I cut

but when I ride I can not see it, I know very well that there are rules, I did not make it so cut

Now if you want to save for a 0.5 to 3 sec and freeze me

go there

know that I would not be disappointed

I am 1 or 20 th in prequalif is not a problem, my goal is to be a G1
C mon Samuel, do not get picky on this.

But what you must understand, we are working our ass off here to organize the things which provides a fair and equal conditions for the League, just look back at the links i posted.

And to see that our efforts to publish it is not considered at all is somewhat more then sad, especially from such a great racer as you are.
do what you have to do and know that I am not disappointed

the rules are the rules
Atti, just to add my 2 pence, sometimes it is very hard to judge whether you are cutting or not from within the car, and you only realise when watching the replay. Also (speaking for myself here) not all of us are aliens with outstanding car control, which means that we can sometimes go a bit closer to the grass than we were trying to, and as I said you only know for certain from the replay.

So that's a wider question then: how to handle unintentional cuts? Is the server able to cancel that particular lap and use the second best recorded lap (provided it is clean) instead?
Well my view would be to check the server replay as by this video, this was not Samuel's fast lap................or am I wrong?

Watching the video the time says 1:45.6xx at the end of the lap i think :)
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