2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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  • Samco.Sam

good race :jumping:
race 1 i 'm late break make me touth Marc Hamel'car,make him spin on lap1 .....sorry :alla:
race 2 i also kiss jacco's pat pat last lap last corner :alla:
i get fun in the race
thx all make me have good experience:drunk:
awsome race

practise:nothing worked like expected was over 2 secs of my pre qualy time

qualy: what a improvment i was only 1.9 sec of my pre qualy time lol it made me start at 21 of 21 :brancard::homer:

race1: better to forget this one got a good start and was middel of the lap up to 15th with a car oversteer like a 900hp rwd mini :circuitzolder:
at the end of the lap i was again 21th with 5-6 sec's gab to the 20th
oh well i pushed the good old honda around bruno to atleast get back in touch with the field
but everytime i closed the gab to like 2 - 2,5 sec's i pulled a homer :homer: and back to a gab of 5-6 sec's
if the race would have least 2 laps longer i may could get jacco and place 20th but so race one 21th startet and finished :)

omg the race of my life startet 21th got a few places up and eventualy used the better line and got past samco sam from then the sweeting begun
samco was clearly faster as me first i was thinking to let him go
but then i remebert its not a fun event its a RACE!! so i focused on drive my line
as exact as posible to not give him room for an overtake worked quite well :) lap 6 or so i saw warren in front of me showing his tyers who is the boss :D
as carefull i am i waited for my change to get him what ofc never happend
as warren set his move on jacco who was badly fighting for grip
i tryed to follow warren but jacco closed the door right in my face expecting that i braked earlyer and moved to the inside to may make my move there
but i dont got past him cuz he got the faster line for that corner
beeing right in his tail we run down the start finish strait we both braked on the realy last he to prevent me set a move and me trying realy hart to get past him in that situation i picked up some paint of his rearbumper (sorry jacco was not intenional)
stayed behind jacco cuz of the bump, now sure i will get him befor the race ends and i worked quite well
even if i had all the time big big pressure from samco
after i was past jacco there was only half a lap left and warren to far ahead to even think about an change to get him
after the finish line i noticed i was on place 15th

overall: damn what a race thank you all for the clean and fair race
specialy samco sam for giving me a hell of a time trying to keep him behind me
[News] Estoril - cutting rules refreshment

Dear racers,

As a preparation for the next League round at Estoril we thought it would be good to re-fresh the cutting rules well before even the pre-qualification starts to avoid misunderstanding.

The rules are the following:
- always remain with at least 2 wheels on the track
- do not touch the grass

To make the understanding easier please take a look on the attached examples, note that they are only examples, the rules you must keep for the complete lap of course. :)

We would like to advise everybody, that the cutting issues will be looked at from the pre-qualification onwards, and breaching of the rules will result in severe penalties.

Best regards and happy clean racing:
Race Direction



Right hander before chicane OK

Right hander before chicane NOK

Chicane entry OK

Chicane entry NOK

Chicane exit OK

Chicane exit NOK
  • Mehmet Arslan

Nice vid mate, now i can see how it must be driven :).

But like atti says, what the hell is wrong with your engine sounds?

Lol Attila. my ears also hurts abit now.
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