2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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Well thats two of the three tracks i hate over with. Brno as a whole went better than Zandvoort, but i still really struggled with unbelievably poor car handling.

Qualified 8th but at the start of race 1 lost two positions. Stayed there for a while untill something happened up front which i managed to slither through to find myself staring at the back of 6th place. Tried everything i could to pass Attila, but he defended well and i just couldnt predict what my car was going to do. Not much happened after that really apart from numerous taps from some guy behind costing me abit of time.

Race 2, starting 3rd ended up 6th by the first corner as a pack of bmws flew past. On fresh tires the car felt bareable which opened oppurtunities for moving back up the field. After watching 'Rami Kaukola's' video footage the pass i made on him was abit further back than i had first realised (could hardly see you with my camera view) so sorry for the small contact between us there. For sure just a racing incident. From that point keeping up was really difficult as each lap passed the car felt more and more oversteery. Thankfully an incident in front gifted me two positions to finish 6th once more.

Looking forward to Estoril, despite having very little experience of the track it does seem more of a drivers circuit rather than a mechanics, so i hope i can make the difference of not having a good setup.
Thanks to those involved for this, its great fun.

Ollie W.
Aha, it was you Warren that gave me the warp factor 9 speed ;) Hehe I wondered what had happened.

Totally right though, after hearing the reports so far, group 3 was a good one for sure :)
Well well well. Quite a disappointing evening overall for me.

I managed to qualify 16th which isn't great but considering that I only made it into group 3 owing to people filing absence reports, not so bad.

Race 1: Got a reasonable start and found myself behind William Yunk who I followed closely for a couple of laps. Tehn something strange happened. Coming into the penultimate (left hander) corner, I outbraked him and passed on the inside but we touched slightly. I thought I had been too forceful and slowed down a bit to let him pass (although after watching the replay, it turns out that I was more than halway through when we touched and the contact was seemingly due to William not seeing me and trying to keep the normal line with me on the inside). Anyway, once I was confident that William was next to me and that his momentum would allow him to get ahead, I started accelerating again as I was anxious not to give up any more places than necessary. At that point, not quite sure what happened, prbably some understeer from my car but I felt a bump as we were both in the last corner and next thing I know, William's car disappeared. Watching the replay I saw that he had gone off track as a result... Apologies mate, I really was not trying to push you off the road.
Anyway after this episode I had a few good battles despite increasingly struggling with terrible oversteer (at least they're easy to catch in a FWD car) and brought her home in 12th place.

Race 2: Fiddled with the setup to try and cure the oversteer late in the race.
I made a great start even though I just missed Warren's car standing still in front of me. But lack of committment into the first corner meant I only gained one spot overall.
Then in turn 3 someone spun and caused chaos. I slowed down to try and avoid the carnage but someone pushed me sideways. Of course, lucky as I am, I and William Yunk were the only two cars that went off track. And for good measure, I stalled my engine:D After watching the whole field pass me by, I rejoined a distant last and spent the rest of my race trying to catch up, which I managed to do by around lap 6 or 7. By then I was running 16th thanks to a few people going off track.
In the 8th lap, I passed Samco Sam round the outside of the second to last corner. By then I was very hot and sweaty and feeling not good at all (haven't had much sleep this week...) Eventually in lap 9 I had to quit the race with terrible migrane. Shame but I just could not do two more laps, so I had my first DNF in my short RD experience.

Overall quite frustrated with both my driving and the second race, but still good moments of fun. Don't really like this track I have to say.
  • Mathieu Prevot

Qualfying : a good lap not perfect but not far from what i could do .

race 1 : good start with Samyel just behind me, my car balance wasn't very good at the begining, i had much understeer but the car was better after 3/4 laps and i could increase the gap with Samuel.

race 2 : very good start but the wasn't place for my car on the left so i decided to change my line, i looked in my mirrors there was nothing but Samuel was just 1 meter on my left, i didn't see him and hurt him, Samuel spun although it was my fault.

Then i tried to overtake car, it was hard because we didn't have the same braking point ( maybe the car?) so i tried to overtake properly and i did it and came back to the first position in the 8 th lap. Very nice week, tanx to the bmw which was faster on that track!
No Cristian, it was a disaster for me too.

I've qualified 6th. I've went on the inside, second corner, second lap trying both to pass as well as to avoid Andreas Loffler who braked earlier.
He closed the door and we've touched.
Sorry Andreas. It was all my fault

No Problem Stirb, i closed the door because i dont saw you coming in the mirrow. Surely we get a nice fight next races, then we can make it better.

To my race: Was first in group 1 and i qualy unbelievable on place four :thumb:. But i think my race setup was not quiete good, so i was fighting on P3 with the guys behind me. After the crash with Sirb i tried to come back on track, but the spin to take the car in the right position failed. So im sorry to the guys which cant make way and collied with me. Then i finished on P15

In Race 2 i had a good start (thx bmw) and i was on P11. Then i get a push from the seat behind me and the seat in front of me go out of track, because i cant brake it after the push behind :). then i try to get the group in front of me but i cant overtake them, so P10 in Race 2.

Sorry for the bad english, i hope you understand it.
Well well well. Quite a disappointing evening overall for me.

I thought I had been too forceful and slowed down a bit to let him pass (although after watching the replay, it turns out that I was more than halway through when we touched and the contact was seemingly due to William not seeing me and trying to keep the normal line with me on the inside). Anyway, once I was confident that William was next to me and that his momentum would allow him to get ahead, I started accelerating again as I was anxious not to give up any more places than necessary. At that point, not quite sure what happened, prbably some understeer from my car but I felt a bump as we were both in the last corner and next thing I know, William's car disappeared. Watching the replay I saw that he had gone off track as a result... Apologies mate, I really was not trying to push you off the road.

Hey it is no problem Luc, I actually cut in on you while trying to keep my line through the corner. I thought you were a little farther back after you went wide. It's OK though it wasn't really your fault and thankyou for the apology.
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