2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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Group 5

As far as racing goes bad night for me.

Mised first race, chatting,smoking drinking to much the reason.

Second race started at the back, think i clipped one or two ppl in my attempts to get passed so i slowed and let them pass, wasnt sure if this was needed but what the hell only a game. Managed to get past the 2 in front of me while they were fighting each other then next corner, got tapped from the inside and ended up in the wall breaking my suspension, dont believe this was anyones fault just racing. So race 2 over. Heh what can you say other than sh1t happens.

Other than the bad luck with the races it was a good night. And i hope to be slow enough to make it into this group again soon.
Was a long time ago since my last leaguerace and after, i have some mixed feelings:

Quali: went quite well, ended on P3 even with a 2:12.3. I knew for the start that it would be hard to keep that pace during the races.

Race 1: start went quite well, was on p2, but Jamie nicely squeesed his car on the inside of turn 1, so p3 again. After that it went fast to P7 after lap 1. Could keep that position for a few laps, before i started to make some mistakes. Spun after loosing the car in Turn 4. dropped back to P13 and decided to take it easy from there and bring the car home.

Race 2: Good start, made up about 4 positions to the first corner. In the first corner it was very crowded, but i think i managed to get through without any trouble. In lap 2 or 3 or so, i had a bad run out of the third to last corner so David could pass me on the inside. On top of the hill David braked much earlier then i expected, so needed to push the brakes very hard, but i couldn't save the car anymore out of the back of David's turning car, so he went into a slide and spun. Sorry David, i tried to avoid a collision, but i didn't work out this time :( After 1 lap feeling bad, i could find some composure and kept a much better pace then in Race 1. At the end of Race 2 i almost managed to catch Wido and Pascal. Finished P6.

It really was great again to feel the tension and fun of league racing again, so i hope to be present in Estoril again :)
It was a bad event for me...

Race1: Crash into bmw. needed to pit.. ended p18.
Race2: first 7 laps oke, but then oh oh oh.. slip and slide... so not a good race again.

Well done winners. up to next race. :)
enjoyed that!!!

great race guys. i think olivier will big sick of seeing that cow on the single drivers car in his rear view - especially around the twisty sections where i could really close on him :)

thought i could get race 2 win had good run up hill, but oli moved to cover it at last moment. got a touch but eased off to let him back on and take the win.

3rd overall... wow! was aiming for a 1pt!!!
Quali P16 or P17 i think it was.
Race 1
The race went fine for me until round 5/6 my tires where almost gone and a few guys could past me easy. I ended on P20 :(
Race 2
First i changed my setup . Now i started on P20.
My start was good and afther a 1 lap i was on P13. Everything was fine with my car till lap 8 then my tires where again almost gone and in 2 laps 5 cars past me.
This was a race to forget very fast :)
See you guys on Estoril :car:
This was only ramming and spamming, unbelievible.
I agree.

It's very unfortunate how ofter people ram from behind. In both races today my race was basically ruined by being rammed from behind. I'm not sure, but I think I've been taken out that way in all 3 races I've been in this season. It's not enough to say you didn't mean to. I think you have to give a little more leeway, especially in the first few laps.
  • Stirb Iuliu

No Cristian, it was a disaster for me too.

I've qualified 6th. I've went on the inside, second corner, second lap trying both to pass as well as to avoid Andreas Loffler who braked earlier.
He closed the door and we've touched.
Sorry Andreas. It was all my fault

I've wanted to stop the car and wait, but it was the stupidest thing I could've done. It was haos behind me. Atti barely passed by me. Sorry Atti for collision. I was trying to be fair play and I've created you big problems.

I've dropped to 8 or 9th. Again, trying to pass Peter Boszormeny, impatiently as always, my fault.
He closed the door, we've touched, dropped back few places.
Sorry Peter. My fault.

I've also spun the car, and barely made it to finish line in 16th place.

Second Race:

I've spun after the first corner and almost totaled the BMW. Made it to finish line with luck.
great fun, but too few racers

I had a jolly evening in the non-q group, server 5.

quali: new pb (-0.7) put me in 7th of twelve

race1: avoided the trouble in t1 (beemers with full tanks seem to be a prob ...) and raced on p6 for quite some time. pos2-5 3 secs ahead, Daniel Landouar 0.5 behind. gee, I was sweating, keeping Daniel off my tail and trying to closde the gap. Ran just a little wide in lap6 (I guess) and Daniel was thru. Followed him with a a max. of 2 secs distance and pos.2 - 5 still visible, couldn't close the gap, though. Last lap, Istvan came back from the sandtrap and I tried to squeeze past, couldn't hold on, though, and ended up 7th of 9 still running. Great fun!

race2: another careful run through t1 found me in 6th, down from 2nd :( at one point in the first two laps I crashed a little into Ricky, his Honda was basically parked in the apex of a turn (at least that was what it looked like, must watch replay) then I passed Patrick van Driel who had been sent off I fugure, had the pleasure of an RPM livery occupying my rear view mirror for five laps or so, great battle, very fair racing from Patrick [with a broken car I read above] who respected my early breakpoints, thx mate! Did the same to Victor in front of me, but managed to squeeze past after studying his lines for a couple of laps. Somehow I then lost Patrick and then picked up two positions from Toomy and sb. else as they had a tiff in the penultimate lap. Tried to not let Toomy get past again and succeeded, oh phew, another great race, 4th of 7 still running.

Too bad only twelve guys showed up, perfect racing environment, thx RD for setting this up!
i think is on pos 7 start,
Race 1:
955 sec,sorry for Danny Pattiwael,i look see wrong ( 100 Registration plates),So,the break is wrong.i try turn,don't want crash your car,but....:(sorry,i think if me not on that time crash you,will be fun on battle,:)

Race 2,
i know me can not fast, so,look see behind is our bro, so,let them for fun,:jumping:

Great Our bro,and all racing brother:thumb:

See all on next race:thumb:
  • Jacek Kozlowski


Quali- finish on 4th place-not bad since i suck at hotlaping

Race1- Everything went just perfeckt from begining.Lost just one place on start (Bmw of course).For whole 10laps didnt make a single mistake.Had some chances at the end to overtake H.Filipe but he was great at blocking(due to his tyre wear maybe).Finished at place nr.5-best result so far in wtcc league.very happy about that.

Race2- I knew it cant be that well till the end.Start not bad,pos.7th.Big crowd on first 2laps,didnt ended to good for me-on T1 one guye hit back of my car,went down to 13(i was prrety angry beacouse there wasnt even a brake point so no reason to hit my car).for the rest of the race overtook just 2 cars and finished at place 11th.

I want to thanks everyone for good racing tonight and grats for winner and podium holders.

Jacek Kozlowski
  • Wido Rossen

Teribble quali....P17.
So not mutch hope for a good result.

Race 1.
Hat one hell of a start and with some help from riders sliding out of T1 a found myself driving in 5th place.
Whas some great driving going on in front and behind me.
Managed to keep the damage to a minimum and played it safe.
At the end a tryed to keep Pascal behind me.
That i did till my tires where worn and made a mistake.
Finisht in 7th place.
Better then a hat hoped.

Race 2.
Inverted start give me P2 on the grid.
Again a super start and enterd T1 in 1th place with the complete hurde behind me.
I knew a could not keep this up and at the end of lap 2 i whas past by a beemer.
Tryed to keep my place but with 2 seat`s on my tail a knew that whas not gonna happen.
Both drove a clean race and i hat to let the first pass.
Jamie whas pussing like hell and i whas afraid that whe would crash if i not let him go.( i know myself ).
He whas faster anyway so i let him on the straid pass me.
Driving arround in 4th place a saw Pascal again coming on strong.
Whe hat some cool duels and whe touched a few time`s.
But again a hat to let him pass.
with just 2 laps to go a saw Maurice in my mirror.
He whas drving like hell and with just half a lap to go he whas 0.5 sec behind me.
I could keep him of me and finisht 5th.

At the end a result a could not have hoped for.

Thnx Guys....it whas super fun and fair....:thumb:
Horrible event for me.
After I did nice lap in quali, problems started. My sound (witch knows to happen sometimes) just went crazy. It's kinda delayed and spike... And I wasn't able to restart the game. I was doing like sec slower laps. Start went good but not longer after that Rami just rammed me off the track... and while i was coming back someone else again just hitted me again. What to say, really nice... after that with sucky sound and no motivation for driving i was cruising until i finally spun and got angry and left.

Sorry NIKI....I just see that you went a little wide so i take my car in there and boom....lets see what race marshal will do,hopefully it does not take my driving licence,:sign0007:

Quali:i think 10 2:10,3xx damn...
Race1: 4......
Race2: Hmmmm 9......
And yes driver of the race Peter and his ufo...grats to winners:)

qual: terrible, dont understand. no grip, i did only 2.10.6xx
race1: started from 16th, finish in 8th!:)
race2 was better, with great close and fair fights:) Sorry Atti but if i battle with Mathieu, i lost more pos, so let him go. finished in podium. Im happy whit that, because i hate this track and did not practise.
I congratulate to Maik, he qualified it to G1. And grats to Peter, he was finish in podium in race1 with Alfa:)
First of all congratulations to top tree drivers in two races..

After surpise to qualify myself in 7th place i think maybe can end race one in 6-8 position...but after some corner i have a bad news...my brake pedal don't respond and like result i hit rear car from Marc Hamel and i want say to you that i'm really sorry for that but i dont' ecxpect that my brake peda createthis problem...and when i push to brake like i said brake pedal didn't respond and when i repush its works but too late...sorry for that....

After that car was awful to drive and my postion was 18°...
In second race my position its 17°...

Thanks to all for nice saturaday races ...
arghargh, team orders, strictly forbidden :O :)

There was no point in fighting with him at that moment of the race, even the FIA marshalls would let it go :)

I've wanted to stop the car and wait, but it was the stupidest thing I could've done. It was haos behind me. Atti barely passed by me. Sorry Atti for collision. I was trying to be fair play and I've created you big problems.

No problem at all m8, what you did was in the name of fair play, and here everybody appreciates that, unluckily i could not avoid you. Keep it up like that! :)

edit: actually i did not even touched with your car m8 (however i would not be able to avoid it i think lol) but with the unsettled car from Andreas coming from the side.
This one was difficult for me, I lost my DSL connection Friday evening and had to go to a friends house for the race. I didn't have time to move the whole setup so I raced on the Laptop screen. It is much smaller than i am used to and the resolution is 1680 x 1050 so everything was very small and I had a tough time seeing the braking and turn in spots.

Qualifying: went ok I was 12th.

Race 1: went well for 4 or 5 laps I had gained 2 spots off the start and was in 10th. Then a slight bump from someone coming out of the fiinal turn cost me 5 spots. On the last lap I drove badly and lost one more.

Race 2: horrible, I had some problems trying to dodge some crashes and had mechanical problems after that, the car wouldn't pull to 6th on the straights and people caught me quickly. I was having a tough time with the small monitor and overshot a turn and then cut in on Steve Emmons - Sorry Steve. It didn't seem to bother him but I got launched (my own fault).
later Steve had some hits form another person and I was left to drive a good part of the race in 18th with no one near me. A little disappointed but at least I was able to make the race.
  • Samu Palomäki

Did'nt have time and intrest to prequally. Made few laps and tried to be in top100 with that. Yesterday received new parts to my computer and i threw that old machine to my work computer. 9800GX2 and 24" monitor, it could'nt be much nicer to race. Today did about 15 practise laps offline and tried to find good and stable setup for race.

So qually was bretty good lap. Drove my personal best with something like 2.11.5xx. Got P1 with that.

Race 1: Got good start and kept my 1st position. Slowly build gap to Wilson. After middle of the race my tires started to melt and i was driving somekind of sledge. Wilson was obviosly faster for 4 last laps. I was happy that i had 4sec gap to him. At finnishline there were only about 1.5 secs gap. Drove fairly good with no big mistakes and problems.

Race 2: Started from P8. Got very good start and in T1 i was 3rd. Drove very carefully and waited for mistakes from P2 and P1 drivers. Few laps after i was 1st and started to push for few fast laps. After 10 laps at finnishline i was again 1st. Made few adjustements to setup. That did help little and there was little more grip than in Race 1.

Congrats to all other podium finishers. See you guys in Estoril. Was fun to drive with you.
Incredible weekend for Alfa, but Brno is one of my favorite tracks even if i had to fight hard in pre-quali to reach group1.

Quali: 7th 2,10,3xx

Race1: Was following the pack 1 sec behind when something happend in front and i couldent belive it, there was cars all over the place but everybody moved away so perfectly for me and i could just drive in the middle of the accident, after that it was quite a booring race becouse i was able to pull away slowly from Atti with his damadge car without pressuring the old Alfa to hard, and seeing that i had nothing to put up against the guys in front i could drive comfortly all the way to the checker flag and put the Italian beauty on the podium for the first time.

Race2: As expected the Beemers was flying past me even though i got a good start but then something happend to one of the BMWs and he was coming sideways so i had to brake not to hit him, luckely the ones behind saw it and could avoid ramming me, so in to turn1 i think i was down to 10 or 12th place, i dont remember the whole race but i know that i was following Oliver but had nothing to put up against him so i let Rami pass me to see if he could do some attacks instead, and attacked he did and even pass but i could not follow so once again i was stuck behind without having a chance to pass since we had so close laptimes and im to chicken to go paintswapping again since Valencia, but then again something happend higher up in the field, think Rami and some more had a contact and i followed Oliver past these 2 going wide. On last lap i tried a halfhearted passing but there was no room left from Oliver to let me pass so i had to back of again reaching checkerflag as 7th.
Ohh and sorry to the Chevy following a bit behind becouse i breaked really early and changed line so i think he had to avoid me and loosing 1sec there just hope no one passed you becouse of this.

Overall a great weekend for me, thanks to everybody at RD once again for making this saturdaynight so much fun and Gratz to the winner.
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