2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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lol i cant believe this im locked out !#$!@%!#@$@# this is what i get for watching euro, wow i guess i know how some of you feel now. Im really sorry Iuliu hope you have an awesome race, i got no words....
  • N I K I

Horrible event for me.
After I did nice lap in quali, problems started. My sound (witch knows to happen sometimes) just went crazy. It's kinda delayed and spike... And I wasn't able to restart the game. I was doing like sec slower laps. Start went good but not longer after that Rami just rammed me off the track... and while i was coming back someone else again just hitted me again. What to say, really nice... after that with sucky sound and no motivation for driving i was cruising until i finally spun and got angry and left.
Never Group 2 for me again, what a disaster of everyone. Including me.

This was only ramming and spamming, unbelievible.
Race 1 I got 9th, took out by someone called Ping Pong (?) and missed a good position for race 2.

Race 2 I want to apoligize to Kent, my teammate, I broke to late in T1.. slipped and slide a bit.. kent hit my back, and got off track. I waited for him, but when I heard my car had problems gearing up.. I knew my fuel was way too low, it was full red after T1. I changed setup between the races, but forget to refuel it.. omg.

I deserve 0 points after this weekend, some horrible driving. But I think some other people deserve 0 points too.

From now on I will only push my car to the max and give 110% to be in group 1.

Up to the next race, worst racing weekend ever.
Hey guys,

I am sorry for my bad racing especially T1. My internet connection at home has been down since saturday last week so I am racing at my parents house. Using there computer(C2D 6300 GF7650GS). This should be ok using not to high graphics setting but somehow it isn´t. I was getting stuttering every time a yellow appeared or someone was chatting. Also my frame rate in turn one allmost made the game something unplayable.

This race there was a lot of chatting during the races again maybe I should file a report on it is it is not allowed and today it also made my game suffer...
Bad race for me

Injured my wrist today playing football - so racing was painfull.

Qual - not good. Was 1 second up at split 2 on my penultimate lap but messed up... Finished with a 12.9 I think.

Race 1 - People seemed to be losing control of their cars in turn one, lap one. Trying to avoid meant I had a loose moment as well. Was still doing fine but someone lost control of their BMW which speared me off the track in turn one... Pitted - but car was undriveable.

Race 2 - Deja Vu - hit by someones out of control BMW. Decided to call it a day as my wrist suddenly decided it wasn't worth it and gave me a lot more pain to think about.

Hope the pain is gone before Monday's V8 race.
I missed the race...

Hi all,

I'm really bummed as I missed the race because of a non working PC :( I started early this morning with the installtion of my new PC hardware, all went fine until I came to the Vista install. That part took me the better part of the day and I really had to work quick as the race was about to start. Unfortunately by the time I had my Race07 installed and configured the race was already on it's way...

Now I just hope that I'll get a chance to race in the next event...
Kind regards,
wow, surprisingly succesful weekend for me, and if i think that it could have been even better... but hey, dont be greedy Atti. :)

Qualy: could not believe that i came 3rd with 2:10.1, first 2 Mathieu and Samuel was unreachable distance, and behind me started the wolfpack, just hundreds separated every driver.... i think 16th Henrik was with 2:10.6 or so

Race 1: start as expected, all the bimmers around me passed by, so settled to 6th after T1, where i could keep up with the german cars ahead of me until lap 3 i think, where there was a little pile up ahead at T2, which unfortunately caught me... still could get back to P4, but with a damaged suspension, car felt like a brick, not a car... coudl not keep up with Peter in his Alfa at P3 (well done buddy lol), and from behind got enermous pressure from Erik, who succesfully passed me after 1-2 laps. Then i looked in the mirror, and saw my car... well not exactly, it was Rami. :) decided to pull away in the finish straight, as i was no match in my damaged car. At the end finished P7.

Race 2: start in P2, got a reasonably good start, managed to get into P1. Until Lap 8 i could hold this position, with Erik closely following me, and then came the storm from behind in the form of the BMW of Matheiu, of course could not keep him behind. :) P2 at the end.

Overall P2 for the event is much more then i could hope from this track, so at the end i am very happy about it. :)
qualify: 13th with a 2.10.4, with which I really was happy.

Race 1: There the problems began. I had terrible lag problems (could it be because I only had the single drivers skin in my skinpack? I left the others out because I thought that would cause lag problems with so much skins.)
After 1st corner I was already last because I did not want to hit someone.
I finished 17.

Race 2: same problem, but this time I could come along with the pace of the other cars, but did not have any fights because I did not want to hit someone. I finished 15th.

I hope I did not cause problems for others because of the lag.
See you all next time.
Good racing all - was fun :)

Well Brno is damn hard on the tyres but from what I saw, it was some good clean stuff :)

First race was a bit spread out from my position but the 2nd race was great fun with some great racing with Julien -shame I couldn't keep it together on the last lap and ended up spinning and losing 7 places :( Even so, I had a laugh ;)
  • Erik Åhlen

lol I usually hate to race here, but this time it was pretty nice actually

Qually: 12th. No grip on track imo O_o

Race 1: Oh, were I lucky or were I lucky? :p Well, started from 12th, took one or two positions in the start, but then some laps later the guys in front of me collided and I was suddenly up to 6th. Two-three laps later I could make a move for fifth on Oliver. Then I was hunting Atti with his damaged car, and when he made a mistake going into turn 9 (I think) I sneaked past. So, fourth, fantastic =) But then Atti let Rami pass on the start-finish line (arghargh, team orders, strictly forbidden :O :)) and he was quite a lot faster than me so I finished fifth. Still a great result considering the amount of practice time I had.

Race 2: Started fourth, took one car in the start, and then Henrik into turn two. Then followed Atti, but couldn't really get close enough to put some pressure. Then some laps later Mathieu and his ufo passed me quite easily on the outside in to the last turn. Held third until the last lap when both Henrik and Kari passed me so fifth again =)

Summary: Hmm, need to learn to drive with tyre wear =)
Qualy: only a tenth off my pre qualy time with a 2:11:847... not sure why i seem to drive fast with more fuel in... :p

Race 1: Started in 8th and because of the BMW's rear wheel drive i got straight up to 2nd after the first few corners. Drove the car as quick as i could but by lap 7 the front tyres were already going off and i was unable to keep up with the other cars around me. This meant i dropped back through the field and had a few little battles along the way, but it wasn't really much. Drove the last few laps in 7th place off the pace of the front runners and then changed down to 2nd instead of 3rd on the 9th lap and dropped back to 8th. This wasn't as bad as it seemed at first though...

Race 2: Ended up on pole because of the 8th place and i got a great start and then pulled away to have about a second lead for the next few laps. Behind i believe there was a small incident and i gained a lead of around 2.5 seconds. I then kept this around the same for the next few laps - posting a 2:12:4 as my fastest race lap. Simon was driving his Seat quickly behind me, and started to close the gap after i made a small mistake. He then caught up slightly until i made another mistake which let him get to within 0.5 seconds. We then had a battle for the next few laps with Simon looking for every oppertunity to get past me. I kept braking late so he couldn't pass me easily. This stayed the same until the end of the race - Simon did get a bit of a run out of the last corner, but the Seat didn't have enough to get past me on the run to the flag.

Cheers for the races, some good battles :) I did tap someone - Simon Jorge Sanchez but i don't think it was a big deal, i let him down the inside and then got back onto the power a bit early. I hope it didn't cost him much :)

Thanks for the races... next one should be good!
Quallied in 10 with 2.11.9xx

Race 1: Had a decent start. Thought my revs were to low but apearently not :) Was 8th into T1. Had Clive behind me so I knew he was not goin to push me off which made me a bit comfortable, maybe pressing the car to much... so, I lost the grip after 4 laps :D Then I was Bambie on ice! People bunched up behind me but I defented quite well. Got a tap in the rear sometimes but that's racing. Manage to get 11th so I was pretty happy since I really, really dislike this track :)

Race 2 then: Got a decent start again and kept my place this time. Then halfway through lap 1 someone spun and I was in 8th again... My tyres did go off a bit but not as much as in race one so I wasn't sliding around as much this time. But that didn't stop people from bunching up behind me :) Did have some nice fights and I actually did pass one car (in my merory I can only recall one) in this race that was not in the start. Jacco that was. Sorry if I touched you but you were lagging like crazy so I had a lot to think of at that time. Finished in 10th so that made me even happier :)

See you all next time ;)
I'm going to win... maybe. I think I'll need to do some setup tweaks to make sure tyres last.

Well I was 0.180 off a win :bike:

Race 1: I think I've got the Seat starts down to a tee as I got a start like no other, no BMW start but enough to get me into 2nd with James close behind who got up in the inside of me to take the place. Eventually fell into p7 but fought back to finish P5.

Race 2: Stating p4, got another start like the first getting into p3 behind two Beemers. Very close behind Peter Madson eventually fell behind Simon Jorge Sanchez. Eventually Simon and Peter had a coming together to put me into p2 2 seconds behind James, in the last couple of laps I got right upto James' bumper but couldn't do anything and followed home 0.180 seconds behind

I think I must be good on my tyres, in race 1 they got quite bad as I had to take defensive lines, in race 2 they tyres lasted well as I was able to take my own lines
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