2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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Then your real name is Nils Wijk.
Why did you drive with alias PeakP at place 135th and did not reported your mistake?

Please do if you make a mistake loading the wrong profile. Saves us valuable searching time. Thanks!

Uhm Bram PM'ed me about this and I replied to him. But to be honest, I did not do it on purpose but it seems that sometimes the game loads the wrong profile as I have not been using that old profile since I entered the Valencia pre qual server. Maybe you should ask simbin why there code is wack.
or you can check which profile you are driving before entering the server...? :)

not a big deal at the end, happened with me too yesterday that i started to drive with my girlfriend profile :) just as Ramon said, if we know it, then we can make the final list more easy.
  • Raino Priha

or you can check which profile you are driving before entering the server...? :)

not a big deal at the end, happened with me too yesterday that i started to drive with my girlfriend profile :) just as Ramon said, if we know it, then we can make the final list more easy.

Actually the game sometimes uses the wrong profile. It has happened to me a couple of times. Both times I exited the server when I realized I was using the wrong profile and noticed that for some reason it used my other profile and not the one I had currently set active. I just joined the server again (without changing the profile) and then it was correct. Weird bug but I haven't been able to reproduce it on purpose.
Well that is what I think happened to me. The strange thing is I never saw myself listed as "PeakP" on the server when checking the timing... ...well I will try and make sure it won't happen again...
Was abit dissapointed beeing G2 at Istanbul and when i made G1 in Valencia that is abit of favorite track for me i was happy,but late afternoon beeing at the V-WTCC in Valencia we (me and David Garcia) realized we wouldn't make it back to his house in time as we planned due to some delays in the onlocation schedule so i finaly gonna get to race the G1 "HAPPY" :D
LOL, nice thread. :D The track on the server felt a bit different than offline to me, maybe because I hadn't done that many laps in TA mode. I did a good lap anyway, it could have been a bit faster but I'm satisfied. :p

I would be really happy if Greger could post his wheel seetings (in game and windows controler) and his RCS.file (from RACE07).I wonder what type of wheel he uses(g25?).I really want to try race with his seeting ,is this some kind of magic or im just such a bad driver.Anyway Group4 for me again (place96 or 97:)) still not that bad,i mean i see emprovment since about 5months ago started my simracing adventure.
Jacek Kozlowski
I've been using the Logitech Driving Force Pro wheel for the last couple of years but two days ago I bought the new Driving Force GT so that's what I'm using now. For pedals I use the BRD Speed 7's. In Windows I've set steering rotation to 400, force strength to 105% and everything else is 0% or turned off. I use 23.0 steering lock in my setups.

Aaaaand here's the RCS file attached.


  • GH.zip
    3.7 KB · Views: 235
  • Niklas Hjelm

Race setup

I've worked all day on a race setup that won't completly shred the tires. It's very diffrent from my qualy setup. Im finally satisfied with it. Alltough I find it quite complex and time consuming. I talked a bit with Mikael Hellen on the practice server and he said he just fuels up his qualy setup and goes for it in the race. So how do you do it?
i always try to make a setup
to see where i can change to be faster....because most of the times the default setup doesn't suit my driving style
i guess it's most of the time your driving style...maybe because Mikeal driving style goes well with the default setups that Simbin made, that's why he only needs to fuel up & go ;)
  • Niklas Hjelm

I think what he meant was that he has got a 1 lap qualifying setup that he as well uses for the 13 lap race.

I start out with brams excellent setup (cheers bram ;)) and adapt it to my driving style. Usually I use a less oversteery setup than bram. Then for my race setup I use an even more undresteery setup with less camber and softer rear end.
Depends, for Istanbul & Valencia I used the same setup for quali and race, for this round however, the tyres overheat after 3/4 laps on my quali setup so I've got to make some changes, I did a long run earlier and by lap 10 I got the tyres are worn message..
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