Lol.. in order to improve my laptime with 0.001 of a sec, I first have to improve my laptime from my work to house with like +60 minutes..and that is well almost not possible :character00182:
Lol.. in order to improve my laptime with 0.001 of a sec, I first have to improve my laptime from my work to house with like +60 minutes..and that is well almost not possible :character00182:
The pre qualification in this series is bad for my sanity. Prior to this I raced in a GTR series were a 2 sec of the lap time would mean a drop by 2-3 places on the grid. In this series, the slightest and minute error and loss of 0.1 sec mean you'll drop 15-20 places ... THAT'S CRAZY!
Now, I hope I have some whiskey left in the cabinet...
Kind regards,
actually make it -2 laps
first time the 2 laps didn't had no time running by some strange reason...'s 4 laps.....ouch