2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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If you can run a full race with the qualy setup with just fueling up, it can mean 2 thing:
- you did not get out the most from your car setup for the qualy
- or you will eat up your tyres after lap 6-7 close to none, and even the turtles at the side of the track will wave you bye bye as they flypass you... :)

so yes, i have separate race setup. :)
  • Jacek Kozlowski

LOL, nice thread. :D The track on the server felt a bit different than offline to me, maybe because I hadn't done that many laps in TA mode. I did a good lap anyway, it could have been a bit faster but I'm satisfied. :p

I've been using the Logitech Driving Force Pro wheel for the last couple of years but two days ago I bought the new Driving Force GT so that's what I'm using now. For pedals I use the BRD Speed 7's. In Windows I've set steering rotation to 400, force strength to 105% and everything else is 0% or turned off. I use 23.0 steering lock in my setups.

Aaaaand here's the RCS file attached.
Thanks a lot Greger.Realy apriciated.Soon after Zandvoort round i will try your settings with my g25:)
Jacek Kozlowski
  • Stirb Iuliu

Classic Formula 1 duels, best thing for motivation on the upcoming race.

And volume set to max.
If you can run a full race with the qualy setup with just fueling up, it can mean 2 thing:
- you did not get out the most from your car setup for the qualy
- or you will eat up your tyres after lap 6-7 close to none, and even the turtles at the side of the track will wave you bye bye as they flypass you... :)

so yes, i have separate race setup. :)

Or you drive just a bit less on the edge of what is capable
The 2 or 3 pedal version? Nice price tag though, 360 euro's. I geuss the pedals are more important then the wheel :).
3 pedal version, had them for about 6 years. :disco: Pedals are definitely more important than the wheel, I find it pretty easy to get used to any kind of junk wheel but with pedals it's a different story. Of course I've had these pedals for a long time so I don't know how it would be to swap for another set now.
What I do is first work on as fast setup as possible (qual setup) then change that as little as possible for the race. Making too many changes usually just makes the setup slower (or maybe I don't know what the heck I'm doing) and then you end up having to push the car harder... which leads to more tyre wear and other horrible things.

Usually I change the setup a bit though, things like tyre pressure and springs to balance the tyre wear.
- you did not get out the most from your car setup for the qualy
- or you will eat up your tyres after lap 6-7 close to none

I always try to do my own setups....often works out quite well I think.
But...there is a BUT. Lets take an example. Zandvoort pre-qual. During my very first laps I drove 1.47.8 or so I think. Did some tweaking....more tweaking....always same laptimes. Even tried minimum tyre pressure. Same laptimes. Doesn't seem to matter what I do, never makes any big difference. But instead when I dared to push the car a little harder the laptimes were faster. Every time I beat my PB I save the setup and just fill it up enough for a race. Most often without tyre wears, sometimes last lap.
So that points in 4 different directions...
- I'm always lucky getting those quite fast laptimes
- or there are something wrong with the game
- or I'm still too unexperienced to feel the difference
- when I know the trick, I'll be hunting Greger himself :D

Classic Formula 1 duels, best thing for motivation on the upcoming race.

And volume set to max.

Amazing video, thanks Stirb!! Perfect example of what NOT to do...
Looking at the video, do you guys think Mansell simply enter T1 too hot? Or did Senna deliberately slow down just a touch on the apex to upset the balance of the car behind on the that critial part of the corner??
well actually that is also what i'm kinda doing Mikael....in these days then

actually i begin first with a basic setup with full thank of fuel (to see how the car reacts in a full race setup)....then i build it up to see the improvements & still keep it full tank.....
only at the end (like entering pre-quali) i go with little fuel & see how it kinda reacts.....normally i would be changing then tire pressure and maybe some springs for some extra "ump"

but only zandvoort i went the opposite and go directly with little fuel & keep changing the setup a lot).....so now actually i need a race setup i think lol
I just did some laps but I was only looking at the track how it was designed since this is my hometrack (I life 15 minutes biking from this circuit). I miss a few details so I wasn't paying attention on the road.

I did a poor 1.58 :) Still I'm not last (by one car) I'm 168th. Great performance not.

See you sunday.
  • Stirb Iuliu

Yes I think he braked too late, and somehow locked the wheels, but I'm no expert so my opinion does not count.

Off topic again:
Great sound from the Honda V12 against the V10 from Renault.
Chris, maybe you want to visit the RPM team setup area... hint hint... :)

Ye, i agree with the majority here, for the race setup you do not need to have a whole different setup, just minor changes, like tyre pressure and less aggressive wheel geometry to save the tyres, and a little different suspension setting to have the right weight balance of the car with more fuel inside.
  • Antoine Morin

ALways trying to make a setup for the race but ...it always finish like taking Rodolphe or Bram setups and fuel em up ^^
About the tire temps, what is a good temp? I just did a race distance -1L as the game only allowed me to select real as maximum and that is 12Laps. And the tires felt good till lap 9.
  • Jose Cesar

Hi, sent already an e-mail reporting my absense for Sunday non-quallifiers races. Reporting you again through this page bcoz am not sure the way i reported was correct.
Good luck for all racers and all the best to RD

Jose Cesar
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