2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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I know I'm just echoing the things said above, but in reading Briefing 3 I really am extremely impressed by the effort that has gone into it. And like some of the others have also said, the patient and reasonable attitude of all RD staff is much appreciated, and very admirable. Plus there's always Gary Lennon to fall back on. :thumb:

GREAT job guys - amazing really. :)
  • Sol Leung

wow. i didn't know that it was that close to the beach, and there's a lots of soccer field close by, cool!!!
Thanks for sharing Jens! :thumb:
The locked qual problem is coming in to play again just now with the RD practice server,currently on qual session locked with 6 people in,surely the practice server doesnt need to have locked qually?,ofcourse i can fully understand it being locked for the real deal races.

Edit: deary deary me.....5 are now having a race....(shocking)
i will start up the 4 League rooms at 18 GMT 20 CET, with practise session for 120 min, then practise session 2 on 30 min, then qualy and so on...

So, qualy will be closed as always, but there will be no issue for joining the servers.

Voting will be strictily forbidden on the servers afterwards!
Server setups, NO VOTING!

Dear all,

To solve the issue of people not being able to join the servers because of the closed qualification session rule, the server setup from today onwards for all the following races will be the following:

Practise 1 (open): 120 min, start at 18 GMT / 20 CET
Practise 2 (open): 30 min
Qualification (closed): 30 min

Voting for next session on the League servers is strictly forbidden!

Race Direction
Do not vote on the servers

Guys, I just had run to Sascha (huge thanks mate!) to reboot 3 of the servers because people had voted, causing the timing to be out.

Please read:

I shouldn't have to be resorting to using a big red font guys!! It's causing us a big headache when these instructions are not followed!
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