
  • Thread starter Deleted member 147278
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  • Deleted member 147278

R1/10~22:Bahrain etc ⇒ R1:Imola etc or R1/10~16:Imola ⇒ Bahrain etc game crash?
Yes, but only if you don't back out to main menu and back into career after making the calendar changes. As re-loading the career save lets the game 'update' the weekend structure avoiding the crash.
Its easy to tell when you have a broken weekend structure that needs to be refreshed, from my memory both instances will result in a P1, P2, P3, Q, R, R event order on the workstation. In that case a weekend 'update' of reloading the same save is required, else you can run into endless crashing loop when progressing through the weekend.
Yes, but only if you don't back out to main menu and back into career after making the calendar changes. As re-loading the career save lets the game 'update' the weekend structure avoiding the crash.
Its easy to tell when you have a broken weekend structure that needs to be refreshed, from my memory both instances will result in a P1, P2, P3, Q, R, R event order on the workstation. In that case a weekend 'update' of reloading the same save is required, else you can run into endless crashing loop when progressing through the weekend.
Was this discovered during the investigation to edit the contents of the Sprint Option "Authentic"?
IF the career weekends are structured the same as GP weekends, with just the added part of not giving the user control of the settings. It might be possible to change both weather and time internally, but its easier said than done, as I first would need to find where those values are hidden. And it can be very frustrating process when you go in blind not knowing what each value is.

So far I've been trying to dissect the weekend structure, and have only really found P/Q/R values. As I wanted to see if could change which weekends are sprints. But it gets bit complicated than just changing the inner weekend values, as they get overridden which I'm assuming is the 'outer' season manager that manages the weekends. So I need to hack up something to pull a uno no U on it to maybe make custom sprints work, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Time and Weather settings are hidden somewhere near the season manager as well ... but again no promises, its a complicated process, at least for me.

Its always hard to say, like technically the game obviously has those values for drivers and their teams loaded in memory somewhere for it to display it to you, obviously. The tricky part as with anything cheat engine, is figuring out where those values hide, and it becomes especially tricky when they dynamically jump all over the memory... so idk, maybe ? I know someone was messing with driver stuff in CE, but I'm unsure how far they got...
Sorry for poking at an old off-topic comment. I do not mean to rush you but out of pure curiosity, have you gotten any further with the weather table? I'd love to see that happen and I myself tried to do the same (although I tried to find a way to do it from the game files, I am still very new to creating tables with Cheat Engine). It is probably common knowledge in the modding community and something completely useless when doing things via Cheat Engine, but would it be helpful in any way for you to know where in the game files all the weather and time of day data is located (or rather the weather "events", which means each weather condition and the chance it has to occur per track or all tracks in common)?
  • Deleted member 147278

Sorry for poking at an old off-topic comment. I do not mean to rush you but out of pure curiosity, have you gotten any further with the weather table? I'd love to see that happen and I myself tried to do the same (although I tried to find a way to do it from the game files, I am still very new to creating tables with Cheat Engine). It is probably common knowledge in the modding community and something completely useless when doing things via Cheat Engine, but would it be helpful in any way for you to know where in the game files all the weather and time of day data is located (or rather the weather "events", which means each weather condition and the chance it has to occur per track or all tracks in common)?
Fairly certain the chances and all that is in the encrypted database which we can't edit, hence the need for CE shenanigans. But I'm also aware that the crash logs that the game compiles, when unzipped, has a info.txt file, which conveniently has a data block for Weather info, which potentially could be useful for backtracking to the weather block in CE, at least that's my current thought process toward it. Haven't really gone into it much more past that tho.
I use the "controversial" version downloaded from the internet... the weekend of Shanghai and Portimao are on an infinite loading screen before P1. While the rest works perfectly, the mod is fantastic. Is it some installation I did wrong?
  • Deleted member 147278

I use the "controversial" version downloaded from the internet... the weekend of Shanghai and Portimao are on an infinite loading screen before P1. While the rest works perfectly, the mod is fantastic. Is it some installation I did wrong?
Both of those tracks were released after 1.05, meaning that 1.05 version does not have all the game files required to load them, even if they appear as valid entries in-game, due their prior database entries.
And no I cannot provide the files required to load those tracks, as that would be outright piracy which I don't condone and is against ToS of RD.
My game is crashing after FP3 of week one. I've put Abudabi as my first race, don't have monaco in the calendar and have 4 dubled races (brazil, spa, monza and silverstone). Is there any work aroud that?
  • Deleted member 147278

My game is crashing after FP3 of week one. I've put Abudabi as my first race, don't have monaco in the calendar and have 4 dubled races (brazil, spa, monza and silverstone). Is there any work aroud that?
Is there any chance you were running a 16 race calendar and replaced Imola with Abu Dhabi for the first race ?
If yes then I suggest reading the PSA Update I posted, but otherwise I can't help much beyond that :/
My game is crashing after FP3 of week one. I've put Abudabi as my first race, don't have monaco in the calendar and have 4 dubled races (brazil, spa, monza and silverstone). Is there any work aroud that?
same thing happened to me at abu dhabi even tho i editted a different save and the one im crashing at is a 16 season calendar not changed at all
Hello my guy, nice mod. I was wondering if you could help me with the problem I got. So the problem is that when I use modular mods combined with race calender editor in cheat engine, the game crashes as soon as I go into fp1, and ego dumper pops up. It tho works fine without modular mods which I found strange. Hope you can help me?
Hello my man! I was wondering if you could help me with the problem I got. So the problem is that when I use modular mods combined with your season calender editor in cheat engine, the game crashes as soon as I go into fp1. It pops up a ego dumper message that says that the game has crashed. It tho works fine without modular mods which I found strange. Hope you can help me! I'm happy for all the help I can get!:)
  • Deleted member 147278

Hello my man! I was wondering if you could help me with the problem I got. So the problem is that when I use modular mods combined with your season calender editor in cheat engine, the game crashes as soon as I go into fp1. It pops up a ego dumper message that says that the game has crashed. It tho works fine without modular mods which I found strange. Hope you can help me! I'm happy for all the help I can get!:)
Are you sure it's not just the issue with your modular mods installation ? Have you tried loading into GP mode practice with the same modular mod to see if the modular mods fault ?
when ı click editor ı getting this
[16:44:54 Calendar Editor] Injection Failed
[16:44:54 Calendar Editor] Terminated

any solve ? nvm ı solved

update : ı have another question ı dont have monaco in my circuit list
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How can I download the first version of the mod?
It's that I have F1 22 cracked in the first versions before Shanghai and Portimao came in, and I don't have them in the game and that's why the mod gives me an error. Could you help me please?
Are you sure it's not just the issue with your modular mods installation ? Have you tried loading into GP mode practice with the same modular mod to see if the modular mods fault ?
When I load into gp practice it works fine but not with myteam and time trial so I don't know what's wrong.
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