
  • Thread starter Deleted member 147278
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  • Deleted member 147278

I still have a question because on cheat engine when I click on activated it opens the lua but imposes activated
Hook into F1_22.exe with "Open Proccess..." through cheat engine first, then activate the script
I've just tried testing a new season with this mod, with Portimao as the first race, and everything from practice program, down to the script of season opener from the commentator, all works absolutely perfectly!

I'm lost for word, this is the real game changer, WOW.
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  • Deleted member 147278

The mod works it's too great, on the other hand if you have modular mods, you have to put the basic files back so that it detects the calendar
Either google translate failing me or im just confused now.
I've tested with modular mods, and it makes no difference on how it detects the calendar :O_o:
But I guess as long as it works for you, its good :thumbsup:
  • Deleted member 147278

hi @Derpish anyway u can add more tracks like the short versions of tracks
I can't add tracks that are not part of the base game sadly.

>If you manually enter the ID's for the tracks that are not in the game you get instant crash, except for China since that's coming later so that just results in a endless loading screen...
  • Deleted member 147278

amazing mod thank you is it possible to make one that can change weather in myteam/career?
Speaking of weather, I'm more curious to know if it's possible to change the time of race (Night Monaco GP for example)
IF the career weekends are structured the same as GP weekends, with just the added part of not giving the user control of the settings. It might be possible to change both weather and time internally, but its easier said than done, as I first would need to find where those values are hidden. And it can be very frustrating process when you go in blind not knowing what each value is.

So far I've been trying to dissect the weekend structure, and have only really found P/Q/R values. As I wanted to see if could change which weekends are sprints. But it gets bit complicated than just changing the inner weekend values, as they get overwritten which I'm assuming is the 'outer' season manager that manages the weekends. So I need to hack up something to pull a uno no U on it to maybe make custom sprints work, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Time and Weather settings are hidden somewhere near the season manager as well ... but again no promises, its a complicated process, at least for me.
This is awesome, do you reckon it will ever be possible to use a cheat engine to manipulate the driver transfers?
Its always hard to say, like technically the game obviously has those values for drivers and their teams loaded in memory somewhere for it to display it to you, obviously. The tricky part as with anything cheat engine, is figuring out where those values hide, and it becomes especially tricky when they dynamically jump all over the memory... so idk, maybe ? I know someone was messing with driver stuff in CE, but I'm unsure how far they got...
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  • Deleted member 147278

Derpish updated Season calendar editor CheatTable with a new update entry:

v0.2 - Because I like my Randomizers

First 'real' update... nothing new to 'core'.
But I'm proud and yet scared to introduce a Randomizer, that will hopefully help with your creativity for future seasons.

The Randomizer includes:
  • Blacklist for blacklisting any tracks you don't want to see on the calendar.
  • Duplicate track prevention for preventing the same track being used multiple times when randomizing the calendar.
    • If the available track pool is smaller than the calendar size because of blacklisted...

Read the rest of this update entry...
  • Deleted member 147278

Does it work in Two-Player Career Mode?
Not sure actually,
I guess it kind of depends on how the game syncs the weekend structure with the 2nd player.
There is also the added thing about me not being sure if the game has any anti-cheat and how the game would react to having a modified game-code for a online session...

Any willing guinea pigs ? :^)
I tested it...my friend starts in Bahrain and he got kicked out before FP1. I start in Portimao(I use CE, he doesn't) and i can drive FP1 in Portimao. It was rainy and the AI Use hards. Maybe we both Use CE for the calender?
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