Vanilla Balance Mod Beta - Testers Wanted

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This mod has now been released. All the changes are listed in the above link. If a Forum Admin is reading this, if you could remove the "Testers Wanted" and change it to "Development Discussion" thread, it would be appreciated.


Note: In attempts to fix the interviews and dilemmas, I have temporarily removed all non English languages from those two files. I hope to reinsert them into a later version (but when I do, they'll still be the vanilla text as I am unable to translate in any other language).

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You are right. :sneaky: I have it....:laugh:

Beside that here is Milan. The lap lengths match (even when the units are different 6 km = 3.72823 miles) but not the lap counts.
Milan Before.jpg Milan In.jpg

It's not game breaking but need to check everytime for not making wrong tire choice in practice.
A blank dilemma in preseason :(
View attachment 181837
can you select it and see after the pre season if it does anything obvious? I am guessing some sort of Reliability alteration. It might still not be showing up

Edoit: May have found it

"Transaction = -1 NewPartPerformance = +50;"

I have that written in the dilemma instead of

"Transaction = -1 ;NewPartPerformance = +50;"

:) A missing ; means its treating it all as one affect that doesn't match the string (as its two strings).... so that would explain it. It's been corrected for the next version.
I can't tell if this is a general bug or something to do with the "Not 2017 mod" on steam that was also running, but after the first race I did with this mod (which was way more fun with the new mechanics) I got an interview with 1 question about my driver that got 2nd place, but after I selected a response the banner at the top said "Completed Interview" while the actual box contained a new question with no options for me to get out of the screen forcing me to close the game.

Is this not compatable with the Not F1 2017 mod or mods similar to it?
Something weird, i got this 3 offers (1 star and 2nd place) It should be ask for low position, dont think so?

Anyway i passed the offer bc i cant achieve 2nd and next 2 races I got


Same offers and even happens a thrid time

Shouldnt change slighty? also a 1 star offer asking for 2nd place seems enough, or even 2 but 3 of them...
Another one is about begining stars, with 4 stars is not real and also hard to get any offer that can achieve so first race of the game should be fixed stars or something imo.
I can't tell if this is a general bug or something to do with the "Not 2017 mod" on steam that was also running, but after the first race I did with this mod (which was way more fun with the new mechanics) I got an interview with 1 question about my driver that got 2nd place, but after I selected a response the banner at the top said "Completed Interview" while the actual box contained a new question with no options for me to get out of the screen forcing me to close the game.

Is this not compatable with the Not F1 2017 mod or mods similar to it?
Only having one question is weird. There should be 5 for 99.9% of interviews (theres a few reserved for end of the season where there's only the 1 question atm).

So First Question: Are you using the latest update of the mod 1.31c released today? This fixed the inrerview system from 1.31a/b (which did have issues).

If you are using 1.31c, then

1. Can I get a couple of the screenshots of the interview question and what you see of after you select the answer.
2. Once you've done that, can you skip that interview, and let me know if the next race has the same issue.

This mod should be compatible with 99.9% of mods...

Something weird, i got this 3 offers (1 star and 2nd place) It should be ask for low position, dont think so?

Anyway i passed the offer bc i cant achieve 2nd and next 2 races I got


Same offers and even happens a thrid time

Shouldnt change slighty? also a 1 star offer asking for 2nd place seems enough, or even 2 but 3 of them...
Another one is about begining stars, with 4 stars is not real and also hard to get any offer that can achieve so first race of the game should be fixed stars or something imo.

This is a vanilla thing: Of the three slots which offer Position Based Payments
  • One slot is for offers with 1sy/2nd/3rd and offer big money if you achive it
  • One slot is for offers with 6th -8th ish and offer medium money
  • The next slot is for the low offers 9th - 12th ish and offer low money.
It was designed like this so there would always be an option available for you to choose in the race to match your roughly estimated ending. This is completely irraspective of stars.

So if you know you're not getting 2nd for a long time... Getting the Up Front offers is the best thing to grab.

Overhauling the sponsors once again maybe an interesting thing for me to do one day (after the interviews, dilemmas and messages), but lots of mods are modding sponsors already - so me doing it may be a waste of my time.
Only having one question is weird. There should be 5 for 99.9% of interviews (theres a few reserved for end of the season where there's only the 1 question atm).

So First Question: Are you using the latest update of the mod 1.31c released today? This fixed the inrerview system from 1.31a/b (which did have issues).

If you are using 1.31c, then

1. Can I get a couple of the screenshots of the interview question and what you see of after you select the answer.
2. Once you've done that, can you skip that interview, and let me know if the next race has the same issue.

This mod should be compatible with 99.9% of mods...

I did not see the 1.3c update. I will update it now and if I have problems still I'll post screenshots. Thanks.
11 or 12 races yesterday with a new game started with 1.31c (mid race length, GT2, some minor mods added). No major bugs encountered.

Some more detailed things:

A. Once again saw an interview asking if I wanted to hire my own driver. I thought I took a screenshot of it, but apparently I did not, since I can't find it anywhere.
B. 3 random breakdowns, 2 of them in the same race. Seems ok to me.
C. I'm also (still) happy with the number of spins. And I've got kinda rubbish pilots.
D. 2 punctures, one at 20% wear and another at ~5%. The 20% one completely ruined my race, season and career, which is excellent!
E. I also have the display bug with estimated tyre duration. I did not pay much attention to it yet, but it seems to be recurring.

Game balance suggestions:

1. Longer time required to make the new car parts would be nice (+bigger influence of design office to it, leading to roughly same speed only at higher levels, longer at lower). If you have a few spec parts, you'll run out of things to do atm, even with a crap team. This would also make the bonus from Ex-Engineer background more important.
2. Mechanics skills could also use some balancing. Is pitstop legend any good at any level?
3. I'm not 100% convinced of the idea of removing the possibility of choosing the lower finish for new season than your previous one was. Sometimes it just makes sense to do a controlled step back in order to have two steps forward (e.g. when doing major upgrades to HQ or replacing drivers with young talent), and IMO the option should be left in the game. Think about McLaren with their Honda deal, I'm sure they knew they'll lose ground (even if they hoped it wouldn't be as bad as it is).
4. Does the mechanical issues / spanner icon actually have any effect on car speed? Should it? Should it be bigger?

Smaller workshop-kind of stuff (that I might mod in for my own use anyways):

5. Some tweaking for standard part components. There's some idiotic ones that just fill the grid and are never used. Especially the ones which raise the red zone.
6. Engineer part components - I think all the skills that only apply to races or qualify should be removed and replaced with something else. Does anyone really use the +to race or +to qualify components, if better ones are available? Especially the qualify thing is bad, since you don't even have a quali in half of the serieses. I think Engineer components should always be something useful and worth considering, and that'd make a bigger portion of the available pool worth hiring.

Overhauling the sponsors once again maybe an interesting thing for me to do one day (after the interviews, dilemmas and messages), but lots of mods are modding sponsors already - so me doing it may be a waste of my time.

Like you said, there's plenty of sponsor mods already, and they are relatively trivial to make (or steal from workshop mods for your own use, as I have done with ICE), so I really wouldn't bother. Please concentrate on more important stuff, things that go beyond workshop mods!

I'll take a look at the interview stuff, and if I understand something, maybe I get some inspirations from the triggers.
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