Vanilla Balance Mod Beta - Testers Wanted

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This mod has now been released. All the changes are listed in the above link. If a Forum Admin is reading this, if you could remove the "Testers Wanted" and change it to "Development Discussion" thread, it would be appreciated.


Note: In attempts to fix the interviews and dilemmas, I have temporarily removed all non English languages from those two files. I hope to reinsert them into a later version (but when I do, they'll still be the vanilla text as I am unable to translate in any other language).

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Every single issue I've fixed should also fix. It for your current save files too. So no need to start a new game.

Interviews, dilemmas, sponsorship stars will have their changes applied live... what isn't known is the personality trait string... but if that doesn't work I can add that to the frontend, which will also work with current saves.

On the grand schem of things, these were not big bugs, and only giant bugs, or he devs releasing a new DLC will require new saves
Just a thought on tires, maybe its about lenght of races, i mean, if it was on short races could have sense, but in long races the AI strategy is a bit dumb

  • Is this a Vanilla issue or not though? I don't know... it's been a long long time before I've done any serious vanilla testing now.

Not 100% but 95% sure its a game problem, not about the mod.
Is the sponsor consideration logic correct? I'm looking at the formula in ur "Notes" (Driver 1 Market + Driver 2 M + Team M / Constructors champ position). My team tops the group this season. Shouldn't my sponsor appeal level higher?
Okay, so these screenshots are from 1.31b? Correct? Your screenshot suggests your 195/20 instead of 195/1. Having just tested it with Oranje this is working, so please ensure you've put the dll in the right place.

Hopefully this issue is fixed in 1.31c but wud like to report the one that I had in the previous version.

Thanks for the new release buddy!!!
this has been a bug for a long time! Not that I've noticed it, bit I opened my frontend.txt and noticed I've removed a " from that psg.... and it's been there a looooooooong time (since I added redzone to the frontend). This one a +100 performance and +10 redzone component.

No one has reported it, which means not many people are using legendary parts I think, which is why it's been a dormant bug for so long.

I'll fix it in the next version (already corrected it in my txt). But will hold off on another upload until the current version has more analysis.
Don't you use Brian's SSDD in your mod?

I use a modified version, I'm only using his LONG race settings. But his mod does lots of tyre life changes. So if you only put in his files and not mine, is the problem there? Or is it something I've managed to do on top of his files which are cashing a (minor) issue.
I am using only Long race settings too. But I will try it again with only his SSDD.

EDIT: Okey I tested 1.31b, 1.31b-with Brain's SSDD, 1.31c and 1.31c-with Brain's SSDD. And it happens in all of them.
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Sorry, I've been away on a Fallout 4 binge, what is the issue with the tyre life reporting? - found the post. All I did was adjust the bands in SSDD, with no decimal places or anything. Not sure what the issue is, but only seems to be a minor display issue. I'm going to be working on my Fallout 4 mod this week, so I'll have a look at the weekend or something.

Also, checked my frontend and the text for 'Disappointed' is there.
Hi everyone. ;)
This one happened before. The lap counts before race weekend and while in the race weekend doesn't match. Right now I am on Munich Track and before starting the race weekend it shows 49 laps. While in the race weekend it shows 44 laps. The thing is when I use Brian's SSDD then the laps count match and both show 44 laps.
EDIT: Okey I tested 1.31b, 1.31b-with Brain's SSDD, 1.31c and 1.31c-with Brain's SSDD. And it happens in all of them.
Hmmm, what we really need is to test Brian's files with the Vanilla assets and the Vanilla dll though. See if the issue is in with the changes in tyre life or something I've done outside.

Does the same display bug happen in medium and short races (in mine or brians mod) too?

But as Brian said, it's a display issue and the numbers are only an estimate anyway. After all, lock ups, driving style and the new 'temperature management' feature are all impacting tyre life quite a bit. And that without considering tyre wear driver traits or engineer traits. Or the new puncture feature.,. Tyre life is basically a weak estimate.
Also, checked my frontend and the text for 'Disappointed' is there.
Ah, I ,just be using an older frontend version.

I've added the test to the Pt's custom files in the last update - so the game may now be reading those (though I won't know if it's save game compatable until someone actually gets the birthday dilemma to confirm).

You may not be aware there's a save editor tool now, so we can have a peak at what's in the save files. Did we ever confirm that if a player started a save with vanilla PT, then installed the modded PT.... when they got a new personality trait, did it have the old or new values?

Do you have an up-to-date list of the current ones somewhere in somewhat readable format? I could try and take a look. and Dilemmas.xlsx?dl=0

This is in the excel format of the Vanilla interview questions.

The questions and responses are in one column (with a mutinrow question being first, and interview re,sponges directly after). There's lots of confusing columns and links and criteria and stuff all around that particular column, but you can ignore that as I've got a nice system which sorts that all individually in my 'building the file' excel file.

It's literally just text I need - I can make the triggers and the formatting, etc. I'm not fussy on which area interviews are created in either. E.g., I'm making a 5th question set purely discussing other drivers who finished the race, and talking about if you want to hire them - as it may make silly season more strategic. But questions can be expanded anywhere. A few more 'default' questions would be good though for set 3/4 (for when none of the special criteria matches what happened in the race' so basically can trigger anytime)

In post 980 here I've got a lot of triggers which defiantly work, and some which I've not seen questions for - if you want to be more technical. Or see a mechanic you'd like to work a set of questions with,
Hi everyone. ;)
This one happened before. The lap counts before race weekend and while in the race weekend doesn't match. Right now I am on Munich Track and before starting the race weekend it shows 49 laps. While in the race weekend it shows 44 laps. The thing is when I use Brian's SSDD then the laps count match and both show 44 laps.
That's Ernie sending out wrong information again and changing his mind on race day...

In all seriousness,,, it could well be that my front end is not matched to Brian's frontend. Obviously, the amount of laps on race day is correct. Could you get me a screenshot of all the places where it shows the incorrect value (I'll be able to follow the dll info and see where the error is coming from, assuming it isn't s frontend problem. )

Edit: oh it's that issue again, thought this was separate. In which case, it probably isn't frontend related but how it's being read from the dll. Again, get me a couple of screenshots and I'll do a quick trace, but I doubt I'll have much luck.
It's not a frontend issue. I looked at this myself when I first spotted it. On the race weekend it'll show the correct laps, then between races it'll be wrong.

The only reason I can think of would be GT events happening in the background and the game taking that distance data forward as it was the last thing it pulled it from, then it pulls from SSDD for your race weekend and everything is shown correctly.

The unmodded versions have identical distances, so you don't notice it.
Complete EDIT: If I save the game before the start of race weekend and after that exit the game and start it again the numbers correct themself. Now it shows 44 laps before the race weekend and in the weekend.
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It's not a frontend issue. I looked at this myself when I first spotted it. On the race weekend it'll show the correct laps, then between races it'll be wrong.

The only reason I can think of would be GT events happening in the background and the game taking that distance data forward as it was the last thing it pulled it from, then it pulls from SSDD for your race weekend and everything is shown correctly.

The unmodded versions have identical distances, so you don't notice it.

Defiantly a dll issue then. I'll add it to the list of things I'll have. A look at.

Though admittedly, I wanna stop adding to the dll now. Though I have some features I still want to add (practice setup changes and making all the Driver/ mechanicnstats more important) I'm kinda at the limit of things I want to alter and update after each and every dev update. It's taking about 4-6 hours just to do that dll and getting it to where it was before any updates. So now I only want to add to the dll to add something big.

One day the game will be done and I'll add the last features in, but the devs don't seem to be slowing down just yet when it comes to new features - though I think they've squashed a huge set of bugs for now.

So yeah :) we might be looking at the last of the new features.
But this time the lap length changed. :O_o:
Before race weekend

In the race weekend
**1.31b issues**
This maybe slightly delayed but i got some bugs on 1.31b yesterday and wanted to record them incase they carried over to 1.31c

I had a recurrence of retired driver not pitting. this might just be something wonky with vanilla still

And an engine part component with missing string
**1.31b issues**
This maybe slightly delayed but i got some bugs on 1.31b yesterday and wanted to record them incase they carried over to 1.31c

I had a recurrence of retired driver not pitting. this might just be something wonky with vanilla still
View attachment 181777

And an engine part component with missing string
View attachment 181778
Hmm, I didn't check but I still think they're using Hudsons fix :) bit odd though. Other cars are still pitting though, right?

Maybe he is getting some test information. Did he stay out the entire race?

And yes :) that second issue was given to me earlier today. It's not fixed - but it's actually been broken for a long time. It's due to be fixed in the next patch, whenever that may be,
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