The "What Are You Working On?" Thread

Meadowdale Raceway 1963
Slowly adding details...

Definitely obscure - I don't know where you find your references from because I can't find a single photo of that circuit from in period! Looking forward to it, will make a nice series of '60s airfields with @RcDaniel's excellent Zeltweg and (hopefully) @THL's beautiful looking Tulln

Thank you
difficult stuff was to find out the layout, until a suporter send a map and magic happen jaja, i did not have luck find pictures of races event, so it will mostly "ficticional racing enviroment" jaja!!
Definitely obscure - I don't know where you find your references from because I can't find a single photo of that circuit from in period! Looking forward to it, will make a nice series of '60s airfields with @RcDaniel's excellent Zeltweg and (hopefully) @THL's beautiful looking Tulln

Thank you

A good strategy for a lot of this old obscure stuff is local archives. Most of them are either online, or have an online presence with contact info. It's amazing what you can find in un/official archives.

I'm (very, very slowly) working on a semi-fictional road circuit based on the roads around where I live, but I wanted to make it a 60s venue so it feels more realistic. I was able to find very detailed aerial photography from 1970 of the whole area, along with hundreds of archival photos dating back to the late 1800s (which, for Canada, is very rare since we're a young colony by European standards). All of this stuff is only available through the local archives. And this is just what's been digitized. I could go to the local archival site and browse through the analog stuff to find a lot more, I'm sure.

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