Tactile Immersion - General Discussion - Hardware & Software

@boern69 some of your questions could be answered by looking back a bit over this thread.
Seen that video, one time before. The LFE and BK Concert full-size units have really good potential, I prefer to combine these with TST units to achieve more detail but maintain excellent low-end energy also.

SFX100 has its own potential with the actuators it uses. As yet none of the owners have covered in detail what the pros/cons it has with what it can do with its own tactile. Or seriously questioned what/how we can achieve if we combine it with high-end tactile units.

I don't have a final design for the new rig. I got inspiration during some of the test builds but really the tubing/clamps being used lets me apply some creativity. Personally, I sometimes get this when a build is physically coming together and in progress.So I expect it to happen during the new build.

As for "wheelslip", just the other night I questioned if Shakeit could have a feature added to enable an experimental idea I have. This would be to increase the immersion it offers yet do something no other tactile software can achieve.

What if it was possible for "wheelslip" effect to transition from one tactile unit to another as the slip angle or throttle increases or reaches a "conditional" point that triggers this. I believe with a decent installation it might be possible to achieve some directional sensation using an inner and outer set of units that widens the effects operation from one place to another.

At worst even the operation of the effect via a single unit on a channel to a secondary unit should also help increase the sensation to help the user feel when the telemetry data for the slippage is high. It would depend on how we can set the "conditional" factor to determine when the secondary channel activates.

This could be, a potentially good driving aid and operate not just like "Rear Traction Loss" in motion does but work in the pedals at the front like Next Levels "Traction Plus" achieves.

We cant do this in Simvibe or any other single tactile based software. At present the best we could do is use a slip effect to operate with specific settings in SSW and then have another effect operate from Shakeit with its own operational settings.
Ok thx .
I bought a fame quad and 4 sinustec ST-BS 250 4Ω
to start with.

I wanna build a 2. rig this year and my dream is to get something build like

but with spool core running against a spring ontop and in down direction on the floor ->
actuator .
I wonder if this is the concept behind dbox 4250i actuators
The work is to find the correct spools + the core working with an audio amplifier

+ to figure out if this force is enough for movement or must be doubled
So is the Clark Synthesis TST209 a good unit that you would recommend?
I have two Aura 2B's but I can't get them directly under the metal seat cushion connector, so they are very ineffective. However I think these are thin enough that I could get one directly centered under the seat. I have a 100W amp driving them.
Ok thx .
I bought a fame quad and 4 sinustec ST-BS 250 4Ω
to start with.

I wanna build a 2. rig this year and my dream is to get something build like

but with spool core running against a spring ontop and in down direction on the floor ->
actuator .
I wonder if this is the concept behind dbox 4250i actuators
The work is to find the correct spools + the core working with an audio amplifier

+ to figure out if this force is enough for movement or must be doubled

BK are much cheaper or often available for 2nd hand prices. Check on AVS forums for possible discussions on Q10B to Buttkicker.

I dont know how you are going to achieve control for precise motion with usage of frequencies and dB via tactile.
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THX BK LFE seem to be the best choice but they are quite expensive

but my budget is not in this range - perhaps if I tested this sort of tactile enhancement
I will be willing to pay more for it when I built my 2.more expens. rig

here is is a pic of my 1. rig I want to install one shaker at each corner or is it better to 2 of them direct under the seat?


i stabilized the rig in the middle



what will happen if I take 2-4 of these shakers and mount them together
will the effect be bigger ?

u can read on this site that :

advantage of taking several BS together instead of one is

better performance -> coils dont get so hot
better more clear effect
and frequencies can go lower
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You have an 8020 rig so I say experiment and try things you seek to discover/know.
I would say to try different things, for instance, a front/back installation compared to a stereo based L/R installation.

You can do this with 2 units, placing them first in the seat and then at the pedals. Its good to discover what each brings. Although as its not a very big rig to be adding 4 units for front and rear stereo. If you want to go with 4. Then perhaps you should consider testing with having mono front and rear with bumps etc but then separate engine/gear effects and place these on a different channel/unit.
This will help you determine what suits your own preference. It may be you enjoy having stereo front and year, who can say?

Some people find they dont need Stereo/LR if it's not working so well on their own installations/build. They may prefer to reduce the number of effects to a unit but then use additional units for specific effects. An example would be a unit at the foot base for pedals and then seat for bumps etc. Yet having another unit attached to the pedal stems upright and back of the seat for engine/gear.

Two different approaches :)
You should ensure the rig has isolators to decouple it from the floor.
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So is the Clark Synthesis TST209 a good unit that you would recommend?
I have two Aura 2B's but I can't get them directly under the metal seat cushion connector, so they are very ineffective. However I think these are thin enough that I could get one directly centered under the seat. I have a 100W amp driving them.

If you can order both a TST 209 and TST 239 and return one. It would be worth trying and discovering your opinion on each.

T209 is ok but isnt the hardest hitting unit. The 239 model should bring more bass energy but I cant for certain say how much more or if its worth it, just for sim usage. Ive owned both but not at the same time to do my own 1-1 evaluation.

Maybe some others own both and can comment. Some people prefer an ADX to a T209 and vice versa.

These units will still need about 3-4" clearance see their PDF.
If you have a tight section you want tactile to reach, then show images, we can maybe consider some methods.
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I saw the PDF and there will be clearance It just won't be uniform clearance.

For the last year I had a single AST-2B-4 Pros centered under the seat and it was adequate. When I added the NLRv3 motion system, I tried to add two 2B's on aluminum plates sticking out the back but all that did was rock the cushion base and there was no impact.

The great thing about the T209 is the single bolt attachment. Even if I mounted it at the very back of the formed steel under the seat cushion the vibrations would be sent directly into it which would be a massive improvement. I can fabricate an aluminum plate extending the entire width of the seat cushion if I want to.

While there is some padding, the steel support under the cushion is completely sprung, so the vibrations are not dampened out by the structure.

In this picture I have the seat slide all the way forward. The front edge of the T209 would fit into the approximately 2" gap there, but the majority of it would have plenty of space.

Anyway. That is my current thought. I also understand that the T209 has a wider range than the AST-2B-4's so I was hoping to get better engine vibrations out of it in addition to road texture.

BK are much cheaper or often available for 2nd hand prices. Check on AVS forums for possible discussions on Q10B to Buttkicker.

I dont know how you are going to achieve control for precise motion with usage of frequencies and dB via tactile.

Hi I could really use your advice please
I need a single amp to run a buttkicker gamer and a mini concert
I’m having real issues finding any up to date information on the latest Behringer amps as the inukes have been discontinued
Not sure which one to buy as I haven’t seen any buttkicker posts regarding the new amps
I really need it as one of my buttkicker amps has blown (of course it has!) and would like to just buy one amp that’s reliable and can run seat and pedals
Any information would be much appreciated
Hi I could really use your advice please
I need a single amp to run a buttkicker gamer and a mini concert
I’m having real issues finding any up to date information on the latest Behringer amps as the inukes have been discontinued
Not sure which one to buy as I haven’t seen any buttkicker posts regarding the new amps
I really need it as one of my buttkicker amps has blown (of course it has!) and would like to just buy one amp
that’s reliable and can run seat and pedals
Any information would be much appreciated

Hi there, a few pages back this thread covered the new replacements from Behringer for the iNuke series. These are "NX" and "NX D" versions with the "D" models having the DSP extras.

I would recommend Behringer NX1000D for you as this can be set to operate with 2ohm (which both the Gamer and Mini Concert use) and you can unlike many amps set a digital wattage limit for these. Search the forums here and you will also find info on how to greatly reduce the piston pang with the smaller BK units using the Behringer DSP features.


Nice little amp, not seen that one before. Do take care with the wattage it has and those units only needing around 50w. You could easily overpower them. Let us know how the amp runs and how warm it gets.
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Hi there, a few pages back this thread covered the new replacements from Behringer for the iNuke series. These are "NX" and "NX D" versions with the "D" models having the DSP extras.

I would recommend Behringer NX1000D for you as this can be set to operate with 2ohm (which both the Gamer and Mini Concert use) and you can unlike many amps set a digital wattage limit for these. Search the forums here and you will also find info on how to greatly reduce the piston pang with the smaller BK units using the Behringer DSP features.


Nice little amp, not seen that one before. Do take care with the wattage it has and those units only needing around 50w. You could easily overpower them. Let us know how the amp runs and how warm it gets.

That’s great thanks
Google was only coming up with threads from years ago
I’m assuming the NX1000D will run both the gamer 2 and the mini concert or will I need to buy two?
That’s great thanks
Google was only coming up with threads from years ago
I’m assuming the NX1000D will run both the gamer 2 and the mini concert or will I need to buy two?

Yes both with a single amp, use the search tool on this site. I did a recent thread on the NX D series DSP features.
3rd time is a charm :) This is what I came up with for a mounting solution. It fits with no interference and it will put the impact straight into the supporting cushion plate.
Yes both with a single amp, use the search tool on this site. I did a recent thread on the NX D series DSP features.
Ok so my NX100D has arrived I’d hadn’t realised I need XLR plugs to plug my BKs (edit- nope ordered the wrong plugs I actually need twist locking plugs)
They’re ordered and coming tomorrow
Am I right in thinking that all the DSP settings are accessed at the front panel?
I was under the assumption there was some software to download on my PC (seeing as there’s a USB port) there’s no mention of this in the manual.
Also what cross over do I use I’m guessing LF?
With Stereo mode?
Thanks again for all the help.
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Yes both with a single amp, use the search tool on this site. I did a recent thread on the NX D series DSP features.
Hi I’ve now got the NX1000 all set up and running
Are there any screen shots of anyone’s settings available here?
I’ve got it working but it doesn’t feel as good as my old buttkicker amps
Obviously there’s a lot of tweaking involved but there’s a lot of knobs to adjust
@Dan.E.B Before you start making any adjustments you need to set a baseline. @Mr Latte introduced me to this very basic test that provides invaluable info regarding tactile. Run thru frequency sweeps at various volume settings and record what feels best to you. There are online frequency generators you can use. Increment at 10Hz and run thru a range of, say, 10 (probably won't feel anything) to 90 or till you don't feel an effect. This is to id the sweet range that your units work in. Then you can tailor settings in your amp to insure you stay in that sweet range. That should get you going at least.

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