Show us your Rig / Cockpit

CRT monitors may flicker but it depends on the refresh rate and the type of lights in the room that the monitor is in. If you are running flourescents, they will cycle at 50Hz or 60Hz depending on where you are. If your monitor is set to the same rate, you will see massive flicker. If your monitor is close, but not quite the same, then you will see flicker on occasion. Usually when the image is moving fast. CRT's have had refresh rates as high as 120Hz or more which means you won't see the flicker no matter what happens on the screen.
sry for the bad quali of the pics.. this is my playground ;)



New Cockpits

Guys is there a thread here on Race Department that I can post new cockpits that are available? I'm building them and don't want to spam? I feel like this thread is reserved mainly for home built cockpits. Thanks! By the way the F1 wheel and cockpit is amazing!! Nice work Pahamaku.
Though a lot of these look amazing, I believe the ultimate cockpit should:

-Be able to get in an out of easily. (No hopping in something)
-Not be low to the ground (again, to be easy to get into)
-Stick Sifter (if applicable) should be mounted low and to the side like a real car. Not next to the wheel.
-Take up minimal space (unless you have a ton of room for it)
-Be on wheels and movable (unless you're planing on having it a permanent fixture)
-Should look good.
Though a lot of these look amazing, I believe the ultimate cockpit should:

-Be able to get in an out of easily. (No hopping in something)
-Not be low to the ground (again, to be easy to get into)
-Stick Sifter (if applicable) should be mounted low and to the side like a real car. Not next to the wheel.
-Take up minimal space (unless you have a ton of room for it)
-Be on wheels and movable (unless you're planing on having it a permanent fixture)
-Should look good.

Like this?
I guess I am strange, but it boggles the mind how anyone can be comfortable with the foot rest at the angle shown in that image. I would be more comfortable if the angle were set to have the rear of the foot rest higher than the front, or at least level. And given the reclining angle of the seat this would lend itself more to the feeling of discomfort from the looks of things. I have never sat in one so I could be way wrong on this, but I know what I like in a real car and the looks of this one is not anywhere close to what I would expect. :)
Its fully adjustable ;)

Here is a photo of the mini rig so you can see how it would adjust.

Because the seat and steering wheel arm is so adjustable we also added a wide range of adjustment to the pedals. No two people will like the driving position the same. I will say we never thought of having the rear of the pedals higher though maybe we should try that ?
My normal setup I have a platform that I made that holds the pedals in place, and has a 1X1 strip at the heel end so that the heel end is just that much higher. This is mainly due to sitting position and the fact that my ankles don't allow me to bend my ankle enough to be comfortable with the pedal end higher. I use the foot rest all the time for my heel so I can pivot off of it easily without too much worry about where the pedals are at. The only time I would not need the heel end higher is if I am wearing my cowboy boots which have a decent heel on their own.
I guess I am strange, but it boggles the mind how anyone can be comfortable with the foot rest at the angle shown in that image. I would be more comfortable if the angle were set to have the rear of the foot rest higher than the front, or at least level. And given the reclining angle of the seat this would lend itself more to the feeling of discomfort from the looks of things. I have never sat in one so I could be way wrong on this, but I know what I like in a real car and the looks of this one is not anywhere close to what I would expect. :)

I often wondered why ready made cockpits angle the pedals like that. Like whats wrong with the way they are (flat)? Well I guess angling the pedals makes them more vertical (like a real car) and less flat?

I don't know, but I have a playseat and the pedals are angled exactly like that and I can assure you the pedals are 100% comfortable.
The most important thing -no matter what- is that you are comfortable and confident; I don't care if you have to mount them sideways! There is no way to predict which position will make each racer feel this comfort so we started with a baseline and tried to add as much adjustment as possible because some folks race in socks and some in boots, and both can be equally as fast as long as they can get comfortable.
I finally got round to switching to three monitors on my man-cave racing-pc. I went from a single 37" telly (running 1080p) to three 23" monitors (5760x1080). The different is pretty impressive, with the only downside being the loss of vertical height.

Still, the extra width means you can spot things in your peripheral vision, and the sense of speed is much nicer, even with a very low field of view.

Thumbs up =)

A terrible video:

A few pics:









(sorry for the bad pics and video, it was dark by the time I took them and without the flash it was a shakey-hand moment.. )

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