Show us your Rig / Cockpit

here's mine,a basic one but i will create my own cockpit when i will be installed in my new house next year


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  • Roy Stevens

My new set up..:)


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Here's my "cockpit" ... similar in concept to the VPP basic ... but at a fraction of the cost ...

Roughly €15 for wood, bolts and screws, then another €6 for paint (paint was "optional upgrade" ... and I am still getting "high" off the fumes whilst racing as I only sprayed it a couple of days ago :evil:).

If you want something similar and are a skinflint like me, below is a link to my very rough Google Sketch-up design with all dimensions and stuff (good enough for what I needed) :thumb:

(As desk and PC is needed for work purposes most days, needed a quickly removable compromise - would love a full cockpit, but practicality space and finances against me on that one for now);topic=571.0;attach=1512


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... would definitely swap Patrick his raceseat for mine :lol:

BTW ... Patrick - what is that mini keyboard affair I see on the corner of your desk ... can you up more pics and a bit more info (am looking at doing something like this for myself).
Cheers :thumb:
  • Jacek Kozlowski

I think it took Roy few seconds to pay few hundreds euros with his credit card for his cockpit...:Di m still saving cause vpp cockpit is the best (maybe not,just when it comes to price)
Pics will follow once I get home.

Three things that suck:

1) The fact that I had two little spacers missing from the bag; so I had to use bolts instead (which are absolutely fine to use; only a few mm longer than the original spacers). I've left the wheelbox off atm in case I need to get back in there - I should be able to find some of those spacers in a shop here in Brighton - I'll still be e-mailing about that, though.

2) The fact that it only has XP32 drivers at the moment. Formatting (= Downgrading; 1GB of my RAM wasted) tonight.

3) The fact that I'm at work at the moment while it's at home, ready to fire into life. :(

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