AC RSS GT-M(GT3) @ Road America - Sunday 6th August 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Rasmus is as good as it gets for advice, so take him up on his offer.
But I will just say something I always emphasize,.
Setups up are mainly to keep you on the track, help the car turn safely and help you accelerate safely out of the corner
If for one moment I thought it was paramount in bridging the gap between Jason and Me, I would be doing setups 24/7. ( note the “you” bit, if I had the ability I would be destabilising my set ups to go quicker, for me that is not possible ):(
You can without doubt, with some help and a lot of hard work become much better,
But your ability was plugged into at birth, as I said above there is a lot you can do, but driving an unstable car is not a clever way to start.
The best person also for advice would be Robert or Colin, unlike me their improvement is reasonably short term.
Unlike me who has take ages to move from the level of incompetment to slightly incompetent.:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
(dont take this thing as a flex)Ernie i have 100% Win rate on my fixed setup race's on Wss and against literaly the same people but with the setup open i have 70% on Wss . everyone can have a good setup but you need alot of time to spend in practice which some are not willing to do (me) , so until then setup can make you even 2 secs fasters in some cars :'D (we are talkin about racing games ofc) .
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Never Fulvio, we just have some banter, and I try my best, very unsuccessfully, give you some grief on track.:roflmao::roflmao:
It is a point of view which I am on board with, but we are taking about someone starting out and having difficulties. Above me there is a lot of much better drivers and people who are so much better at setups.
The problem is that they tend to keep things secret, I found this out in the real world of racing and simracing too..

Unfortunately some people are just very good at somethings, they always try and quantify it unto something they think is tangible. It is not, they are just born with a particular talent and society creates that gap for them to exploit.

just reread my response, I think i went of at a tangent.:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
Must have been due to there being a clear blue sky here in the SE of England.:O_o::O_o::O_o:
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Never Fulvio, we just have some banter, and I try my best, very unsuccessfully, give you some grief on track.:roflmao::roflmao:
It is a point of view which I am on board with, but we are taking about someone starting out and having difficulties. Above me there is a lot of much better drivers and people who are so much better at setups.
The problem is that they tend to keep things secret, I found this out in the real world of racing and simracing too..

Unfortunately some people are just very good at somethings, they always try and quantify it unto something they think is tangible. It is not, they are just born with a particular talent and society creates that gap for them to exploit.

just reread my response, I think i went of at a tangent.:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
Must have been due to there being a clear blue sky here in the SE of England.:O_o::O_o::O_o:
in real racing setup doenst make this huge advange is generally couple of tenths most of the championship are same engines same parts plus when you pay the fee for the entry you get an entire team working in the car so you just have to dial what you want and is done and with all the instruments is way more menageble . dont compare again :'D . the only secret championship is 1 and is called f1 where atleast half of the drivers can run for a title but only one for the car is called the beast
Funnily. and can only comment on a friend who raced in Formula Fords in the 90's, plus he was, as a job a suspension designer for Fords. You might as well put all the budgets on the start grid and they will mainly win to their budget, with the advantage that they need not bother to race.
Funnily. and can only comment on a friend who raced in Formula Fords in the 90's, plus he was, as a job a suspension designer for Fords. You might as well put all the budgets on the start grid and they will mainly win to their budget, with the advantage that they need not bother to race.
Sunday drivers category ;'D
Should have known you counter with data :inlove:
(I´m loving it)

So in the end the data contradicts our perceived string of events, absolutely inconthievable:

Screenshot 2023-08-09 at 10-00-26 Every Time Vizzini Says Inconceivable In The Princess Bride.png

Looks like you did use your brakes efficiently, so you executed the plan well.
Your trainer would be proud:thumbsup:
Yeah I definitely did brake quite a lot but I think it was pretty far from triggering the ABS.
Guess I'll need to slap some G sensors on the car too :p

so until then setup can make you even 2 secs fasters in some cars :'D
Yeah but you're 3 seconds faster so we'd still be 1s behind :roflmao:
In my experience it really matters which car we're talking about.
In my acc league (, I'm now in a "team" with 8 other Ferrari 296 GT3 drivers.
We worked a lot on the setup but it only made us a few tenths faster.
The big difference was the trust in the car and the consistency.
But one great lap isn't really dependent on the setup as long as it's not understeering too much in general.

With the F-Agile though, having the right aero balance is very crucial. It drives like an understeery bus with the wings at 8/8 or whatever is the default.
But 13/7 and we're talking :D
The suspension etc. doesn't matter that much. But simply having enough grip and not too much understeer makes a huuuuge difference, even for rookies.
in real racing setup doenst make this huge advange is generally couple of tenths most of the championship are same engines same parts plus when you pay the fee for the entry you get an entire team working in the car so you just have to dial what you want and is done and with all the instruments is way more menageble . dont compare again :'D . the only secret championship is 1 and is called f1 where atleast half of the drivers can run for a title but only one for the car is called the beast
Very true!
However the "default setups" in real racing are something a group of engineers came up with, so they aren't bad.
With default setups like the F-Agile aero balance though... :whistling:
Brake Bias:
When your car becomes unstable when braking and especially when lifting the brakes (trail braking) into a corner. If your rear wants to step out, it's time to put the brake bias forward!
I guess I have a long way to go, I won't know when to make this change.
During the race, I don't actually notice the handling change as it is so gradual and I just kind of adapted to it. For all the long races, I had adapted the simple strategy of changing tire and fuel up at mid distance. It is only after pit stop I can notice the difference in the car's handling.
Arrow keys: if you're in reach of a keyboard, you can also use its arrow keys instead of the wheel joystick/buttons.
They are always mapped to the put menu.
I am still at the stage where even on the straight, I am fully occupied thinking what to do for the next corner in distance. Any diversion of focus causes me trouble. But I feel much more relax in comparison to when I first started. So may some time soon I can spare attention to mess with keyboard. But really good to know it keyboard mapping is fixed. For some reason, now and then my steering wheel mapping does not work and I have to exit and re-enter the game to fix it.
Setup: same happened to me in Barcelona with the Agile :( Fought the car as much as I could, crashed 2x, hit someone 1x and was super frustrated about wtf was going on.
Happens to the best, don't blame yourself too much. I also had to disconnect before the race and forgot to load it again.
I would've loved to join you at this one since I know the track very well from the GT1 race.
You can join us at Jarama :) Another super fun track to drive in. I have to say that these GT tracks Brian picked out have been more fun than the F1 tracks we do our FA series on. Just a newbie opinion. A chicanphobic newbie ;) Getting out of slow corners on the FA is damn tricky.
But I'm currently in Zürich, doing some real life driving practice, starting from Hamburg with only 1 night at half distance :roflmao:
Already had to do some "Moving under braking", when a stupid biker overtook a caravan in a turn+crest, saw us and started to wobble...
Instand ABS & slightly touching the grass on the outside, while lifting the brakes slightly.
Little flickering of the ESP led but not much happening at the wheel.
Bike made it through in the middle without touching anyone.
My partner just said "Well, I guess your simracing was of good use today" :confused:
That is a good thing. Now you can justify an upgrade to your sim rig :roflmao:
@Kek700 I put down a note in my to do app to look into the clutching issue. Maybe there's a solution without you needing a clutch pedal :)
These things happen, all builds experience :) Tough when it happens at a race your really into, but least now you now what happens if you exit :)
Yep :redface:
No worries, intent was fine, I didn't expect it, but I was leaving too much safe space. Thing was
you clipped the nose of my car right before braking in front of me, which caused some carnage. If you're going for something like that still need to be sure it can be made cleanly. Not sure you noticed the initial tap.
I went back and looked over the replay a bunch of times and realized indeed, I move over too early -- I have to recalibrate the distance displayed by the Helicorsa -- barely clear the other guys isn't going to be enough room to move over. Another things was when looking from chase view, I see that I actually had way more room to right from Ernie to the right than what is appeared in the driving position and shouldn't have needed to move over in front of you to get around Ernie. In any case, sorry for the bad maneuver, not only clipping you, but also using brake shortly after getting in front of you :redface:

Thanks for pointing this out, lesson learned!

Now I should also ask about what happened next. After I got in front of you, I saw Manos pulling back onto the track from grass. Briefly I thought of braking, but quickly decided that would probably still collect Manos as he was going pretty slow, and cause a pile up from behind. So I hit the gas and just glanced him sending him back to the grass (Sorry Manos, I didn't realize this until checking replay). But was Manos pulling back onto the track like that proper? I would have thought one should stay off the track until the traffic passes for safe return.
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Adapt and overcome. ;)
Every race is a learning opportunity, some learnings are harder than others to digest
Been there, done that, burned the T shirt.:cry:

I once started a 25min race on Quali fuel, so had to pit from P2.
Could have puked ball bearings for my stupidy.
Thanks for the comradeship!

from that day onwards I always check fuel loads before entering the grid.
if i don´t see the expected amount i know i cocked up somewhere and still have (a little) time to get it right.

Experience is the lesson AFTER the test!!
I am going to make this a habit :)
Depending on your wheel it may may not accept binding pit menue to "the cross"
My 7way funky did not like it, i had to use Joy2key to convert switch to key press.
(another thing to start up before racing ( as Admin, Dumbass:rolleyes:)
I am going to investigate how to do this on my steering wheel, I would image the same as how I mapped the brake bias to the cross rocker switch, just need to find the right command from CM mapping page.
Rasmus is as good as it gets for advice, so take him up on his offer.
I usually go ask him instead of waiting for him to offer :)
Indeed, I learned a bunch from him, from triple vs ultra wide to traction circles. I am still benefiting from using the setup he shared for Albert Park for any high down force tracks:)
But I will just say something I always emphasize,.
Setups up are mainly to keep you on the track, help the car turn safely and help you accelerate safely out of the corner
If for one moment I thought it was paramount in bridging the gap between Jason and Me, I would be doing setups 24/7. ( note the “you” bit, if I had the ability I would be destabilising my set ups to go quicker, for me that is not possible ):(
I understand what you are saying. But I would still like to push the boundary a bit and find out how loose of a car I can handle. Because it does help with lap time.
You can without doubt, with some help and a lot of hard work become much better,
But your ability was plugged into at birth, as I said above there is a lot you can do, but driving an unstable car is not a clever way to start.
Indeed, I will try to maximize my innate potential and see how competitive I can get. Good thing I am not doing this for a living, so if I never win a race, its not the end of the world :) It's about having fun without consequences. I am sure everyone of us here secretly hope we have some talent in driving (even just simulator), and just may be we are right :) Fulvio excluded of course, we already know what he has:laugh:
The best person also for advice would be Robert or Colin, unlike me their improvement is reasonably short term.
Yes, I already benefited a bunch from Robert's pointers for Assen race! And thanks for Colin's pointers for setting up pit strategy!
Unlike me who has take ages to move from the level of incompetment to slightly incompetent.:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
But you are still way faster than me:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
With all that self proclaimed incompetement, how the hell did you get down to 1:29.5 in just two laps of Jarama?!
Yep :redface:

I went back and looked over the replay a bunch of times and realized indeed, I move over too early -- I have to recalibrate the distance displayed by the Helicorsa -- barely clear the other guys isn't going to be enough room to move over. Another things was when looking from chase view, I see that I actually had way more room to right from Ernie to the right than what is appeared in the driving position and shouldn't have needed to move over in front of you to get around Ernie. In any case, sorry for the bad maneuver, not only clipping you, but also using brake shortly after getting in front of you :redface:

Ye I thought you were just going to brake up the middle of the track or stay behind Ernie, so wasn't expecting for you to come over left side

Thanks for pointing this out, lesson learned!

Now I should also ask about what happened next. After I got in front of you, I saw Manos pulling back onto the track from grass. Briefly I thought of braking, but quickly decided that would probably still collect Manos as he was going pretty slow, and cause a pile up from behind. So I hit the gas and just glanced him sending him back to the grass (Sorry Manos, I didn't realize this until checking replay). But was Manos pulling back onto the track like that proper? I would have thought one should stay off the track until the traffic passes for safe return.
That's just a racing incident I suppose. You got a speed boost from me etc. so it might have looked ok for him to re-nter there.
During the race, I don't actually notice the handling change as it is so gradual and I just kind of adapted to it. For all the long races, I had adapted the simple strategy of changing tire and fuel up at mid distance. It is only after pit stop I can notice the difference in the car's handling.
Believe me, when you NEED to adjust the brake bias, you'll know :p
Like when you brake into T1 like you did in qualy and during the first 15 laps but now the rear end wants to go first into the corner, you'll know that brake bias needs to go forward hehe.
Not many cars actually need this though! But with the RSS GT1 Lister Storm (Tornado), I had to adjust the brake bias for almost every corner around Donington Park GP.
Too far forward for the big hairpin and I would shoot wide with massive understeer.
Keeping the perfect brake bias for that hairpin into the high speed downhill right hander and the race would be over.
I am still at the stage where even on the straight, I am fully occupied thinking what to do for the next corner in distance. Any diversion of focus causes me trouble. But I feel much more relax in comparison to when I first started. So may some time soon I can spare attention to mess with keyboard. But really good to know it keyboard mapping is fixed. For some reason, now and then my steering wheel mapping does not work and I have to exit and re-enter the game to fix it.
Hehe yeah totally understandable!
But knowing this, you can now at least drive into the pits, check the pop-up with the strategy on the right and if it's wrong, quickly adjust things with the keyboard arrow keys and then drive into your pit slot :)
You'll lose quite some time, but not the full race!
That is a good thing. Now you can justify an upgrade to your sim rig :roflmao:
Haha I'll tell her :D
The big issue is space though :(
But maybe a second stream deck :whistling:
Sometime simracing feels like this…..


But then I think, if I went much faster I would not be in anyone’s league, I would turn up and just constantly win. No more hoping I can beat Jason, giving Fulvio some grief, racing with Han, Brian, Colin , Thomas, Robert, Allan and Rasmus, etc,etc, too many to names and lot more of up and coming competitors.
It is a bit miffing when your closet competitor disappears up the road and you can do little about it.

Funnily like last night trying to keep Robert and Han in striking distance, not being able to do much about either of them, just patiently waiting for an opportunity.:D:D
If I was much quicker, it would just be catch, overtake, race over.
Now I move up into a serious league, no fun, just the grind of professionalism.

Waffling of an old git.
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I am going to investigate how to do this on my steering wheel, I would image the same as how I mapped the brake bias to the cross rocker switch, just need to find the right command from CM mapping page.
Not sure about that, my wheel would´t accept 7way or button presses for pit menue without the Joy2Key detour.

Good Luck
Believe me, when you NEED to adjust the brake bias, you'll know :p
Not many cars actually need this though! But with the RSS GT1 Lister Storm (Tornado), I had to adjust the brake bias for almost every corner around Donington Park GP.
Too far forward for the big hairpin and I would shoot wide with massive understeer.
Keeping the perfect brake bias for that hairpin into the high speed downhill right hander and the race would be over.
Aha, that makes me feel better, I am not supposed to noticed in the car I drive :p
Hehe yeah totally understandable!
But knowing this, you can now at least drive into the pits, check the pop-up with the strategy on the right and if it's wrong, quickly adjust things with the keyboard arrow keys and then drive into your pit slot :)
You'll lose quite some time, but not the full race!
I actually gave this a try, did a pre-pit stop by parking in the spot just before mine. Definitely faster than leave the game:roflmao: I hope it doesn't mess up the guy behind me since we can all drover over each other in the pits :) Grab the key board and works like a charm (using Paul's idea of setting up multiple race strategies)

Haha I'll tell her :D
The big issue is space though :(
But maybe a second stream deck :whistling:
Stream deck:thumbsdown:

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