i tried to share this info
i am using
rear unit
4x isolators
1x DIY steel plate
4x DIY brackets
front unit
4x isolators
4x std aftermarket steel brackets - those i had in my tool box - unfort i have no link for them
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4x racebass springs

I think I see where I was confused.
I "thought" that you purchased the parts based on Mr. Latte's design to assemble the racebass springs yourself, but if I understand this you got these directly from Mr. Latte who is still working on them and may release them as a product at some point.
My bad. I'll leave you be.
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finally decided to invest - was suffering especially with ACC and RF2 rain
now i can run at least 1440p


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@Peter Winkler thank you so much for this thorough report, I've been away from Racedepartment for quite a while but very good to catch up with your great project. I have a somewhat similar setup, except using a D-Box 4400i for motion (which also does a very good job at some aspects of tactile) but I've also been down the road of very elaborate tactile system in my past rigs and to further augment the immersion of my current rig. I've worked with @Mr Latte in years past discussing and planning for ultimate tactile as well. Don't want to hijack your thread but now would be a good time for @Mr Latte and I to perhaps reconnect since I will be taking my rig somewhat apart when I am on vacation upcoming first week of August to switch from DD2 to SC2 Pro among other changes. @Mr Latte may recall we'd discussed using the Dayton exciters on my SimExperience GS-5 seat moving "paddles" which simulate G-forces, something which I implemented and see the potential for greatness but need to tweak a few things. I also have two BK LFEs, one under pedal tray and one under seat supports, as well as two BK Minis attached to the mounting holes provided on the front and rear of the GS-5 seat shell. So yes I'm "all-in" on tactile too, just need to really dig deep on SimHub to optimize. I also did my own isolators but they are basic and I'd love to learn more about @Mr Latte's invention. If you see this @Mr Latte and there might be a way I could work with you to test/purchase these, the time to do it would be now when I rebuild the rig in 2 weeks if possible. Feel free to message me to let me know thanks! Will happily do a build-log to detail my findings on this rebuild, as I think the combo of D-Box, GS-5 for simulating g-forces (and added immersion from the Dayton exciters on-board) and all the other tactile there is something special that could be achieved here. Anyway thanks for the thorough info!
@Peter Winkler thank you so much for this thorough report,
Thanks for your feedback - i try to share my experiences and motivate doing new DIY projects - nothing better than designing a small box - nothing better than printing the first item - nothing better soldinger the first fucntional part - believe me - started really basic - ended like presented - so guys - keep pushing :)
@mikemav, hi again dude....

Yes I remember you offering to be a candidate with early experimentation using the exciters and getting my hopes up to help with my curiosity in how we applied them with larger BK to a G-Seat.

I can't quite remember doing much about it and think the feedback report you offered to bring must be lost somewhere in 2019. ;) A lot has happened since then regards experimentation and effects development but I do know I try to apply on my own rig tactile generally under 5Hz for G-based load sensations, bumped by the DSP. We could possibly do that and apply harmonics to the exciters on the paddles to enrichen the sensation, yeah of course we can get creative and try things. It's getting people to be bothered or interested.

Applying Speed Based Steering is also possible to maybe give a sensation of "yaw?" to work with lateral forces.

Some of the beta testers I have are mainly comprising of people who supported me and paid for my 1-1 service I started offering earlier this year on help with all things tactile. Several of them invested in the hardware I recommended and put faith in what I have been sharing, so it seemed right they were given the chance and are eager to make that investment work well, hopefully, keen to get the benefits from it and explore the beta effects potential.

I have been let down so many times by people I helped but who did not have much interest in helping with effects experimentation. Not me whinging or any fall out with them but in fairness, it's not everyone's idea of fun or they don't want to use their valuable free time with that but actually racing.
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@mikemav, hi again dude....

Yes I remember you offering to be a candidate with early experimentation using the exciters and getting my hopes up to help with my curiosity in how we applied them with larger BK to a G-Seat.

I can't quite remember doing much about it and think the feedback report you offered to bring must be lost somewhere in 2019. ;) A lot has happened since then regards experimentation and effects development but I do know I try to apply on my own rig tactile generally under 5Hz for G-based load sensations, bumped by the DSP. We could possibly do that and apply harmonics to the exciters on the paddles to enrichen the sensation, yeah of course we can get creative and try things. It's getting people to be bothered or interested.

Applying Speed Based Steering is also possible to maybe give a sensation of "yaw?" to work with lateral forces.

Some of the beta testers I have are mainly comprising of people who supported me and paid for my 1-1 service I started offering earlier this year on help with all things tactile. Several of them invested in the hardware I recommended and put faith in what I have been sharing, so it seemed right they were given the chance and are eager to make that investment work well, hopefully, keen to get the benefits from it and explore the beta effects potential.

I have been let down so many times by people I helped but who did not have much interest in helping with effects experimentation. Not me whinging or any fall out with them but in fairness, it's not everyone's idea of fun or they don't want to use their valuable free time with that but actually racing.
@Mr Latte totally understand where you're coming from, does not come across as whining at all. I already strived to implement much of your advice in the past, have the Dayton exciters on my GS-5 paddles and even figured a clever way to power those with four small 50W stereo amps underneath the seat as well as investing in two of the large BK LFEs. Anyway we can take this off this thread, I should really start a build log of my own especially when I revamp the rig the week after next when I have some time off work. In any case I'd be interested in working with you and am open to paying for your services especially regarding SimHub tuning and perhaps these isolators at least for my pedal deck. Feel free to send me a PM and we can discuss further, thanks!
@Mr Latte totally understand where you're coming from, does not come across as whining at all. I already strived to implement much of your advice in the past, have the Dayton exciters on my GS-5 paddles and even figured a clever way to power those with four small 50W stereo amps underneath the seat as well as investing in two of the large BK LFEs. Anyway we can take this off this thread, I should really start a build log of my own especially when I revamp the rig the week after next when I have some time off work. In any case I'd be interested in working with you and am open to paying for your services especially regarding SimHub tuning and perhaps these isolators at least for my pedal deck. Feel free to send me a PM and we can discuss further, thanks!

More, build threads and logs on people's own rigs would be excellent to see.
So yeah I would say go for it and I would be keen to see what you did not just from a hardware perspective but how you have applied effects within Simhub.

Unfortunately, I limit the number of people I help/work with at a time and
I am already committed for the next 1-2 months to a number of people who sought my services and have supported me.

They have invested quite a bit into tactile and my recommendations so I want them to finish with their installations. To experience and enjoy a new level of tactile immersion it brings.
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22 - Tactile - part 04 - Exciters

let me share the finalpart of my tactile build posts - few days ago i received 4 exciters, 1 amp and 1 DSP

i like to link again to my partlist chapter to see mentioned compontents

Together with the Dayton DAEX32EP-4 i am able to create amazing simhub profiles and those Dayton deliver a great final topping to my current (LFE/TST) setup. Honestly i did not expect the great performance of those small exciters - glued to my OMP seat the tell my body amazing storries - either the last portion of an already great redline RPM profile or the final element of curb vibrations.

Let me share some pictures

cable management - that was the tricky part - too many cable - but i succeeded to hide them quite well

View attachment 477520

mounting position seat

View attachment 477521View attachment 477522

Tactile 4.0 powerhouse - Exciter DSP hided

View attachment 477523

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You mention "glued" to your seat, this I'm curious about the specifics. I have eight of these exciters deployed on my GS-5 seat motion g-force simulating paddles embedded in the seat. The paddles are made of painted or powder coated metal and I have seen a few of the exciters fall loose after use, especially likely given they are mounted on moving panels. I was just using the peel-off high strength 3M tape included. What glue did you use? I have some E6000 adhesive, would that be appropriate?
I like the look of that isolation solution and would love to see a blow apart image of the materials used and a BOM. Not asking much, I know. The amazingly successful Tactile thread has gotten to be such an epically long thread that even using the search capabilities, I'm having trouble finding more about these Race Bass mounts work in progress. I promise I've actually read it end to end "once", but I've fallen behind. This isolation solution looks very clean. Congrats to both Mr. Latte for the continued R&D into tactile use and Peter for his implementation.
22 - Tactile - part 02

let me talk about the next step - professional seat unit isolation
a steel laser cut and thanks to @Mr Latte a pre-test-version
of his amazing “Race Bass” isolators (W.I.P)
target - full seat unit isolation but no issue during braking with my SIMTAG pedals
i use the strongest rubbers hence i cannot accept flex within the seat unit

View attachment 474142

first i had to dismantle the old seat unit

View attachment 474143

then it was time for a quick test of the new material

View attachment 474144View attachment 474145

so far so good - i think the tactile units plus 6mm steel weights about 15kg :) - this powerhouse can move the rig wihtout motion :)

View attachment 474146

afterwards i mounted the new seat unit - quite impressive fit

View attachment 474147View attachment 474148

finally the seat

View attachment 474149View attachment 474150

and last but not least the tricky part - cable management - together with 5 SFX motor cables its getting more difficult to have a clean solution - but i guess i did a great job

View attachment 474151View attachment 474152

CONCLUSION: just amazing - nearly no flex under braking and 95% isolation
Tactile feels so much better - currently i am running

Pedal Unit - SLIP

such a great add-on to my motion rig - its feels just perfect
and again many thanks to @Mr Latte

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Hello, would you be kind enough to share the files for the steel work and the brackets? Regards
mine will not work - i did a design mistake and had to drill 40 holes - nonsense to share - unfortunately i had no time and no need update the design - my work backlog is huge :) - some steering wheels - ddus - and new tactile effects - in case i will do a new plate design i will share it

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