I am just speechless regarding your fantastic work and designer talent.
Mans thanks for sharing that for free in a time where everything is just about money.
You are a true passionate simracer. Congratulations to you !
I am just speechless regarding your fantastic work and designer talent.
Mans thanks for sharing that for free in a time where everything is just about money.
You are a true passionate simracer. Congratulations to you !
hi - wow such great feedback - i had the honour and pleasure to get some help during my early slot-racing and sim-racing time - eg SFX100 group did so many good things - so i decided i will give some value back to this great community :) I hope more people get involved and love doing some small/big things for their racing simulator - it is such a great feeling doing the first eg small button box - Peter
03 - my Rig 3D

i get/got many question on the rig - how is the frex mounted - how is the SC2 mounted - where is your SFX100 - how did you setup the screens ......

time to share some details
i still have to update this sketch - but what you see is a 1:1 sketch

31-05-2021 15-15-35.jpg
31-05-2021 15-15-48.jpg

31-05-2021 15-15-40.jpg
31-05-2021 15-16-15.jpg

31-05-2021 15-16-22.jpg
31-05-2021 15-02-35.jpg

31-05-2021 15-05-49.jpg
31-05-2021 15-06-40.jpg

31-05-2021 15-11-55.jpg
31-05-2021 15-13-10.jpg

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some updates - did minor changes but ended into few days of work :)
- new laptimer, now with original buttons and cable connectors
- new righside button box - holding a streamdeck medium, power switches and 9 toggleswitches
- minor update on the handbrake position and mount
enjoy the pictures





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Hi Peter,

could you shoe a couple of photos of your Philips hue play lights, I have the same but I am experiencing some light bounce off the screens.

I would be interested to see you placement/ location and how you have mounted them.

cheers in advance.
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Thanks for that Peter, nice… that’s my problem I’m missing a roof!

I can see how yours are well away from the screens now, and the angle helps.

I am thinking I need to go higher with mine now then.
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I was thinking for years that I'm a sim racer and a DIY guy with some little knowledge, but when I read this post my world is changed for 360 degrees, its wonderful to have peoples around you like Peter,
best posts ever I saw in the Sim community, so unselfish and helpful, thanks Peter to make new standards in helping the peoples around the world. Wish you a long, and healthy life to help us further with your endless knowledge. Thanks, Peter.
I was thinking for years that I'm a sim racer and a DIY guy with some little knowledge, but when I read this post my world is changed for 360 degrees, its wonderful to have peoples around you like Peter,
best posts ever I saw in the Sim community, so unselfish and helpful, thanks Peter to make new standards in helping the peoples around the world. Wish you a long, and healthy life to help us further with your endless knowledge. Thanks, Peter.
omg - such nice words - i love to build - but why to keep secrets :)
better to share and help others
honestly i used DIY knowledge to gain my experience
now its time to give something back to the community

you made my day and this keeps me motivated to write new stories
and hopefully to draw new designs - everyone can try and test

10 - steering wheels - Porsche 997 RSR GT3

missed some buttons on my OMP320 - decided to build a small and nice button plate for the OMP320 - without shifters. You can download the files here

i created also a 2nd version

I hope you enjoy the project - happy DIY






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Have fun testing those Peter, do keep us updated on how the springs cope with the high level of foot/brake pressure you use on those awesome Simtag pedals you have. ;)

I know some are asking about these from various forums and the full info for them is not yet been much talked about by myself. Let me give a bit more info to people here below but I can delete this if you feel it intrudes on your own rig thread.

I get asked how these can be installed:
As you have shown it's possible to totally isolate and make a profile frame section, to support seats/pedals and bolt directly into that. Or as we have looked into, possibly offering pre-drilled plates to easily accommodate different tactile installations. Such plates would allow BK Mini / Large BK / TST units to be installed.

These make it easier to then connect the tactile with the seat or pedals. Not only does this approach help to decouple the seat/pedals from the main rig but all the primary energy and detail from the tactile units being used. Now it is directly sent into the seat and pedals.

From my own isolation tests, these performed better than other pro-solutions I tried. In fact some costing up to 3x more. I do expect them to greatly help improve on the commonly used (rubber bobbins) we see lots of people using. Also like you tried with the "washing machine" vibration matt materials. These options, while offering some isolation they are limited in what they achieve.

As still in being beta form, I am keen on feedback from yourself and soon a few others with quite accomplished rig builds that have these coming. The desire is to have them thoroughly tested in the coming 1-2 months. My thanks also to the patience/support and show of faith to (Dimitris, Nicolay,Frank).

Some Queries I Have Been Asked
They do still need some refinement. However, their design easily allows them to be customizable. For example, using extended bolts with additional isolation layers could help improve the felt upper harmonics (needs specific materials). A user's needs may vary in what they require, so I see beyond just a fixed/compact single design as an option.

One considered, yet important aspect.....
For people that have rigs in upstairs rooms, apartments, or flats and need to restrict vibration noise that goes into the floor/other rooms. Yet still, also improve the energy/detail that goes into their seat/pedals. I have a couple of potential options in mind using extended bolts and additional materials. With at least two beta testers going to help with feedback in these scenarios.

I also have to chase up @Paul Jeffrey so he can finally experience more advanced tactile that's beyond his previous BK Gamer 2 experiences. It's been a while since I last chatted with Paul about adding tactile to his rig. Maybe if it suits Paul sometime in the near future, to pull the trigger on some new tactile hardware I can send him a set to try out too.
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@Mr Latte - your feedback fits to my rig report - some people may think that too much questions and conversation will kill the rig report - i have the INDEX and CHAPTERS hence people can read - i am a fan of forums and the interaction within posts - so great you shared your input - i also got many questions on your isolators

on brake press - you are right - i am running simtag and they have higher brake press than other pedals - and with the isolators i do not feel any negative flex during braking - i tighten them a bit harder in comp to my seat isolators but the isolations effect is still outstanding.

last night i did a couple of test laps - i think overall i need to reduce the VOL of the front effects by 25% to 35% - just an inidcator how good they are :)
Following build threads like this one, some of the innovation you guys come up with is nothing short of amazing. As you say, better than pro level solutions.

Some of us don't have crazy rigs, but with partners who want to sleep while we try and pump out the laps with our butt kickers cranking, this isolation solution looks amazing. And as someone who has a 140kg loadcell brake pedal, a solution like this is something id love to get my hands on.

I for one am hanging out for Mr Latte to release either a list of what to buy or a kit that i can send him money for.
I like the look of that isolation solution and would love to see a blow apart image of the materials used and a BOM. Not asking much, I know. The amazingly successful Tactile thread has gotten to be such an epically long thread that even using the search capabilities, I'm having trouble finding more about these Race Bass mounts work in progress. I promise I've actually read it end to end "once", but I've fallen behind. This isolation solution looks very clean. Congrats to both Mr. Latte for the continued R&D into tactile use and Peter for his implementation.

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