RD MINI Challenge 2012

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Sorry, I only have apologised after the race in the chat. I was asking for the replay because until now i had no glue who i had hit in this situation.

Actually this was a really chaotic moment. I was fighting with you when someone in front of us lost a loot of speed in the Descida do Lago. You have jamed me behind this slow car and pushed me in a really dangerous situation. I've seen that you were through and i thought the way is clear to avoid the slow car now. The hit after the lane change was really frighten me, it was absolutelly unexpected that there is another car (this was not you, i think it was the reserve-starter, but i don't have a replay until now). I simply haven't seen him in the mirrors and I'm really sorry for this situation to him. I instantly slowed down, in the hope that you both can get through, but it was already to late because of the two spinning cars around me.
Once again I'm really sorry for this and it was absolutelly not on purpose. But i think you have also some responsibilityfor this situation, because you pushed me behind the limping car. I hope that we all have more luck the next time we will meet on the track and that you both accept this apology.
Im having problems uploading the replays to RD so i will do a temp upload to mediafire and post them as soon as its finished.

If someone could then upload them to RD and post a link in here ill give you 10 gold stars on your homework lol
@Dave Begley

I have a question on the golden rule.

Three cars are running nose to tail, A, B, and C. Car C brakes a little too late and taps B, who as a result taps A, who runs wide at the corner.

Does B have to wait for A, and C have to wait for both? or,
Can B race on and leave C to wait on A?
The event yesterday was a huge disappointment. First i got a drive throught for rolling backwards at start, what a joke ! Second race was pure chaos. Got kicked out already first lap. Steering wheel stand from that more to the left on straight. But not enought, i was involved in several incidents. I felt more in a distruction derby or as a crashdummy then in a racing simulation. All places i went up i lost again when got crashed away from someone. Unfortunatly i´m not able to open the replay file due an unsaying failure (picture). So i can´t watch it again or post any incident reports.
After 4th in qualy this was the worst case scenario, which i feared already before. Enjoying is something else. The event got rounde up in last lap, when i got kicked off track one more time at turn three. Was for sure the worsest race i ever did. All the anticipation is gone, as i said a huge disappointment. And additional no opportunity to figure it out :(.


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R1: Where should i start... P6 in Qual, had a decent start, and then... let the sweating begin. Me and @Lee Ross decided to have a "little" fun and see what these cars are capable of :devilish: This was one of the most exciting races in my entire "sim career", thank you so much for pushing and testing my limits, and making the race sooo much fun Mister Ross, you Sir are Awesome ;) the fairness/skill/talent from your side is just remarcable, and i had a BLAST :D

R2: Can't really remember from which position i started, but it was wwwaaayyy back there. After passing a few drivers, it was time to catch up to @Lee Ross and @Jimi Hughes. Lee, it was me who ran into you on T1, and i am truly sorry, i usually dont mess up like i did yesterday, i watched the replay and it was 100% my fault... i should of been a little more carefull, but i didn't think that you would of stepped on the brakes that early, i usually brake before the 50 meter shield, and when you started braking before the 100 meter shield, i got caught offguard and gave you a "little" push, to my luck you totally had the control over the car and kept on driving. And to you Mister Hughes, take it easy next time will ya? I had enough stress with Lee, did you really have to do the same? :D Another amazing/fair/skillfull driver that made these two races so friggin fun, hats off to you lads :thumbsup: A big Thank You to @Mark Gormley for his amazing work on my Mini Skin, and to everyone that made this event possible, Cheers :thumbsup:
Nuno it was a truely epic race through the field together, every group we caught we were covering each other off as much as we were attacking others! Towards the end I was hoping we could work together to catch the pack ahead but once in the slipstream it is too tempting to sling one up the inside! I think there was one occasion where I wasnt paying enough attention and hit you under braking, but generally it was very good clean, hard racing, nudging where appropriate but not fencing anyone. Thats what mini racing is all about, racing hard but fair! hats off, it was so much fun
I just watched the broadcast, and that was absolutely brilliant. Congratulations to James Kirk and Liam jenkins for the commentary, and Bram Hengeveld for the camera work. Hopefully you can be back at dominating the field next race :rolleyes:

Loved the outlap. Don't worry, this stuff only brings you closer to Murray Walker, that can't be a bad thing.

And no, this doesn't have anything to do with being focused on for a while during the first race, I promise :whistling:

And an amazing second race by Dan Allinson, it was really fun to watch it.
Guys the processing of results might take a bit of time. We are currently updating our PHP to a custom build version by Eric and Xose so we can get our downloads to work properly. This however has a negative effect on old software products such as our league management system GPCOS.

As always a :poop:-load of work to do behind the scenes but we will do our best to have them up as soon as possible.
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