RD MINI Challenge 2012

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David and Ingemar, I have forgiven you guys and I will not seek revenge in form of incident report. :p

In my opinion its a good idea to check the replay files before writing to forums how bad the racing was because things might not always be as black and white as they first appear to be.

If you cant forgive and forget a accident then you really should file a incident report and let the league admins decide if the driving was against the rules or not. Racing directors are unable to do anything to improve the situation if people dont bother to file a incident reports.

Have a nice day. :)

R1: Where should i start... P6 in Qual, had a decent start, and then... let the sweating begin. Me and @Lee Ross decided to have a "little" fun and see what these cars are capable of :devilish: This was one of the most exciting races in my entire "sim career", thank you so much for pushing and testing my limits, and making the race sooo much fun Mister Ross, you Sir are Awesome ;) the fairness/skill/talent from your side is just remarcable, and i had a BLAST :D

R2: Can't really remember from which position i started, but it was wwwaaayyy back there. After passing a few drivers, it was time to catch up to @Lee Ross and @Jimi Hughes. Lee, it was me who ran into you on T1, and i am truly sorry, i usually dont mess up like i did yesterday, i watched the replay and it was 100% my fault... i should of been a little more carefull, but i didn't think that you would of stepped on the brakes that early, i usually brake before the 50 meter shield, and when you started braking before the 100 meter shield, i got caught offguard and gave you a "little" push, to my luck you totally had the control over the car and kept on driving. And to you Mister Hughes, take it easy next time will ya? I had enough stress with Lee, did you really have to do the same? :D Another amazing/fair/skillfull driver that made these two races so friggin fun, hats off to you lads :thumbsup: A big Thank You to @Mark Gormley for his amazing work on my Mini Skin, and to everyone that made this event possible, Cheers :thumbsup:
It was an awesome battle the whole race, i don't think 1 sec covered us the whole race. Last few below, it was close! Great defending dude. Shame about GSC's loss of fidelity in replays

What a nice event.

I didn't start with high expectations in the Qualifying, but many people seemed to have problems to obtain the laptimes they have done in practice. The 11th fastest time was a little surprise to me and I realised that I have some faster drivers behind me. So I expected a defensive first race.
The start and the first laps went really well and I was up to the 8th Position. Most of the laps i had an excellent duel with Luke Walsh with a lot of position-changes. Great stuff and always very fair. Thanks for this exciting laps. Unfortunately I hit Luke's rearbumper in the last corner after I was to late on the brakes - sorry for this hit. I immediately lift the throttle so that i don't benefit from this situation. But this also meant the end of our fight. Now I had Mark Gormley, Remco de Wildt, Samuel Fuller and Frank van Oeveren in my sleepstream and had to defend my top-ten-position for the last laps. Sadly without success, but with a looot of fun. Thanks to you all.

For the second race I had to start in the 27th position. Hell this was an unbelievable race, fighting through the traffic in reversed order. Sadly there was a big crash in the second lap, I was involved in. I want to say sorry again for all the persons concerned. In the next laps I had again a duel with Luke, but this time it sadly doesn't take so long because he lost his car under braking and lost a lot of places. Also the following fight with Nik Huhes was only a short one, because his engine let him down in this moment. But there really was enough action in the last laps to spill out a massive amount of adrenaline. Great stuff, I'm really looking forward to the next race, hopefully with less damage to poor Heidi and more success for my teammate Eric Andersson.

Nuno it was a truely epic race through the field together, every group we caught we were covering each other off as much as we were attacking others! Towards the end I was hoping we could work together to catch the pack ahead but once in the slipstream it is too tempting to sling one up the inside! I think there was one occasion where I wasnt paying enough attention and hit you under braking, but generally it was very good clean, hard racing, nudging where appropriate but not fencing anyone. Thats what mini racing is all about, racing hard but fair! hats off, it was so much fun
It sure was mate, this was one of those great simracing days for me, i havent had one of those in a long time :) If we had worked together, we would of caught them, but like you said, it was just too tempting :p
It was an awesome battle the whole race, i don't think 1 sec covered us the whole race. Last few below, it was close! Great defending dude. Shame about GSC's loss of fidelity in replays

You can say that again, awesomeness at it's finest :p thx for including me in your video (nice vids by the way), i will respond to it in a sec ;)
@Dave Begley

I have a question on the golden rule.

Three cars are running nose to tail, A, B, and C. Car C brakes a little too late and taps B, who as a result taps A, who runs wide at the corner.

Does B have to wait for A, and C have to wait for both? or,
Can B race on and leave C to wait on A?
if it's a multiple contact one, then it's hard to say right in the moment, i would say race on and watch the replay afterwards, if you feel a report is to be filled then do it :)
In principle (with regard to where this question is posted), the golden rule says race on. Reason for this is simple, it's a league race, and in a league race, the waiting rules do (in principle) not apply. There are incident reports which can take care of that, with direct penalty in the league standings, so waiting would be a double punishment.

Now I know I made it easy for myself with this answer, so hereby if it is club race related.

In theory, pure black and white, B has tapped out A, so has to wait as well. To be honest, that would be the most sporty, and most enjoyable thing to do imo. When riding tail to nose, nose to tail, you where probably having a nice battle, so continue that battle would be the most fun to do (and having fun is what this is all about).
The fact that B got pushed into A by C, could be reason to file an incident report to a staff member, so it can be decided if further penalty is needed (after revieuw of the COMPLETE staff). In some cases of serious misbehaviour (which also can occur in the described circumstances), it could even end in taking away a license.

That C has to wait for A and B is ofcourse obvious. If not, it's a total ignore of the golden rule, so severe penalty can be expected.

Sounds heavy, I know, but in 99 out of 100 cases, it is simply a race incident, and the sporty side of us drivers should tell us to wait. Then there is no need for a race incident report, and no grounds to lay a penalty on.
Ha-ha, well i'm going to add more confusion for you Mark :D Here's my hard nosed opinion for what it's worth...

A has been wronged but that sometimes happens (to all of us). They need to push it to one side and race on, view the replay later to get the full picture.

B has been wronged blah blah... They should NOT have to wait as they did not cause the issue, why should they suffer!

C has made the mistake (we all make them), they defo wait until BOTH B and A are in front of them by a few seconds or more.

Yes i know B has hit A but really (indirectly) it was C that hit A....B should be able to carry on with no waiting. A will probably have the poops with B for doing that thinking that B was to blame but ofc the replay will show otherwise.

As for the different types of events (club races or league) i would have thought the same rules apply for all types of events...if you know you have wronged and don't wait then that's another wrong thing to do regardless of type of event. If you are unsure if it's your fault then race on but beware a penalty may be applied post race. Generally your conscious tells you if it's your fault, even if your head is sometimes trying to convince you otherwise :p

There are different views on this so maybe Bram/Admin/Rule makers need to clarify.
In club race C has to wait for A+B and let them pass him.
In league race no one waits and C gets penalty after the race.

In club races its always safer to wait to avoid penalties when the situation is not clear.
All this is just my opinion. :)
Hi all,

I was thinking what if we could list (2) two of your RDMCC rival's for this event/season,
any order doesn't matter.

What do you think?


Driver: Kevin Cordice​

  • :alien:'s
  • SimRacing TV
;) Hope you all like this idea :)
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