RD MINI Challenge 2012

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Well that was crazy, totally crazy!

Couldn't get it hooked up in quali, so I was 0.2 adrift of my PB which I had set with a full tank oddly, so started down in 13th. That said, 13th out of 39 was better than I would have expected when signing up for the league, but I definitely had more pace!

First race was a pretty tense one, knew I probably had a bit of pace on a handful of cars up ahead, and thanks to some opportunistic driving, managed to make hay while the sun shined and fought my way up to 6th. Was under some pressure on the last couple of laps, and I was very happy when the race ended a lap earlier than I was expecting!

Race 2 was predictably mental. Was at the head of a group of cars from the back of the field and managed to find my way up to 18th - went for a move on Andy into turn one, but there was a slow car up ahead that by the time I realised how slow they were going, I had nowhere to go so sorry for that! Ended up dropping to 26th with suspension damage. Managed to crawl back to 14th, going onto the last lap I was again going down the inside of Andy into turn one, and as I went to accelerate into T2, BANG, my engine went. Was weird as I've been heavily downshifting all week and not once did the engine blow, even after a race distance, this time I wasn't even that hard on the gears and it went :( Quite frustrating, as I would have been there or there abouts for a top 10 finish had I not got the damage earlier on, and 13th would have been a decent result, given it was where I started race one!

Definitely a better first round than the RDTCC where I disco'd and got nil points, so I can't complain, it could have been worse! And also I'd like to say - although there was some pretty sloppy driving in race two, for the most part everyone was fantastic, so well done all, and congrats to my teammate for the race one win :D

Q: 13th
R1: 6th
Had a good Q, took 2nd place on the grid.
R1: Mostlly i was following Jimi from about a second distance, had a few moderate attempts on overtaking him, but i didn t want to slow us down as Nuno and Lee was close to hunt us down if we loose time with battleing. I also made a few mistake, but luck was on my side, and i could keep it together. 2nd place was above my expectations, im happy with it.
R2: Almost missed the start, just joined the grid at the last red lights :)
Tough battles all over the race,i hope i wasn t too agressive, I really enjoyed it. Traffic was huge, i could only get up to 11th :/

Thank you all for the race, and RD for organizing it! ;)

edit: Congrats to all the podium finishers of the 2 race!
Not even sure I remember enough of that, adrenaline amnesia has set in.

Qualified 18th, was quite happy with that since I usually aim for 14th on a 25 car grid. Dropped back a bit at the start but eventually wiggled my way back into 18th again, managed to break free of the group I was racing which let me close on the next, as I was running alone and could get some decent laps in. Managed to get myself into 10th at the finish, and pulled off a nice little overtake around the outside of turn one while doing so. Elated with that.

As for Race 2 (hereafter referred to 'Mini bingo', due to the element of luck and all the bouncing around) I missed the start because I couldn't see the lights, but this meant I was able to follow the quick guys through the pack and watch them fight amongst themselves, as well as avoid some of the carnage I might have been in the middle of. (Particular highlight being a cracking battle between @Nuno Pinheiro and @Jimi Hughes, and Jimi deciding he wanted a memento from his first race win and so taking the Mobil sign at turn one down the hill with him.) With a retirement on the last lap I managed another 10th, I think.

Oh, and I'd like to point out that if anyone thought Mini bingo was hectic this time, remember Interlagos is a big, wide, F1 track. What's it going to be like at some other circuits? :O_o:
Thanks all for the racing and to RD for setting it up :thumbsup:

Q: A high 55 and 19th (a couple of tenths either way would have been several places up or down the timing sheets...close!), Couldn't expect much more as i've had my inlaws here for 3 weeks and little running.

R1: Couldn't see the lights so a bad start. I had cars absolutely surrounding me it seemed, all within the width of a piece of paper so to try and avoid getting more taps through the senna sss i went a bit quicker then i would have liked and nudged into the wall ruining my suspension...DOH!!

R2: In my hazy, still half asleep brain mode i forgot about reverse grid...WHOO HOO!!!...i get to start from 4th :roflmao: After several seconds of joy i realise i'm possibly going to be overrun by a tidalwave of Minis. Now i'm bricking it.
This time i can see the lights, get a great start and settle into 4th place with gaps behind me. Phew! Then a little later i pass someone around the outside of the fast right hander, mid lap...felt pretty good. Was nice and settled in 3rd then the 5 minute reminder comes up...Holy Poop!!!...i could finish 3rd here??!! So ofc my concentration is out the window, i'm sweating and carrying on like a real girly girl (no offence girls). So now 4th is catching but i'm safe and now onto the last lap or so and then disaster....
....my engine blows up. 3rd place gone. Oh well, it was fun to drive at the front.

Thanks again and congrats to all that podiumed and to Jimi and Tamas who i think will be clear leaders atm in the championship. WD .
My deepest apologies to the guy who came back on track (lost control?) the car unfortunatly was in my racing line when i was speeding up and my car tipped it over, sorry about that one :p

If that was early in Race 2 then that was me, but it certainly wasn't your fault;).

I'd accidentally shifted down to 1st gear entering T1 which made me run wide and I knew I had a car to my inside. I was trying to keep right and not go into T2 to deep running into you, but I got my right wheels slightly onto the grass and it sent me across your nose!! You couldn't of avoided it even if you had seen it coming:(.

I had another poor showing, but some nice racing going on and only the obvious bit of argy bargy you'd expect from 39 identical little cars jockying for position:geek:.
Had 2 great races, excellent driving by all. Close racing in both races but I can't remember ever being bumped, must have been a layer of paint away form contact a couple of times though.
I thought I would not get to race as before Q a box popped up to tell me my "trial was finished". I had to enter my serial number again to re-active the game.
Qualifying: I failed to put my best lap together so was on the grid in 27th.

Race 1: Off the grid slowly but all ok (or so I thought). Half way around the first lap and I tried a stupid pass on Marcel, tapping him sideways and as he swung back into me, I was onto the grass and couldn't stop the car sliding and slamming into poor Jari, sending him spinning into the air and causing general chaos - apologies for that. Then I notice that I've got a stop 'n go so must have been creeping over the line at the start. I took my drive through, but the game didn't register it - instant disqualification - damn it.

Race 2: Reverse grid and I'm off the grid from 1st place. I was able to slowly build up a lead from the chasing pack lap by lap. 4 laps to go and I've been holding a steady gap of 3 1/2 seconds. But now Frank van Oeveren was starting to catch me as my driving was starting to get a bit scrappy. 2 laps to go and Frank slipstreams me into the first corner for a pass into first place. Nothing to separate us into the last lap and I try a desperate dive into the first corner and blow it, leaving Frank with the win and 2nd place for me.
Well, this was a really fun race.

Q: After a whole week not being able to break into the 55's, I did a 1:55.390. The overall pace was crazy though, so it was just enough for 9th.

R1: I got a pretty good start I think (I was prepared for the evil slopped start :sneaky:) but in the end, I just kept my position through lap 1. Then I had some fun fighting for position.

In the final laps, I had a very intense fight with Si Jebson and Nik Hughes for 6th. It was so much fun I even ignored the checkered flag! (Checkered Flag? Please, we are trying to RACE!). In the end, I couldn't beat Nik so it was 7th for me, not bad at all.

R2: I started...31st? 32nd? My memory is a bit hazy here :whistling:. Anyway, I used the handbrake so I wouldn't move while waiting for the start, and got a good launch, so I got a couple of positions I think. Anyway, this race was quite hectic, and while I had a lot of fun fighting through, I probably did a few stupid moves. I apology for that, specially the ones near the end (I didn't count for tyre wear when braking, so I was going a bit too deep). I had to avoid a few cars, had some nice battles, and ended 17th, although most of the positions weren't gained by my own merits. I still can't overtake, nor defend correctly. I hope I learn fast which these races :D

Also, thanks to Ingemar Petersson I guess. I was laughing for 2 laps at your comment. Almost made me rear end the guys in front though, but it was cool :cool:

To end this, I'd like to say this league has had a great start. There has been some sloppy driving (well, I'm guilty of that myself) but I think overall, there's a really good base for some great racing here. Thanks a lot to Bram Hengeveld, and to all the organization for this league. And also thanks to everyone who has taken part in this race.

See you all in Curitiba.
Qually: 14th 15th somwhere around there :)

Race1: Good start, good battles, a bit of push and shove but with in reason, and ended up in 18th, I think :)

Race2: Another reasonable start, some crashes, someone slid over the grass in the fast right hander and collected me, had a bit of damage after that, the car was steering a bit to the right, but there was still speed in the car, things calmed down a bit after that, and I think I made it home in 18th again, after some more battles.

that was my two races, hope the car is ok for the next round, if I get the chance again ;)
I really enjoyed the race to the fullest after starting the race "weekend" quite bad. As I said it was my first meaningful race and my heart was in my troath in both races, I was shaking when we had the interview :-P.

I couldn't get the pace, after practicing for a few days and driving high 1.54's I really was hoping for a good qualify. Sadly enough I missed pace whole night, maybe a lack of sleep and a week of hard working :-p? Anyways, qualified as 17th I think, still a good starting position in mini's since everyone is really close.

I had a really good start, taking over a lot of people and instantly driving 8th.When I then tried to outbreak the guy in front of me 2 laps later my FFB decided to give spirit. I flew on the grass and didnt have much control left, I tried avoiding getting back on the track but it was like keeping a towel under control, I almost took out Webber when rejoining the track, thank god he wasnt to angry tho.
At the last 10 minutes of the race I regained a little bit of FFB but it was barely there, just enough to feel some resistance while steering, however this made me take back a few places and put down my fastest lap of 1.55.151, which was for me a great lap as I was lacking pace all night. Im not sure where I finished, I think somewhere 12th.

I had to start from 25th and was barely paying attention, I suddenly saw myself still in neutral with 3 red lights on :-P. I had a good start and managed to crawl trough the traffic quite fast. In lap 4 - 5 I got behind @Dave Begley, I was at his inside at the first corner but he didn't see me and my front almost put him sideways. I quickly added some power and bumped his front side so he could get his car straight again. After this it was a good fight untill I had free way again to a pack of 4. As soon I got into their tales it took me around 2 laps to get them, they where a bit to busy with each other.
After that I crawled up to Bill, I got to his inside quite fast after gaining on him and managed to take him over after a small bump into each other.
The first place was thankfully one of the easier places to get since David was understeering quite heavy in most corners, after I got a lot more speed on the straight I could take him over at the end by outbreaking him. I wanted to get past him fast cause I knew a long fight would have cost one of us the win to Allison. Thankfully I could pass him really fast.

Thank you all for the great race and an awesome introduction to league racing.

Also thanks for the great commentary and setting up the league, such a great effort!
Well, I have slept a night now, and still am not sure how I feel about it...

Had a decent qualification. Did a 1.56.4 or something, which is ok for me. There was not much more to get ;). so a happy man there.

Disaster. Nothing more I can say to express my feelings about that. Had a good start, made it through the left-right-left combination in a decent way. Got a little wide on the exit, and made a huge amount of more speed with that. Gained on the 3 in front of me, but as I said, I went wide, so cutted. Had to lift to let them stay in front. Approached the left turn, braked in a normal way, and all of a sudden, a torpedo came "through" the pack, hitting me on the left rear.... twice. The second blow made me go sideways, and I could not do anything anymore. Hit the wall (and thats a long way from the corner), and car died immidiately.
Really, typing this took more time, then the time I have raced in race 1.

Had to start all the way in front. P2 I believe. Again had a good start, made it through the first turns, and had a decent ride. Within no time, the quicker guys on the track (there where at least 25 guys quicker then me ;)) came up from behind. As I did not want to start a do-or-die match, I defended the lines, but nothing more. Had 2 or 3 nice moments where there was some kind of fight, but the rest was just getting passed.

All in all, a real disapointment. I hope the next rounds will be better.

1 thing I do have to say here. I would REALLY like to thank @Bram Hengeveld. I KNOW he wanted to race tonight really bad, and he offered his place to someone else, just so he could do the camera's (there was an issue with the cameraman). A very nice move which to me shows the dedication there is from the staff of RD to facilitate these kind of events for its members. Thanks Bram. Although you did not race, you're still the man ;)
Quali 5th. Managed to go faster in practise but just couldn't lay a time down in quali.

R1: Nice start and managed to get upto 4th and then had a whole race epic battle with Nuno. Nuno got past me for 4th and then it was just a constant battle for the rest of the race. Just brilliant defending from Nuno, constantly putting his car in the correct positions to defend the spot, really impressive and really enjoyable to be part of. Towards the end we started pulling in the front two and i nearly got Nuno a couple of times but just couldn't get him. Even so, it was great great racing.

R2: Hmmm not for me tbh, way too bashy at least for my race. Was barrelled into constantly from behind into T1 countless times being used as a brake marker. Again was taken out at T1 when i was swiped and sent into a barrier, car fell to pieces, end of race. Didn't enjoy that whatsoever after the epic clean racing with Nuno in R1. Hopefully next time, it's a little cleaner. I have always detested this format in all fairness and so it's nothing really to do with this series but i think the way it ended just hammered home why i don't like it.

See you for round 2

Grats to both winners of the races
Well had great fun last night in only my second GSC race. Managed to drive out of my skin in quali to get P1, 0.6 quicker than my PB prior to quali. Got a good clean getaway although messed up turn 1 a bit. Managed to hold on an win the race despite constant pressure from Tamas.

Race 2 was even more enjoyable. Marks description of 'Mini Bingo' pretty much sums it up! Managed to get from P39 to P7 by the flag, so much happened during the race but the constant battle with Nuno stands out.

Thanks to all drivers for turning up and to Bram for making it happen. Big thanks to Bram also for sacrificing his own race to save the broadcast, top guy!

See you all soon!
R1: :thumbsup:
Had a great battle with Kevin for many laps. I might have been a little bit quicker, but never could get a good tow on the main straight. Maybe I also should have crossed the white lines of the pit entry. :D

R2: :thumbsdown::poop:
Had a great start, braking for turn 4 my left rear was on the grass which threw me from 13th to 30th.
By lap 2 had catched up and starting lap 3 as 24th(?). For turn 2 A Loffler was left of me and turned in and hit me, next I was hit by S Fuller which made my car very unstable, next I was hit by A Loffler again which made me passenger of my own car.. before hitting the barrier on the right I was hit a couple of time by other guys who couldn't avoid me. Major damage all over the car... Couln't steer and was already a lap down before getting to the pit. 155 seconds repair.... Became dead last....

As I hate this track (always have), I am happy that it's behind us.

Thanx Bram for the great organisation. :thumbsup: Hopefully you will be on the grid with us next time! See you guys in two weeks.
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