RD Le Mans Series Season 7 (rFactor 2)

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For those who did not get enough LMS racing yesterday. I have noticed that the ELMS race is currently on Motorport TV sky channel 447 (it looks like Monza but I can't be sure) with just over 1 hour remaining. This is a UK channel not sure about anywhere else.
Interesting race for us at MK Simsport, was my first LMP2 race and I learnt alot especially in traffic, so I apologise for any GT cars in which I may have squeezed or ran a little wide.

I want to apologise to the LMP2 entry which I took out when my PC decided to black screen just after the kink onto Wellington straight, I had no idea what had happened until I watched the replay back just now, and I do hope it didn't ruin your race, if it did then I feel awful for it considering I couldn't do anything!

Bar that, we recovered well from my disconnection to come from P12 up to P9 at the end. A top 5 finish could have been on, thanks to my team mates for their help and speed.

Time for Le Mans!!!
Hey Dan, sorry to hear of your PC troubles! It was my teammate Nate Idiens who got the other end of your crash but no worries mate it's by no means your fault in the slightest.
Please, read again my original post. I said that the P2 cars are losing 2 or 3 seconds per lap, while GT cars pretend to not losing anything. I didn't say that the GT have to let the P2 by on the corner, I said they should be more cooperative entering the corners as is in real life.
And? The GT shouldn't lose time with P2 traffic just as the P2 shouldn't with the GT. It is all a part of the competition. I've pointed some stuff out to help you lose less time in traffic, which hopefully should lead for improvements, but don't expect a laid carpet when there is competition going on the GT class as well.
First things first: It's been to long, and I actually forgot how fun this is:)
2nd: I want to apologize to the Aston Martin (i believe) that I took out around Becketts. That was completely my fault and I should have back out a bit more.
3rd: it's been a long time. A really long time since I've last raced the RDLMS or sim racing in general. Something like 3 years or so. So yeah I was a nervous wreck at the beginning of my stint. But in the end I was able to get more comfortable with traffic and enjoy myself more and more.
A big thanks to the organization for making it happen.
Now if only my internet provider or modem can be more stable during a Saturday afternoon of racing and I will be very happy man.

Bar that, we recovered well from my disconnection to come from P12 up to P9 at the end. A top 5 finish could have been on, thanks to my team mates for their help and speed.

Time for Le Mans!!!

Hey Dan,
Do you by any chance know the steps that you took in order to recover back from disco?
I had the same issue in the final 20 min and I could recover from that.
First off all, a big, BIG "thank you" to all the guys who make these events happen.
I am not sure that the majority of us realises just how much time goes in to the planning, administration and running of the events, so a big thank you to all of you!

Driving for the 11000 Bit Racing Porsche, we came to this round with a win in the previous round, so we knew we had to do good to maintain our position in the standings.

Qualy went well, despite the fact I was running a wrong setup with a wrong brake balance, which I didn't realise before it was all over. Still managed to put the car on 3rd, after Alvaro Baker and Alen Terzic, who were doing great laptimes in the Aston, hats off guys! :)

The start was okay without any issus, but I quickly realised that Alvaro Baker was on a way different strategy than us, and that I had to pass him fast in order to benefit from our strategy, since his pace was quite slow compared to ours. I made a move on the inside at the end of the Hangar Straight, braking a bit late, and I guess that Alvaro saw that and wanted to make a slingshot, unfortunately his front hit my rear, which made my car go left instead of right, resulting in me running of the track. I see it as a racing incident, no hard feelings these things happens, and perhaps I should have waited a bit longer, since 6 hours is quite a long time.

I entered the track in the mid-field, keeping the car on the inside along Matt Horst, slowed way down in speed for the last chikane, in order to make space for Matt on the outside, unfortunately I don't think that he'd seen me, and turned right in to me, making my car go off the track again. Returned to the track in one of the last position, with splitter damage, and still haven't completed one lap, so from there it was a matter of pushing hard to make up for all the time lost.
Pace was good, and it didn't feel like the car was to bad eventhough the splitter was damaged, and I decided I wouldn't repair the damage, as the repair time would be way longer than the time lost pr lap. Unfortunately, stupid as I were, I forgot to choose the "Do NOT repair" option in the pit menu, and lost a lot of time in the pit unnecesary, just to find out when entering the track, that the damage was still there?!

Anyway, rest of stint was good, delivered the car to Peter Munkholm, who unfortunately chose the wrong tyres for the second stint of his, and delivered the car to Lasse with the wrong tyres, which meant we lost more than 50 sec. Furthermore, Lasse's computer started to stutter, making it very hard for him to drive, so we had to do an early pitstop, do a driver swap where I got back in the car for a single stint, while Lasse fixed his computer so he could regain the car and finish the race, so another 10 secs lost on unnecesary driverswaps.

Anyway, we ended up in 4th with is not that bad really, quite good damage control, but honestly we should be too experienced to make all of those rookie mistakes which pretty much ruined our race, but totally our own fault :)

First many GT cars don't pay attention to other GT cars lapping them. You have to make room for the faster GTs cause we're racing the same race and it's not advisable, IT'S MANDATORY. We're not P2s, we have the same car and we cannot just push the throttle or brake 50 meters later to overtake you. So please, a little bit more patience and attention towards that.

^^ THIS!!! At several times, I was battling other GT cars more than a 1 lap behind me, which leads to the faster car HAVE to do these stupid "Do or Die" moves in order to pass, because a backmacker is driving the deffensive line, so much time lost for both cars, so not necessary, please be aware of the blue flag :)

A big grats to podium in both classes!

Some of the P2 teams should take a look at the onboard driving from the FEEDER Ragnar car, and see how those guys get through traffic. Not a single time was I unsure of, or disturbed by their actions during lapping, these guys did a tremendous job on that part.

Alen Terzic and Amedeo Fiorella, congratulations on you win in the GT class, it was very well deserved! (y)

On to the next one, looking very much forward to Le Mans! :)
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And? The GT shouldn't lose time with P2 traffic just as the P2 shouldn't with the GT. It is all a part of the competition. I've pointed some stuff out to help you lose less time in traffic, which hopefully should lead for improvements, but don't expect a laid carpet when there is competition going on the GT class as well.

You are reading what you want, and not what I'm saying. I never said that the GTs have to lose time, and the P2 don't. Currently he P2 are losing a lot more time thatn the GTs, and I think it must be more fair and equal for everyone. In real life P1 and P2 pass the GTs everywhere.
You are right Ricardo.
The freeze happens on DX9, not DX11. And yes it was mentioned several time. But how you want to test it if not under race conditions? Yes, it can result in problems but that's how it works. Even DX9 have problems which you can't forecast. But that's OK. No offense against someone. Just a question.
Ofcourse a freeze can happen, had one on DX9 as well and hell it was scary (at my breaking point in Magotts, earlier as other people mentioned tho). But I don't think people should be testing DX11 things in League racing and then complain about it, use club racing if you really want to test DX11 :p
Unlucky race for us especially at the end when my game crashed after I effectively locked in 4th place, oh well onto Lemans. POV below, please note any swearing or rage is heat of the moment, although I will say there are a couple of GT's who really need to get it together as they are bloody dangerous... (not saying there weren't times where I could have passed better but still)

Other than a few complaints about others, the race itself was excellent, really well organised, kudos to Racedepartment for that :)
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