RD Le Mans Series Season 7 (rFactor 2)

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Nice race for everyone!

After a very bad-inusual Q, I started in 8th place, to far for my optimal lap, but in the top 10.

I lost 1 place at the first lap, but nice rolling. Taking the gap, concentrating and finally 4º after my 2,5h stint.
Only one mistake with a GT car, apologies for get on the inside of that corner. And lost around 15 secs. My mates after just stay on the line and we finished 4º in P2 with our nº5 car WOSR. Nice job for everyone, clean race!
Well first proper endurance race and with rfactor2. It was also a first in a GT again. Been away from sim racing for at least 3 years and now trying to get back into it. Alot of new things learnt..one i was slow and off the pace and chose wrong tires for my stint. I was clumsy especially after pitting the car slewed sideways off the pit lane and clattered the gantry ripping my bumper off. Had a bizzare incident at the start with Michael Nelson i watched the replay and still can't understand what happened.My worse moment was running out of fuel. I was waiting for John to load in the game and it was taking ages so had to keep car going until he could. I started short shifting and go slower but car spluttered in the pit lane so sorry i sat there for 3 laps. Overall stint wasn't too bad. I had some close calls with protos and some GTs sorry everyone but i guest so did a few others. We finished was the main thing and got some points. Now to access what to do next for Lemans..First off more drivers.
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Mr Vd Sloot what happened? You looked like you was so distracted from your racing?. We collided a couple of times and one time i got rammed even though i left a big gap for you to pass in a corner. If was a internet problem then i accept that but just looked like you never saw me or something.
Small question - I noted I was running "trace" yesterday, so I have 2 trace files from both times I got "dropped" from the server. Does anybody know how I can possibly get those over to Studio 397?

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The '91-96 Le Mans. :)

ECAR-Tracks (the guy from Bugatti LeMans) is working on a modern layout. I've asked him about his progress: He's at 60% but it's not drivable yet... Next year. :thumbsup:

GTR24h has a modern layout. Which was an option. But we don't know the origin of the track.
We all know were that will end up. :sick:

I thrust ECAR-Tracks work. And it wouldn't be nice to use a "quick" conversion now. It might possibly stop his work when there is another version around.
Take Spa for example. RD will never be able to run a league race at SPA because some wanted the track faster then APEX modding can deliver. So the project stopped.
And is the 91 mod definitely legit? Dont want that idiot spoilling it like imola.
Thanks again
So basically you are expecting the GT's to make it easy for a P2 to overtake during the corners? The P2s have HUGE apex speed advantage (don't say you run low downforce, even then it is 30+Kph), so there is no reason really to give up more than one second to make it easier for both of us. And if the GT doesn't lose any time and the P2s lose then that isn't unfair at all, as we are not entitled to help P2s in ANY way. Not even mentioning a slightly different line in a GT car can easily mean 1 or 2 seconds depending on the corner.

Also, I would suggest you to do more testing with different downforce, boost, TC levels and tyre compounds. Running qualifying trim isn't the only option, and it doesn't help much going faster through the GT field. Quite the opposite actually if you are experienced enough to go through traffic. We have a very good example to follow with the Feeder drivers, watch some of their onboards on replay files (useful for GTs as well) and try to learn something, they aren't successful in endurance leagues only by luck.

That quote just describes the challenge of driving P2s. Race winners are the ones who are able to lose less time using both strategy and skill.

Please, read again my original post. I said that the P2 cars are losing 2 or 3 seconds per lap, while GT cars pretend to not losing anything. I didn't say that the GT have to let the P2 by on the corner, I said they should be more cooperative entering the corners as is in real life.
Well, that was quite a bummer for Panda Racing. :c
Shoutout to @Enzo Fazzi for the awesome bit of racing, I was on very worn tyres (40%) and you were so much quicker through the corners, you gave me a run for my money! No hard feelings for that incident, I don't think I made any illegal moves, just trying to close the door before you could stick your nose on the inside, but given our speed difference in the corners maybe I didn't leave you anywhere else to go. Fair play for waiting regardless, that was a gentleman's move.

My mediums were even worse :) - You saw me go into the pits shortly after I overtook you finally. I had to wait for Matheus to take over.

Overall a pretty good result for our car, although I didn't enjoy this as much as I did the previous race. I find Silverstone a pretty boring track to drive on and I was getting really annoyed by how often I would get punted or pushed by prototypes.

I had some really good battles though and I'm looking forward to Le Mans!
I was waiting for John to load in the game and it was taking ages so had to keep car going until he could. I started short shifting and go slower but car spluttered in the pit lane so sorry i sat there for 3 laps.

Basically what happened to us too. Have you changed your engine map to a more conservative one? I gained an extra lap of fuel by going from boost 3/3 to 1/3, but sadly that still wasn't enough.

My mediums were even worse :) - You saw me go into the pits shortly after I overtook you finally. I had to wait for Matheus to take over.

Well then, hats off to you on your race pace and your setup! It felt as you were on fresh rubber judging by your cornering speed, kudos!
Please, read again my original post. I said that the P2 cars are losing 2 or 3 seconds per lap, while GT cars pretend to not losing anything. I didn't say that the GT have to let the P2 by on the corner, I said they should be more cooperative entering the corners as is in real life.


you have to understand that our good nature is limited. I, as a GT driver, can fully understand the behaviour of someone of the GT´s. The LMPs use every single gap to go into it, doesnt matter which corner it is. The GT´s have to take care otherwise there would be much more incidents. If i wouldnt let some space sometimes yesterday, it would have result in an incident. And even we are doing our race. But noone cares about that. So i can understand it.
That was the first race of the RDLMS I had the pleasure of taking part in and it was awesome. I have very limited experience when it comes to endurance events and even less with multi-class endurance but I'm glad I took part and can't wait for Le Mans. Just a shame I can't drive for the full 24H lol

I done the quali and first stint and yes I qualied last in LMP (and yes I was quietly celebrating to myself when with 5 minutes or so to go of quali the was someone behind me but that soon changed lol :) ) but hey I had fun. I must say sorry to someone (not sure who though) I believe it was a yellow Ferrari coming through Village (i think) I did keep wide as I released I was not going to get passed you but still missjudged the speed difference which is why I made contact on corner exit so I am really sorry about that and hope that there was no damage caused.
Well 5th for us at Speedymite, I think we're all very happy with that result! :D

Had a really nice stint personally, felt very comfortable in the car. Had one major scary moment with about an hour and twenty minutes to go which the broadcast caught, when two GT's in front of me came together down the main straight and I had to slam on the anchors to avoid, somehow managed to without any contact.

For me (outside of a couple of cars) the racing and lapping with the GT's was fine. As I said after round one, as long as the GT car is clear and consistent with what they are doing it's generally all good, keeping in mind of course that the same applies to the Prototype as well. Apologies if there were a couple of times where I was making perhaps slightly more aggressive passes on GT's, the battle around where I was was quite close so I didn't want to lose too much time being stuck behind GT's for longer periods, especially toward the end before I passed for 5th and then had the recovering Atlantic crew closing in.

Main thing for me was some of the other Prototypes who were not quite at my pace and were behind us position and lap wise had a habit of not moving aside to let me through and actually fighting me as if it was for position, which ends up being a lose situation for both parties. Personally I find it to be more of an issue than the whole Prototype vs GT thing as the same thing happens at VEC and VLMS. There's having the whole "fight every battle" mentality and then there's taking it too far. I know everyone has their own race as well, but sometimes fighting such (realistically) redundant battles like that end up costing way more time than if the battle doesn't occur at all.

Anyway, to end on a positive note a big thanks to the organizers and a big congrats to the commentary crew for putting on another awesome show for the broadcast. Also very well done to the top 3 in each class and to Mark and Geoffrey for their fantastic efforts with their stints in the car :D
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First of all my congrats to the organizers and broadcasters, top job! Really nothing to complain about! We have to realize how difficult is to manage such an event and thank them for all work and time they put into this.

I'm quite sorry to see always words between GT and P2 drivers, there shouldn't be any. But unfortunately, there are a lot of things to say.

I didn't have that many problems overall, but still I got frustrated in different occasions.

First many GT cars don't pay attention to other GT cars lapping them. You have to make room for the faster GTs cause we're racing the same race and it's not advisable, IT'S MANDATORY. We're not P2s, we have the same car and we cannot just push the throttle or brake 50 meters later to overtake you. So please, a little bit more patience and attention towards that.

Regarding P2s, I had fun many times being lapped with beautiful manuvers by different talented drivers, it really felt like a ''professional'' race in those moments.
But I've also been literally STOPPED in 1st gear in the chicane cause they made a mess with they're braking points, losing time on both sides.
Keeping out car in our racing line is the best solution, but not when P2s cross our ideal line to overtake us. I had to move from my line many times to avoid nasty crashes. And remember that if for you, moving from one side to another of the track is easy driving a P2, for us IT IS NOT. So do a couple of laps in Silverstone with a GT to realize maybe why we panic sometimes.

I'm not saying I didn't make any mistake and I'm sorry if I caused any problem to the P2 drivers.
I hope we will learn to best understand each other in the next events.

That said, thanks everybody for the race, it's been a blast!:thumbsup:
Thanks in particular to @Sfrost, the constant presence in my headset that kept me on track for 3 hours :inlove:
Interesting race for Racers in Pyjamas. Silverstone isn't the strongest track for Mike and myself so the end result was kind of up in the air. Qualifying P10 was perfectly fine, and with 6 hours to work with, anything could happen. Unfortunately, early issues with a flurry of stop-and-go's for very minor cut tracks due to the strict track limits caused us to serve about 2 of them making us lose precious time. Apart from that, it was a very quiet race on our side, which is a huge contrast to Round 1, with all the issues we had to deal with there.

I took over the car with a little less than 3 hours to go and drove essentially incident free for the rest of the race, just putting in laps and got us up to P9, missing P8 by about 6 seconds. Unfortunately, a driver who was a lap up on me, albeit significantly slower in terms of per-lap pace, thought it would be a good idea to battle me with about 20 or so minutes remaining. I'm still a little confused by the decision, as there was no tactical advantage to defending a position you weren't even going to lose anyway. Unfortunately, the time lost in that battle ended up being the time I needed to catch P8. :(:p

Once again, apart from a few issues, it was a very quiet race from us, a complete contrast to Round 1. Next up, Le Mans! See you guys then! :thumbsup:
Just wanted to ask if anyone saw me lagging or warping? I had no reports of it as such. I was livestreaming plus game obs and crewchief. Never had any problems before
Your car wasn't warping but it was lagging like hell. Sometimes your car appeared straight while you were already halfway in to the fast corners, your ping fluctuated like crazy from 100 up to 400-500 at times. Always scared when I was near you :p
Does anything happen in the last 30 minutes of the race? My teammate had twice a freeze within 5 minutes. The rest was running smooth apart from stuttering when LMP was lapping us, in DX11.
I am starting to wonder if people (not just you, no personal attack here Stefan) acutally read the driver announcements.
YES DX11 IS AVAILABLE. Good for you, all of you. However, both developer and organization have stated multiple times that DX11 is still in Beta and unstable, not recommended for usage with Enduracers (yet) etc. There are a lot of warnings given but then people still complain when they have stability issues.
Thanks for the heads up i guess also where my son was playing on internet as well didn't help. I think to play it safe for Lemans i won't live stream. I will leave that to the proper broadcasters who in fact did a great job. It looked great and presentation was really good. Just wanted to get into the booth to give my views of my stints. I waited in the green room and had a little chat with Thomas Hins before i went back to the team. Maybe i should of waited a bit more ..Its no big deal though.
Interesting race for us at MK Simsport, was my first LMP2 race and I learnt alot especially in traffic, so I apologise for any GT cars in which I may have squeezed or ran a little wide.

I want to apologise to the LMP2 entry which I took out when my PC decided to black screen just after the kink onto Wellington straight, I had no idea what had happened until I watched the replay back just now, and I do hope it didn't ruin your race, if it did then I feel awful for it considering I couldn't do anything!

Bar that, we recovered well from my disconnection to come from P12 up to P9 at the end. A top 5 finish could have been on, thanks to my team mates for their help and speed.

Time for Le Mans!!!
Your car wasn't warping but it was lagging like hell. Sometimes your car appeared straight while you were already halfway in to the fast corners, your ping fluctuated like crazy from 100 up to 400-500 at times. Always scared when I was near you :p

I am starting to wonder if people (not just you, no personal attack here Stefan) acutally read the driver announcements.
YES DX11 IS AVAILABLE. Good for you, all of you. However, both developer and organization have stated multiple times that DX11 is still in Beta and unstable, not recommended for usage with Enduracers (yet) etc. There are a lot of warnings given but then people still complain when they have stability issues.

You are right Ricardo.
The freeze happens on DX9, not DX11. And yes it was mentioned several time. But how you want to test it if not under race conditions? Yes, it can result in problems but that's how it works. Even DX9 have problems which you can't forecast. But that's OK. No offense against someone. Just a question.
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