RD Le Mans Series Season 7 (rFactor 2)

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@Daiman Patel is there a chance we could have a higher griplevel on the server? It is very poor and not that awesome to practice. :/

I can provide my 6000laps rubber file.

Cheers Max
You are more than welcome to provide me your .rrbin file for Silverstone, and I would be happy to use it; however, on the RACEDEPARTMENT.COM LMS R2 server, which is currently connected to the real-time weather service, the rubber will wash away as soon as it rains... and in sunny ol' England you never know when this may happen! :laugh: Meanwhile, the RACEDEPARTMENT.COM LMS DRY server can be set up to use your real-road file but my concern is that it won't be representative of the grip levels on the league server, which might give people a false sense of security. It's a difficult decision, because I appreciate that you would like more rubber on the road, but at the same time the weather conditions are forever changing and this can affect grip levels, and I'm reluctant to allow drivers to test on a track with grip levels that are beyond what would be expected on race day else we may have cars losing traction and causing incidents due to the lack of familiarity. As it is, real-road is set to build up at 3x the normal rate on the R2 server and 4x the normal rate on the DRY server during practice sessions, so I would expect it to build up again fairly quickly.
After Gijs lowered the fog setting (before Daiman changed the time speed), i could even drive at dusk (the worst ambient light visibility-wise) without many issues. It's not perfect, but as far as i can gather representative of real life visibility in clear weather. Just my opinion... And although this race will be held in mostly daylight, we should still test things like this for the upcoming races and learn stuff like this before raceday, so this is a plus :)
@Daiman Patel

Just a IF question:

If S397 do release the new update on 1st May, as planned, are we using it?

1st May build release will be a DX9 build and a beta DX11 build. Both builds will be compatible online. Only difference is the graphics pipeline.

Switching builds: i guess it's done in steam by choosing a "beta" build.

DX9 or DX11: Choice is up to you. :)
1st May build release will be a DX9 build and a beta DX11 build. Both builds will be compatible online. Only difference is the graphics pipeline.

Switching builds: i guess it's done in steam by choosing a "beta" build.

DX9 or DX11: Choice is up to you. :)
Thank you very much for the information and heads up Gijs. :D Based on my understanding of the latest Roadmap Update from Studio 397, this will be a client-side option that can probably be selected from under the 'Betas' menu (via Steam) as you have already said, and shall presumably be a Build 1108 update which means that the server itself does not need to be updated (there should actually be no reason to update the dedicated server, since I expect the changes to only affect clients).

So the choice will ultimately be yours guys! :whistling: We shall make an announcement, with guidance and recommendations, once the update has been released.

EDIT: as @Damian Baldi has rightly said in his post below, it will be possible to switch between the DX9 and DX11 version, without affecting your ability to access the server, so if you do experience any issues during testing then you can always revert to the current build of the game.
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It's that time again... I would like to remind all teams to submit their livery files, if they have not done so already, for Round 2. All and any new entrants must submit skin files, else they risk not being able to participate in the race; thank you to those who have already sent me the liveries for their cars, these shall be processed soon. If you participated in the previous round then you are not required to (re)submit files, however you are more than welcome to submit a revised or new skin for the upcoming race.

The final version of the custom car / skin pack before Round 2 (v2.0) shall be released on Saturday 29th April; the submission deadline shall be exactly one week from today, on Friday 28th April at 23:59 GMT. If you are unable to provide a skin then please contact me as soon as possible so that provisions may be made.

For the benefit of those teams who are yet to send their files, the instructions for creating and submitting your custom livery can be found here. Please send your files to me (@Daiman Patel) by uploading them to a reputable online repository and providing the download link via a PM containing the necessary details (refer to the instructions for more information).

It's that time again... I would like to remind all teams to submit their livery files, if they have not done so already, for Round 2. All and any new entrants must submit skin files, else they risk not being able to participate in the race; thank you to those who have already sent me the liveries for their cars, these shall be processed soon. If you participated in the previous round then you are not required to (re)submit files, however you are more than welcome to submit a revised or new skin for the upcoming race.

The final version of the custom car / skin pack before Round 2 (v2.0) shall be released on Saturday 29th April; the submission deadline shall be exactly one week from today, on Friday 28th April at 23:59 GMT. If you are unable to provide a skin then please contact me as soon as possible so that provisions may be made.

For the benefit of those teams who are yet to send their files, the instructions for creating and submitting your custom livery can be found here. Please send your files to me (@Daiman Patel) by uploading them to a reputable online repository and providing the download link via a PM containing the necessary details (refer to the instructions for more information).
A heads up for DX11 regarding your Skins:

Guidelines: https://www.studio-397.com/guidelines-for-artists/

This is actually nothing new and applies to DX9 aswell to avoid "washed out" colors.

Albedo range: Black and white range:

rF2's black and white range is a bit different as you would see in photoshop/gimp.
Especially the white range:
Anything from 210(grey) to 255(full white) will show as full white in rF2.

To put is simple:
- white / light grey (210) = white in rF2
- anything above (210 white) = overexposed white (aka washed out colors)

If you already have a dark car skin or your car skin doesn't overexpose in DX9: You are OK. :thumbsup:

What's new for DX11:

The 210-255 overexposed white rang in DX9 will be get a bloom effect in DX11.


How to quickly update car skins:

  • Open your file in Photoshop. On top of all layers add these two FX layers:

  • They will be used to lower the white output and the global color saturation. Here is the skin before using the two FX layers:

    and here is the same skin with the FX layers setup:

    With these settings being used:

    And finally, here is a preview of the skin in-game, before and after the fix:
Yeah but if never driven a sunny evening with fog? I live in the UK. It seems like haze is acting as fog in this server. If there is nothing to be done fine, but if there is it will make it better. When summer gets hazy it's usually 1.5 miles visibility not 30 or 40 metres surely?
dude suck it up bro, the best of the best rise to the top racing is born on that premise :)
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