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Well I'm thinking I'm gonna have to quit this championship... 2 races and 2 crashes to desktop. I raced the other night at Macau fine no problems. I don't know why this is happening.... Grats on the podium. So fed up!
Have you read the instruction in the first pm of this championship? It's recommended to close all background programs on your pc when running this series. As there are 24plus different vehicles and cars loaded it can be quite a strain on some systems. Yours obviously is one of those systems if this regularly happens.

Instead of quitting why not just fix the issue instead?
Have you read the instruction in the first pm of this championship? It's recommended to close all background programs on your pc when running this series. As there are 24plus different vehicles and cars loaded it can be quite a strain on some systems. Yours obviously is one of those systems if this regularly happens.

Instead of quitting why not just fix the issue instead?
i don't have anything running in the background Bram. i run the game exactly as i have always done and its only this last 3 weeks that this problem has occured. nothing has changed in my system. i have reinstalled the game twice. i will run on lower settings next time but i'm stumped as not had this in the previous 2 years of playing RRE
i don't have anything running in the background Bram. i run the game exactly as i have always done and its only this last 3 weeks that this problem has occured. nothing has changed in my system. i have reinstalled the game twice. i will run on lower settings next time but i'm stumped as not had this in the previous 2 years of playing RRE
I don't think it's relevant but when I had issues with disconnects I moved steam to a separate ssd completely and also a fresh windows, I think I have over a year without a disconnect. I also run msconfing on windows and turn off any backroom bullcrapshit
I don't think it's relevant but when I had issues with disconnects I moved steam to a separate ssd completely and also a fresh windows, I think I have over a year without a disconnect. I also run msconfing on windows and turn off any backroom bullcrapshit
I'll give that a go with msconfig... I don't have space on my ssd to do that. It's not connection issues though the game just locked up and had to ctrl alt del to get out and close down. It's strange.
I don't think it's relevant but when I had issues with disconnects I moved steam to a separate ssd completely and also a fresh windows, I think I have over a year without a disconnect. I also run msconfing on windows and turn off any backroom bullcrapshit
Kinda a mixed race for me.

Pace was really good and consistent, which it wasn't @ Silverstone. But had 2 spins and a massive mistake trying to go 3wide into Turn 1 where i out-braked myself and collected 1 car with me:notworthy: Then at the exit of my pitstop i took the limiter of too soon and got a Drive-Through penalty.

Can't be too disappointed for P11 with all these mistakes.
At least pace was really promising for the rest of the rounds.

Ps. Thanks all for the clean racing. Especially @Bram Hengeveld and @Matt Le Gallez
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Everything was going to plan until my pit stop, it took 2 attempts to even pit and then it all went wrong loaded a profile and then hit cancel pit stop and had to do a drive by down the pit lane.. Next attempt its seemed to take ages to activate and start fuelling my car.(i was just glad to be still in the race). So after a nice drive to low teens before the pit stops started and ended last again after my pit stop fun. Hoping for better luck next time with a bit more practice. :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

Nice racing guys with the cars around me, especially at the beginning when it was a bit tight, :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Kinda a mixed race for me.

Pace was really good and consistent, which it wasn't @ Silverstone. But had 2 spins and a massive mistake trying to go 3wide into Turn 1 where i out-braked myself and collected 1 car with me:notworthy: Then at the exit of my pitstop i took the limiter of too soon and got a Drive-Through penalty.

Was me you took in turn one. At first I thought u were closer when we braked but now when I looked at the replay. O man you really missed the braking point there.
Lost a couple places and couldn't get the pace to get to the place I lost.

Well I finished 7th and not very happy about it but a top 10 finish.
Did a mistake the lap before pitstop and there I lost about 10 sec.

Had a good fight to that last corners with cyrille at the end of the race.
@SweAlex Yeah, i just couldn't see any of my braking point markers. Was also a case of really back luck that you were just at the apex when i was coming, otherwise i would've just went REALLY wide. Was strugglin' with braking into T1 even if i was on my own, so the move i tried to make was utterly idiotic and straight up Maldonado sh*t:notworthy: Sorry about it again :cry:
I had a good race and definitely showed that I'm able to fight in the top 5. 4th or even 3rd would have been possible if I didn't mess up. In the early stage I had a good battle with Myhre and Vandevenne for P4. Then I managed to get into P3 after Robert made a small mistake. However, not even a lap later I spun and fell back to 6th.
My pitstop wasn't that good either. I lost almost 10 seconds to everyone around me. I came back just behind Cyrille and was stuck behind him for at least 20 or 30 minutes. That Bentley just pulled away on every straight and makes me fear of how bad the 650S will be at Monza. Eventually I did get past with a little bit of a dive bomb, and finished 6th.
So, a little disappointing because top 4 was possible, but I said I was aiming for top 10 which I did get :)
See you at Monza ;)
I would like to begin by apologising to Cyrille Saussey! I missed my braking point into turn 9 causing him to spin. I know you don't have to wait with it being a League race but due to guilt i pulled over at the safest opportunity and let him back through (i'd been staring at his rear bumper for roughly 35 minutes by this point).
We both lost about 4 positions due to my mistake. After gaining back a few lost positions it was time to pit. I soon realized i'd made a huge mistake with fuel (adding too much) making my pit stop 25 seconds longer than my rivals on track. Finished up in 10th position which i was happy about after realising my lack of top speed with the RUF and my mistakes with fuel and contact. Again, sorry Cyrille for the contact, and thanks to everyone else involved for a great race! See you all at Monza!
OK, I viewed my vid and while I had some good battles, most notably with @Giannis Christodoulou, @Steve Le Gallez and @Quentis Gillispie, I need to make some apologies. First to @Quentis Gillispie for the tap down in Dunlop Bend. No excuses, I just got too close and couldn't adjust to your braking in the turn. Waited for you to get back on track but you obviously lost a couple of positions, so my apologies. I also t-boned you earlier at Ravenol Bend after you and @Giannis Christodoulou tangled but I had swerved to try to avoid Giannis and got into the grass, losing all control, so that was unavoidable.
And finally, my apologies to @PaulH for the tap at the Veedol Chicane. Don't know if you braked early due to the cars right in front or what but I wasn't expecting you to brake where you did and bumped you, causing you to spin out and lose several positions. Once again, my apologies.
Kinda worried about Monza with the weak brakes on this Vette since Monza is basically "go fast, brake hard, repeat". I'll have to do better, or maybe you guys can just pull over and let me by when I come up behind you:p:p:p.
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Enjoyed this race a bit more than the first. Terrible start by me 1st corner my gears slipped to 1st gear, which then made me spin putting me to the back of the field. :redface:
Started to make up places due to other driver error's rather than passes but then had a tap then sent me back down the field(no problem @Mike Wyatt I did have to start braking a little early as the cars in front seemed to brake early :thumbsup:)
Then came my pitstop, carrying way too much fuel at start, overshot my pit stall :redface: put too much fuel in at pitstop seemed to go on forever filling up, car was like a slug for the remainder of the race.
Well done all, a very good high quality field of drivers, just glad to score some points :thumbsup:
@Mike Wyatt actually the Vette is very good on the brakes, at least comparing between my Camaro and Adrian's Vette, he was braking way later. Be sure to have 100 brake pressure and try not to miss downshifts as that will increase the braking zone a bit.
Put 58/42 bias or as close as possible to 50/50 without locking up as having all 4 brake id better than a more front bias brake.
@Mike Wyatt actually the Vette is very good on the brakes, at least comparing between my Camaro and Adrian's Vette, he was braking way later. Be sure to have 100 brake pressure and try not to miss downshifts as that will increase the braking zone a bit.
Put 58/42 bias or as close as possible to 50/50 without locking up as having all 4 brake id better than a more front bias brake.
My brake pressure is at 100% but I'm running 54/46 on the bias. I tried adjusting it to the rear in practice but my crew chief told me I was locking up my rears so I moved it back to where it was. Maybe it's just my lack of driving skills and reaction time but I'll work on it again in the coming weeks and see what I can do. I just heard about engine braking from Bram so I'm going to try to incorporate that into my skill set before Monza but it's difficult teaching an old dog new tricks as they say. :confused:

Thanks for the tips:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:.
I would like to begin by apologising to Cyrille Saussey! I missed my braking point into turn 9 causing him to spin. I know you don't have to wait with it being a League race but due to guilt i pulled over at the safest opportunity and let him back through (i'd been staring at his rear bumper for roughly 35 minutes by this point).
We both lost about 4 positions due to my mistake. After gaining back a few lost positions it was time to pit. I soon realized i'd made a huge mistake with fuel (adding too much) making my pit stop 25 seconds longer than my rivals on track. Finished up in 10th position which i was happy about after realising my lack of top speed with the RUF and my mistakes with fuel and contact. Again, sorry Cyrille for the contact, and thanks to everyone else involved for a great race! See you all at Monza!

No problem, I tried to said "Thank you" by flashing my front lights while you let me pass in the straight and try to flash 3 times my brake lights to show you I liked your fair-play. But it could be understood as angry flashes, so I clarify this ^^.

For the whole race @Matt Le Gallez , @BrianB and @SweAlex. You put me in an intense defensive race. The first 30 minutes with you matt, then we got a contact and I don't remember who go to pit first or if something else happened, nevermind.

I pitted, then Brian came to me, and I knew that Alex would follow :D. So I tried to win as much time as possible, I changed my lines: slow in, fast out, it works well for a looooong times, and my tyres started to go, I couldn't put the power to the floor anymore, not early enough at least. You finally got me off guard, I was not expecting it. Good job to you :thumbsup:.

Same thing for you @SweAlex , I was feeling you really passive, then you jump on my side at the same place as Brian, GG.

We were three guys who got contacts, spun or other bad thing and all wanted to get the "one more point". We are all disapointed with our final position because it could been better, but the thrill was really good for me. Thanks you everyone.

One question: could we get extra points for each minutes passed in the spotlight of the stream? :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
Same thing for you @SweAlex , I was feeling you really passive, then you jump on my side at the same place as Brian, GG.

We were three guys who got contacts, spun or other bad thing and all wanted to get the "one more point". We are all disapointed with our final position because it could been better, but the thrill was really good for me. Thanks you everyone.

One question: could we get extra points for each minutes passed in the spotlight of the stream? :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

I feelt a little frustrated about what happened in the beginning of the race and when I saw you were hard to pass, I put my self behind you hoping you to do a mistake. Look were I could have a change. When the clock ticking almost to zero I felt. I really really really wanted that position so I saw the opportunity and I just took it. "Last second"
I should take a look at the replay if I have it and see it again.
@Mike Wyatt we seem to be "dance partners", two races in a row :). I too enjoy racing with you, your driving inspires trust especially in side by side situations :thumbsup:
I completely messed up my spin recovery. Unfortunately as the car spun around, I was completely disorientated, thought i was in the big run off area at right before realizing i was looking backwards. I tried to get away but in my panic i wasnt in gear :p Haven't watched the replay yet though, doesnt have the stomach to see my idiotic mistakes again :O_o:
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