RD GP Championship 2017 II

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Just to pre-warn...:(

Not sure what's going on but my PC did a large Windows 10 Update last night and now all my Steam games are crashing constantly.

Just checking various drivers, etc. to try and figure out what's wrong. Also checking NVidia settings as last time Windows did an update like this, it updated the Nvidia drivers and thoroughly upset the PC! :rolleyes:

Hoping I'll be ok for tomorrow (fingers crossed) :)
Just to pre-warn...:(

Not sure what's going on but my PC did a large Windows 10 Update last night and now all my Steam games are crashing constantly.

Just checking various drivers, etc. to try and figure out what's wrong. Also checking NVidia settings as last time Windows did an update like this, it updated the Nvidia drivers and thoroughly upset the PC! :rolleyes:

Hoping I'll be ok for tomorrow (fingers crossed) :)
Try a clean install of the latest Nvidia drivers. Not updating them. That should solve your problem.
Yeah that's what I'm going to try matey. Worked last time when this happened :rolleyes:

Started having issues last night with Raceroom but didn't think that much of it, now it's crashing AMS as well.

Hmmmm, updated to the latest drivers but no luck so far. As soon as I land in the car on the server AMS crashes back to desktop.

Unfortunately I need to be at work for 7am so need to get some sleep, have some time before the race tomorrow so I'll keep trying then.

Next on the list is a verifiy files check, just in case.
Well I stayed up till 1am.

Latest nvidia drivers installed (30th November) useful in any case to be up to date.

Verified the files, one file replaced.

Also removed Evohud just in case.

So far so good it seems...fingers crossed :)

Bit of a shame though as I wanted to do a one hour practice race last night, not spend three hours trying to get it running. Haha.

Good luck to everyone for tonight hope you have a good race :)
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Good luck tonight, everyone!

@Andrew Harper I had similar issue last week. Then steam said couldn't find the games exe file and I tried pointing to it but not luck. Tried to reverify the files no luck. Reinstalled game still dint work. Left it for two days and I'm not back in business aha.

Hope all is sorted now for you buddy. The joys of pcs aha
Okay, I'm pissed. It's the second time in my many years of league racing, that I left a race. But I'm fed up with all the issues. The crashes due to session restarts, the improperly set up servers, the mess around the rules, and the constant chaos that seems to plague this championship. And I know you guys can do better, I've participated in many amazingly organized ones here.

Had an amazing start at the first green flag, and was up to 13th when the race was red flagged. The positions were not kept, which if we're following the IRL race formats, should have been, but whatever. Then AMS crashed due to the race restart for half the field. Then I got into a different grid spot, eventhough I theoretically started from the same position as the first attempt. It was said that the new race distance will be lowered by 5 laps, adjusted fuel and strategy according to that, just to see 10 laps added to everyone then. This time my start wasn't that good, tried to avoid mayhem in T1, but seems like I was alone with this, as I got hit from all corners in the process, damage all around the car, downforce all messed up from that point. I even had an unlucky accident two laps later with @Frans van der Linden I think, who entered T1 at an unusually slow pace I wasn't prepared for, and we both spun out, sorry about that Frans! And the cherry on the cake was the crash due to the damaged car, where I lost my rear wing.

Sorry guys, but I'm considering to resign from the league... Never did that, ever. But this is not fun. Spitting in the face of all the practice, preparation and concentration with such amateur mistakes from event to event. And I love you guys, no hard feelings against any of the racers or organizers, don't take this personal. But I didn't sign up for this, I hope you can understand that.

P.S.: I know I'll calm down after a few days, but I couldn't swallow all these feelings. Was really looking forward to this race. So take my rant with a pinch of salt.
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Okay, I'm pissed. It's the second time in my many years of league racing, that I left a race. But I'm fed up with all the issues. The crashes due to session restarts, the improperly set up servers, the mess around the rules, and the constant chaos that seems to plague this championship. And I know you guys can do better, I've participated in many amazingly organized ones here.

Had an amazing start at the first green flag, and was up to 13th when the race was red flagged. The positions were not kept, which if we're following the IRL race formats, should have been, but whatever. Then AMS crashed due to the race restart for half the field. Then I got into a different grid spot, eventhough I theoretically started from the same position as the first attempt. It was said that the new race distance will be lowered by 5 laps, adjusted fuel and strategy according to that, just to see 10 laps added to everyone then. This time my start wasn't that good, tried to avoid mayhem in T1, but seems like I was alone with this, as I got hit from all corners in the process, damage all around the car, downforce all messed up from that point. I even had an unlucky accident two laps later with @Frans van der Linden I think, who entered T1 at an unusually slow pace I wasn't prepared for, and we both spun out, sorry about that Frans! And the cherry on the cake was the crash due to the damaged car, where I lost my rear wing.

Sorry guys, but I'm considering to resign from the league... Never did that, ever. But this is not fun. Spitting in the face of all the practice, preparation and concentration with such amateur mistakes from event to event. And I love you guys, no hard feelings against any of the racers or organizers, don't take this personal. But I didn't sign up for this, I hope you can understand that.

P.S.: I know I'll calm down after a few days, but I couldn't swallow all these feelings. Was really looking forward to this race. So take my rant with a pinch of salt.
I do deeply apologise for the SC issues which caused the red flag. The 10 laps were added due to the 20 minute delay for the race start and I realise this should have not happened.

The server was set up correctly for round 1, but the game had updates since that round and the server updated too. As we never normally have a big accident that calls the SC Ever it was a massive surprise to us all.

As for the incidents themselves, I cannot comment on that, but I have been handing out penalties for racing incidents throughout.
HELLO shot mouth! this car security system is really odd, 2 races ruined because of that, the car does not always come at the right time. why not safety for the 2nd start? I am in the pile up with damage and no cars ...... in the first race, it comes out, then it's the total bazarre ..... we spend hours training to finally s' give it back to the lottery ..... try to see that again, thank you .... very disappointed
Well that was interesting. I apologize to whoever I tapped the rear end to and knocked around at the hairpin on the first start after all the "excitement".

I know the organizers put in a lot of time and effort. I think we can all appreciate that. It is too bad there were so many issues. It was fun still. I had a couple of great battles and enjoyed that. Most of the driving was very clean so that was nice too. I think I saw a lapped driver aggressively racing and defending against Matt L. but other than that it was okay. Also, the last minute change on the number of laps played a big role in tires and pit stops. I think that saving 12 minutes in racing was not a good decision. Although I can think of at least one person who probably didn't mind as I was gaining 1.5 seconds per lap the last 3 laps on the car in front, but I fell 1.6 seconds behind. So having a setup that was designed to save tires didn't help much once the race length changed. Anyways, still was fun.

As a random thought for RD. If there is anyone that withdraws from the series I think you should not penalize them at all. Just my two cents.

Thanks to the drivers, organizers, and congrats to Ferdinand and Matt!
All race long I thought "there will be a lot of complaining in the race thread" :p and quite rightly so IMHO.
I don't have a problem with the 1st restart if that's due to the latest update (don't know if the admins can see it easily on the gui or if it can be easily checked) .. bit unfortunate, but **** happens.
Since I suffered a disconnect in the pre-race, I don't have a problem to restart if half the field vanishes either. What I do have a problem with however is restarting the race, knowing that there will be laps deducted. Why not shorten the race-lenght, then restart the race? I think this would avoid some confusion (all race long, crew chief gave me blue flag warnings when there was no car or no lapping car behind me for example).
Oh well, you live and learn. I mean, it's not like the admins do that on purpose. But maybe they should consider issues like these when they interact with the drivers, cause sometimes they appear to be very rude.

Anyways, about the races.
Did a very good lap (for my standard anyways) while practicing 3 weeks ago. 15.5 or 15.8, can't remember. Anyways, was looking forward to the race. Unfortunately, due to illness and work related stuff, I didn't do any laps since then. When I joined the practice session, I was not only 1.5 seconds slower than on my PB, but I also remembered I didn't think about strategy at all. I know that the pit lane is hella long here, so 1 stop would make sense. But how is the tyre wear (especially considering that I am not too gently on tyres)?
Decided to fill up the car, drive as long as possible and decide on the fly if I stop once or twice.
1st race start was meh, lost a couple of positions and was a victim in the crash that triggered the SC. Right there I thought "SC... surely they'll red-flag the race", but no, we kept racing until the race was subsequently red-flagged.
2nd race start was mega, but obviously half the field was missing.
3rd start was ok, but went wide in T1. Lost a couple of positions. Didn't have too many battles, but the shortened race lenght meant I would definately try a 1-stopper. This meant I was running higher than what my pace allowed after y'all stopped for the first time. Tried not to fight too hard for positions since my tyres were gone anyways. Had a moment with one of the le Gallez (don't remember which one... the guy in the Castrol car ;) ) who defended very... hard so that I had to go onto the grass. Thought the move was a bit cheeky, but ok.
Other than that, nothing else of note happened.
Just wish I didn't disconnect at Hockenheim, was much stronger there.
Well..what to say! Qualifying went well for me, actually ran probably my fastest time on my final flying lap to qualify alongside my team mates in P6, however due to all the oddities going on with the restart and having to rejoin, I bizarrely started in 28h!

Had an okay start, and went round the outside of T1 to avoid the chaos, only to get caught up in it and get a little front end damage. Anyway, the comeback began, and I managed to work my way into the top 10, had a fantastic time battling with some guys, the car felt awesome and was possibly a little too ambitious to overtake Carlos and spun, costing me a fair amount of time which came back to bite me at the end.

Decided to go for a 2 stopper, which although put me on the back foot, meant I had a huge amount of pace, if only I had one more lap I could have overtaken Tom but it was a great game of cat and mouse between us, and the race itself was awesome.

Making up 20 places or so by the end, most certainly my most challenging and fun race I've had in a long, long time. Had a blast, can't wait for Adelaide!
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