RD GP Championship 2017 II

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Wow. Not impressed. I thought I had served the penalty but I got DQ'd. Why do we have a Auto DQ system? Abslutely ruined it even though I took the penalty.
When you did the pit stop, that did not count as a drive through. You need to do the drive through seperate to your pit stop. The Auto DQs are on for those not serving their penalty - as you did not.

And for the reasons I got the penalty? Now I will hold my hand straight up and lift well off, If I ever make a gain. At no point in that race did I intentionally run wide and I never once cut turn 1.

Yes I ran wide but not by very much at all. And on the occasions that I did run wide I got back on track as soon as I could and lifted off. This must have been only a few times at different points and running that wide never gains you an advantage due ot the turf and curbing. When people ran wide in front of me, that gave me opportunity to overtake (When I didn't run wide anyways).
You had been spotted 6 times extending turn one, even if not on purpose this is way too many times. Like other drivers extending turn one, they too got penalties.

But the worst part of it all. The Safety Car. I was so angry that a safety car was bought out for NO reason. Deal with it properly in the future. You don't see that happening in any other racing series, real or virtual, in the world and is one of the most ridiculous moments I have ever experienced whilst Sim Racing.
I have seen this in real world series - in fact I have seen red flags pulled out for drivers' actions on track. This was my way of getting everyone to listen - and it worked. The amount of people cutting was reduced from around 20 to about 5 people. So, in Race Control this was our only way to get people to listen.

Before this I was focused and in my zone, adrenaline pumping and without warning I am getting shouted at about track limits also before the safety car. STOP THIS!!! You are ruining the competition by doing such acts.
No, drivers are not following rules and it is race control's position to ensure these rules are followed.

But to top it all off I got DQ'd. Why are we not following RDLMS lead? because not once has there been issues of this severity in an event.
Again, you got DQ'd due to exceeding track limits and this league is nothing like RDLMS. The reason there are no DQs in that is because of the length of the events and the amount of stewards there are.

This has got off to a worse start that Season 6 (somehow).
I don't believe this is true, and I think that most of those racing would agree.

Please DO NOT use Teamspeak to shout down the mic for track limits ever again or just to voice your opinion.

It astounds me that was thought of, as an appropriate action!
Again, we used TS to ensure that people started to follow the rules. I did mention about track limits during the driver's briefing but this fell on deaf ears. We had to do something about it, so I believe that we made the correct call.

Sometimes people don't realise that some difficult split-second decisions have to be made in race control as well as dealing with some inappropriate conduct from drivers. Just like you put many hours of practice in, we put many hours of organisation in making sure concerns are listened to and appropriate measures are taken to relieve them.

I had 4 freezes last night, one right after my first lap in qualy. Been racing here for years, did several championships as well, but with the RDGPC servers this seems to be a broad issue. I'm even concerned that it's something on the server side, as the number of freezes/disconnects around the field is hitting a top I've never seen here. Don't know if it's related to the skinpack or some server conflict, but I hope @Joseph Wright and the team can do some magic in the coming month.

Edit: This was also a widespread issue in the preseason race.

Edit #2: There are some non-standard skins for several teams that might have to do with the problems. Like x2-x4 the normal resolution, stretching the 32bit memory limits. Pit box designs also take up valuable memory and should probably be ditched from the pack.
As these concerns were never raised to staff members at pre-season it was never looked into. However, as they have now been raised (and I believe were the cause of most people's games crashing at some point), it is being looked into and will be amended before Round 2.

Had some nice, clean battles and only made contact once ;) When the VSC was called, @ASTE/ Gorace was on the limiter veeeery early (dunno if he didn't catch the briefing... btw, @Joseph Wright, shouldn't there be a forums post when the rules change?). Anyways, there was some confusion at that moment, and me deciding to give the place back under VSC surely didn't help. Slowed down, but so did the guys behind me :D Maybe allow chat for important stuff like that under VSC? Decided to give the spot back after T1 under green, with the result of me absolutely getting mugged going into the hairpin by @Tom Watts and @Dan ONeill. After going 3-wide into the corner, we made a bit of contact, but nothing major I hope. As I said, that was the only time things got a bit tricky.
I do apologise for this as the decision was made very late on. And that was my mistake. However, Im glad you got it all sorted out between you and the rules will be ammended with the correct course of action over the next few days.

Well done to all those taking part and a shame for those with engine issues! I hope to see you all at Round 2 next month! This looks like its going to be a tough championship - will anyone be able to catch Ferdinand? Good luck with the remainder of the season!
With regards to my dq, just realised it was a drive through penalty not a stop and go. That's why I thought I had served it.

Due to your poor attitude and the way you communicate and approach situations, I am withdrawing MK Simsport from the RDGPC. Penalties are for an advantage gained.

Dan and Tom are free to continue (Not as MK Simsport), but yet again the poor attitude and the way you approach these situations and implementing the rules is not acceptable.

I do not appreciate the tone you take with all the drivers on racedepartment and find you to be consistantly rude.

In addition you have still not addressed the entry into the stadium section which was cut every lap by drivers around me.

If this affects our RDLMS entry then so be it. However the reason why I race there, is I have trust in the organisers and stewards. Here I do not. And for the 3rd season in a row nothing has changed.
And as it turns out I have to pay a subscription to watch the race on twitch. What an absolute joke when you don't even provide live racers or any sort of live timing.

Organisers have delusions granduer I feel.

I had no issues with the VSC for Race Control warning/note on cutting. Because:
1. Track limits are in the rules
2. They are mentioned in the briefing
3. People kept abusing them in Q and race
4. We were warned by RC without SC, we didn't listen
5. We got RC warning us again using VSC and people still kept doing it and got penalized and then kept on bitching RC on TS

And, penalties aren't just for when you gain an advantage by breaking rules, they are simply for breaking rules.

I get that you're upset when things didn't go how you wanted. But even sleeping on it didn't change your approach so I think your attitude is the issue here.

Edit: Deleted the last sentence. It was a bit out of line, apologies, Matt!
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I respect your opinion but if you think that SC was acceptsble and the way we were shouted at over ts.

My boss doesn't do that. I do not expect to get that attitude outside of work in what is a hobby.

I am not moaning as it did not go how I wanted to go. It was one of the most exciting races I have ever had. Fair play exceeding track limits is a rule bit you cannot fairly police it. again I mention the corner into stadium section which was ignored and was were you did gain time if you ran wide. What hurt was being dq'd after I though o had taken the Penalty.

Quite frankly i have had run ins with his poor attitude in the past and his time to drivers is unnaceptable. Remember when got take out on the last lap and decided to have a rant at me. I have seen this attitude before and it has questioned whether i would continue at rd, however the rdlms is the only reason I am here.

Time for pastures new me thinks.
I respect your opinion but if you think that SC was acceptsble and the way we were shouted at over ts.

My boss doesn't do that. I do not expect to get that attitude outside of work in what is a hobby.
I would like to say that many of us take this hobby of ours quite seriously. And in that light what we experienced in the race was fine and justified based on the things I listed. But at the same time you're taking this more seriously than anyone else it seems so... I'm confused :D
I'm confused as well. Had a great clean race.

No I'm not going bother quite frankly Joseph. Your attitude has been consistently poor and the way you comminicate with members, not just me, is infuriating. We could pm, but I am done with RD and I start to see why there is negativity towards racedepartment generally in the sim racing community.

As I am banned for 6 months what can you do now anyway? Stop me posting. Feel free as this is my last post on RD.
As these concerns were never raised to staff members at pre-season it was never looked into. However, as they have now been raised (and I believe were the cause of most people's games crashing at some point), it is being looked into and will be amended before Round 2.
Cheers Joseph! :thumbsup:
During the preseason there were many issues with server setup, restarts, bunch of people falling out the server, etc. It was hard to see clearly which one could have been the cause, and my instinct would have pointed to the restarts. But now it seems legit that there is something else in the background, as now all went as planned from an organization point of view.

Thanks for looking into this! If I can be of any help, feel free to drop me a PM. ;)
1. I lost 3rd on the run to T1, but got it back right away, then took 2nd towards Parabolica. I didn't seem to be fast enough though and tried to follow Matt, but that's where my biggest strategy flaw occured: I clearly should've gone for 2 stops from the start as I was lapping 1 - 2 slower than before, thus giving Matt a nice gap to me before I noticed my mistake. One stop could've been possible, but that would have been too slow. I started to chase him down near the end, dropping my gap from 16s to under 3s, but it was too late.

2. Peter Lee kept joining my car. Did that have a purpose or was it a misplaced button command, that accidentally kept distracting me? Could you please refrain from that if it doesn't serve a purpose please, thank you.

3. The VSC was perfect for Ferdinand, thanks xD I actually slowed too early and gave Matt even more space:p

4. Speaking of Matt, looking into my rear view mirror after T1, seemed to run off a few times and was able to keep my slipstream towards Parabolica:sneaky: My pace dropped a bit as I was careful not to run wide anywhere because I wanted to avoid losing this result(even though my gap would've been big enough to serve it, but that's not how I roll).

5. Then again, nearly crashed running wide by accident at T1 when I was still 2nd I was still 2nd I believe. Would've crashed 9 out of 10 times:confused:
I'm confused as well. Had a great clean race.

No I'm not going bother quite frankly Joseph. Your attitude has been consistently poor and the way you comminicate with members, not just me, is infuriating. We could pm, but I am done with RD and I start to see why there is negativity towards racedepartment generally in the sim racing community.

As I am banned for 6 months what can you do now anyway? Stop me posting. Feel free as this is my last post on RD.
The rule about being banned is a bit stupid in this case. If you don’t agree with RD you are banned. It’s not a possibility to withdraw your team, you are being taking as a hostage. Doesn’t make sense.
The rule about being banned is a bit stupid in this case. If you don’t agree with RD you are banned. It’s not a possibility to withdraw your team, you are being taking as a hostage. Doesn’t make sense.
No. Its a LEAGUE BAN that has always been in place. You can still race in club events, just not the leagues.
No. Its a LEAGUE BAN that has always been in place. You can still race in club events, just not the leagues.
You think that makes it any better?
You don’t need to shout it - take it easy. I remember you asked Ferdinand to ask in a nicer way regarding the server and fixed setup - so please follow your own example.
You think that makes it any better?
You don’t need to shout it - take it easy. I remember you asked Ferdinand to ask in a nicer way regarding the server and fixed setup - so please follow your own example.
I put it in capital letters to make sure everyone understands that what it is. Again, this has been an RD rule for a long time so don't complain at me about it. You should know the rules and understand what you sign up for.
I put it in capital letters to make sure everyone understands that what it is. Again, this has been an RD rule for a long time so don't complain at me about it. You should know the rules and understand what you sign up for.
I did not sign up for dictatorship. You know what, the more I think about it, the less I want to participate in this league as long you are at the end of the steeringwheel. I am withdrawing from this league. You have a bad attitude Joseph.
First of all, people need to put personal differences aside when making arguments. Not only for the sake of keeping somewhat calm. But also because it does no good firing each other up. It also doesn't help anyones case when/if other staff-members read it. Yes tempers flare, and I've been in these situations myself. But this is also why it is advised to wait 24hrs before lodging a complain against other drivers. To give proper time to cool down.

I also would like to point out the general RD Racing League Regulations 6.1 when it comes to track limits. This does not mention any kind of F1-style advantage rule. We require drivers to stay on the track, and have done for many years.
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